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"What the fuck do you think you're doing." I shoved Damon's shoulder as he walked out of the Mystic Grill.

He scoffed. "The fact that they sent you means they're desperate."

"You are a fucking idiot."

"I made Klaus Mikaelson turn tail and run." And he was so smug about it too. "He's scared."

I grabbed his shirt, dragging him into the alleyway. "That's interesting because when I saw him, he was fine."

"Oh yeah? Then where is he?"

"Checking to make sure you didn't just condemn everyone in his family to death."

"Like I care what happens to them."

"Holy fuck, Damon. That means everyone. Including me. In fact I'm the one he'd probably kill first, and he wouldn't be gentle about it. He'd want to draw it out to torture his children."

He swallowed.

"And what, you think he'd kill the Originals and then leave the rest of the vampire species alone? Tell me you didn't wake Mikael. That he's still trapped."

"Kathrine's working on waking him."

I let out a breath. There was still time. "You have to be more careful. I get wanting to stop Nik, I really do, but Mikael is the worst possible choice you could have made." I should know.

"You'd help?"

"I have been helping. More than you know."

Damon rolled his eyes. "Right. That's why Elena's in the hospital."

"I have no intention of protecting anyone in this shit town beyond you and Stefan. This little stunt of yours really isn't doing any favors for the image Elijah has of you."

"I don't care-"

"God, Damon. Do you ever want to have a relationship with me? If Elijah forbids me from seeing you, there's not a whole lot I can do to change his mind."

"That alone would stop you?"

"You don't understand. His word is law, even for his siblings. Even for Klaus."

"Maybe I picked the wrong sibling to go after."

Now that made me laugh. Though not out of humor but out of pure incredulousness. "You really are suicidal."

"What do you want me to say? That I'll stop? As long as they're a danger to Elena or any of her friends, I'm going to attack them."

"Look. Until further notice, we're here. So if I can get them to not do anything, will you stop?"

His eyes narrowed. "Fine."

"Thank you." I could almost count on the fact that Elijah wouldn't do anything if not for his behavior the last time we were in public together.

He broke Damon's neck in the middle of Mayor Lockwood's tea party.

"Are you due to report back anytime soon?"

"I'm not under a curfew or anything. Why?"

"If they aren't expecting you back... you could come stay at the house."

"I appreciate the offer, but uh, I'm not interested in getting dragged back. I will take some coffee though."

"They'd really do that?"

I leveled a look at him and we walked together around the corner to go back into The Grill. "They absolutely would. Even if I were kicking and screaming, and that's the least of what they could do."

"You still consider them family?"

We picked a booth. I sat on the side that put my eyes on the door. Maybe it was paranoia. I hated having my back to people. "Yes." That much I knew.

"They're not your blood."

"Blood has very little to do with who your family actually is. You don't consider Giuseppe to be family, right?"


"Exactly." I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm tired of explaining my relationship with the Mikaelsons to people. It's not that fucking complicated."

"You have to understand our concern. These people are legends. They're known for their brutality. They are dangerous."

"And you aren't? Or Stefan, the ripper of Monterey? Don't act like you've never done anything to earn yourself a reputation. Do you think the oldest vampires in the world weren't doing the same?"

"Damon? Back again?" A guy wearing a Grill uniform appeared at the table. His blue eyes lingered on me. "Who's this."

"This is my sister, Morgan."

He blinked. "I didn't know you had a sister."

"Not many do, apparently." I offered a smile. "I don't really go by Salvatore though."

"Matt doesn't get looped in a whole lot." Damon folded his hands on top of the table. "I'll take my usual, Donovan."

"I want the strongest drink you have." I glanced at the menu. "And a greasy burger."

"Extra fries on that." Damon finished. "She wants a chocolate shake too."


"No no, trust me, you want it. It's one of those things that the Grill is known for."

Fine. "I can order things myself, thank you."

Matt quickly left. Rightfully so.

"I'm not saying you can't."

"And yet you did." I crossed my arms. "Next time, don't."

"Duly noted."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap, it's just, freedom of choice is kind of a touchy subject right now." When I got back, Elijah's regiment would begin. I wasn't ready, but I knew it needed to happen. It may not be an immediate problem, but eventually I'd slip so far my ripper would take control.

"Trouble in the Mikaelson household?"

"I'm not really going to get into it, but yeah." I took a deep breath. "Not in the sense it's a weakness to exploit, but I hate how I spent so much time enjoying my freedom and then it was gone as soon as they were in my life again."

"You know... be a Salvatore again and you would have that freedom. I do shit Stefan hates all the time but he can't stop me."

"You say that like I have a choice between being a Salvatore and a Mikaelson. You saw the way Elijah inserted my name at the tea party. I'd already established myself as a Salvatore and he bulldozed right over it. I can't just walk away, even if I wanted to, they won't let me."

He sighed. "Know that if you ever need somewhere to be that isn't wherever they are, the boarding house is always open to Salvatores."

I smiled. "Thank you."

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