Twenty seven

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"How did you know how to do that?" Bonnie hovered over us anxiously.

We were playing the waiting game. Nik stormed off and his minion stood guard at the door. Usually that wouldn't bother me but a very broody Elijah also watched me with that disapproving look of his.

"Afraid I don't know what you mean." I took my jacket off and used it to pillow under Tyler's head.

"You put yourself at unnecessary risk." Elijah sat in the teacher's chair.

"Yeah well we wouldn't be in this situation if someone didn't overreact when I have physical  contact with the opposite sex."

"Your head was like my Grams' grimoire."

"Full of mysteries, I guess." Not only did Kol teach me to respect the witches, I studied under them.

For a long time, I was the only vampire besides him they actually liked.

"Were you a witch before?"

"Bonnie, as much as I'd love to play twenty questions, we need to focus on Tyler. He'll wake any second and when he does he's going to be erratic. Right now we're sitting in a school full of potential targets."

"Right." She knelt down beside us. "What can I do?"

"Nothing." Hopefully whatever Nik was planning, he was doing it fast. "We'll need to start worrying if he bleeds from his eyes."

"What happens if he does that?" Caroline asked carefully.

"He'll vomit blood and eventually keel over." Stefan folded his arms, his tone annoyingly pleasant.

"Not helping." God I hated seeing Tyler like this.

He sat up with a gasp, clutching at his neck. "Klaus he-"

"Snapped your neck like a twig."

"Fuck you, Stefan." He could be more delicate. I turned back to Tyler. "You're in transition."

He paled. "What?"

"Stefan has a big mouth." I glanced behind him and he followed, only to freeze at the sight of Elijah glowering at him.

To be honest, if I wasn't already used to his disappointment, I'd be shitting my pants. He was fucking scary.

"Friends, indeed."

"Tyler is my friend."

"Lying is unbecoming." Elijah tutted.

"Technically not a lie." I pointed out. "We are friends." In public. I wanted to make a joke about Tyler not being able to keep his hands to himself, but that'd probably be in poor taste.

"Yep. Friends. That's all we are." Tyler was practically on the verge of hyperventilating. "No funny business."

"I don't know, chewing on my sister's face seems kind of like funny business to me."

"Stop stoking the fire." I snatched a fallen pencil off the floor and chucked it at him.

Annoyingly, he caught it. "No."

"I will snap your neck."

"And I'll come back."

"Fuck you."

"Children, please." Elijah stood. "That's enough. I think it's quite time Morgan and I speak privately."

"I don't want to do that." I really did not want to do that.

"It's not a choice, dear one. I'm certain Miss Forbes and Miss Bennett can provide Tyler Lockwood with adequate company." He strolled forward me, offering his hand. "Stand."

"Fine." It's not as if it was an invitation anyway.

Elijah used his speed.

We stopped in the middle of the woods.

I used to love these trees. Used to play games out here with my brothers and hide away from Giuseppe. "Why can't I just like a boy?"

He put his hands in his pockets. "When you've found a suitor that meets my standards, I'll allow it."

"When I've-" I laughed incredulously. "Tyler is no suitor. We're just having fun."

Elijah hummed.

"He's actually kind of helping, inadvertently. When I first woke up from being daggered, all I wanted was blood, and then since he and I are..." Oh god. This was embarrassing. "The need for blood hasn't been as strong."

"He is a means to an end?"

"He makes me feel like I'm not so alone. Someone that's outside of the family that I don't have to worry about keeping from the supernatural and that I can't hurt as easily as a human."

Elijah's eyes narrowed. "And if he survives this transition?"

"I don't know. I just want the opportunity to explore something more." If I could get Elijah to agree, then Nik wouldn't do anything. Not when Elijah got final say when it came to me. "Please."

"Alright." Really? "On the condition that there are no more disappearances. I must know where you are at any given point in time."

"Done." Easiest deal I've ever made. It was practically his blessing. "Since you're being so agreeable... could Damon be freed?"


"What? Why?!"

"Damon's imprisonment is contingent on your behavior." He leaned against the nearest tree. "You know what it will take to free him, and yet you still haven't fulfilled your end of the agreement."

"How did you-"

"I'm your guardian. Your teachers agreed to notify me if you missed a class."

Fuckers. I crossed my arms sullenly. "Don't trust me?" His brow rose. "Okay fine, but Tyler was just checking on me. He saw that I was upset."

"No more missing classes."

"I won't."

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