Forty one

901 39 5

"Did he-" Tyler whispered.

"No." I sat against the wall, staring at the floor, my knees to my chest. "He was just trying to scare me."

The chains were looser today.

"He fucking succeeded." He scowled. "How can you act like you do?"

"The more I anger him, the less energy he focuses on you." I set my chin on my knees.

"Don't. Please, don't. I'd rather he hurt me."


"Morgan." He ran a hand through his grimy hair. "You need more blood. You've lost too much. Come on."


Only because I needed to.

I moved slowly to where we could feed off one another. Tyler brushed some of the greasy hair away from my face. "You don't have to be strong."

"Yes, I do."

"Why won't you tell him what he wants to know?"

"I can't."

His brow furrowed and he silently offered me his arm. At this point, he'd have a scar from my bite. "Were you compelled?"

"If I was, I couldn't tell you." I wasn't. My fangs sunk into his skin.

He watched in fascination.

I felt it when the wounds in my gut and shoulder began stitching themselves back together. It wasn't as quick as human blood would do, but quicker than on my own.

Once I'd finished, I offered my arm, but he refused. "I'll drink from you tomorrow. You heal."

"Don't be difficult. You need blood too."

"And I can make it one more day." He brushed a thumb across my lip. "I hated that you were angry with me."

He looked so much like a kicked puppy as he said it. "That feels like a lifetime ago." His hand settled on the side of my neck.

"If Klaus doesn't come, and we are sold, I'll find you, I swear."

"Is that because it's what he would want?"

Tyler sighed. "What would it take to convince you I'm not sired."

"When we get back, after he orders you to do something, I want you to say no to Nik."

His eyes widened. "He'd kill me."

"He would, but that'd be the only thing to convince me, and since you won't do it, then that's that." I very much did not want to talk about this.

"So what then?" He searched my gaze. "We survive this and we'll part ways like we weren't anything?"

"That's what you want?"

"Fuck, Morgan. What's been happening? Before this, you were avoiding or ignoring me, I don't know which one is worse."

"It's easier this way. Nik would never release you, even if he could, and I have no interest in someone who makes decisions solely because they think it would please him."

He opened and closed his mouth several times, but nothing came out.

"You can deny it all you like, it's the truth."

"That Elijah and Klaus said. Just like they told you your brothers were dead."

I looked away. "That's not fair."

"So is accusing me of loyalty I don't have. I showed Klaus where Elena was-"

"Because Nik swore he'd separate us, yes I know."

"Hey." His finger hooked under my chin, and gently drew my gaze back. "If I have to be at his beck and call the rest of my life just to stay in yours, I can do that."

Was it possible that Elijah and Nik were wrong?

"Besides. Elijah and Klaus were already very clear what would happen if I so much as made you frown and I really don't want to experience that."

I let out a breathy laugh, and he grinned.

"There she is. My girl."

"You're an idiot." I rolled my eyes with a smile.

There was a commotion outside the door, Tyler stole a kiss before scooting away.


I adjusted myself and wiped the corner of my mouth to get rid of any evidence. So far, they hadn't caught on to us.

Tyler tugged his sleeve down.

We were ready, we'd gotten good at it.

The door swung open and my heart stopped.

"Stefan?" He wasn't real.

Couldn't be.

"Morgan." He whispered like he didn't believe it either.

We'd hadn't exactly been on good terms the last time I'd seen him.

Stefan glanced at Tyler before moving toward me. He broke one of the chains with one tug, and grasped the other, yanking it from the cuff. "They're taking care of the rest, I'm going to get you guys out of here."

"Nik and Elijah? They're here?"

"You've made friends, a lot more came for your rescue." He helped me to my feet and I nearly collapsed.

Tyler and Stefan reacted at the same time, even if Tyler was stopped short.

I held out a hand. "I'm fine."

"No you're not." Stefan frowned.

"Get Tyler and let's leave. I'm sick of these four fucking walls."

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