Twenty four

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Dark shadows danced along the walls, mocking my fear and trepidation. There was a fire, odd for the warm summer air. It wasn't quite fall yet.

Elijah was sitting in an arm chair, clearly covered in a concerning amount of blood. "When you disappeared from school I thought something had happened to you."

"Nothing happened."

"Then you wouldn't answer your phone."

"I'm okay."

His jaw jutted forward. "It seems every time I give you an ounce of freedom, you take advantage of it."


"Where were you?"

My chest was too tight. "Is Damon alright?"

"Answer the question, little one." Oh shit. Nik emerged from the darkness, his hands held behind his back.

I swallowed. "I was with Stefan." For a portion of time, that was true.

"And where was that?" Nik urged on.

"Why is the 'where' so important? I'm here now, and I'm fine." I crossed my arms.

"I find it interesting that Stefan hasn't checked in yet, he certainly hasn't mentioned spending the day with you."

"Maybe your lackey isn't as reliable as you think."

"My compelled lackey compared to yourself whom I smell vervain on." Nik stepped closer to me. "What have you done?"

"I thought you were checking on Mikael."

Elijah stood, buttoning his jacket. "Your avoidance on the subject tells me you were doing something you knew I wouldn't approve of."

Fucking hell.

"Contrary to popular belief, you don't actually have to approve in order for me to be able to do anything." I was pushing my luck. "I'm not a child."

"That's what you think this is?"

"Then what is it?! You are all so obsessed with keeping me in line, but what if I don't want to live that way? It's my life."

The ensuing silence made me itch.

I knew it was wrong. That all they wanted was to help me so that I wouldn't lose control.

God. I was being selfish.

I ran a hand down my face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Yes, you did." Elijah frowned. "Perhaps we have been too overbearing."


"However we cannot let up. There are enemies of ours that would jump at the chance if you were ever vulnerable."

"I know." It was only something that was gone over a million times. "But who would be dumb enough to attack me when there's three originals in this small town?"

"Do not underestimate those who would do you harm." Nik muttered darkly.

"You were missing for hours."

Oh my god. I was so stupid. They thought I'd been attacked. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

"This is beyond parental fear, little one. We set rules in place for your protection. You broke them not because you were in danger but for your own leisure. We want to know what that oh so important reason is."

My mouth opened and closed several times, each time with a different excuse at the tip of my tongue. But it wouldn't be good enough. They would know if I was lying. "I was with a friend." Technically true. We'd agreed to be friends in public. "I lost track of time and I knew you would be angry so I didn't answer the phone then it kept getting later and later."

"You were trying to avoid getting in trouble by digging yourself a deeper hole."

"I never said it was a smart choice." They bought it, thank god. "So what will it be this time? Shadowing? The dagger?"

Elijah crossed the room, where a bar cart stood, and poured himself what I assume to be whiskey. "Those methods have proven to be fruitless. As you've said before, you're not a child anymore. I'll need to get more creative."

"What does that mean?" What more could he take away? "Damon. Where is he?"

"Once you have proven that you can be trusted to go to school, on your own, that you'll do as you're told, he will be returned."

"He's not a bargaining chip!"

"He very much is."


"I believe it's time for you to go to bed. You do have school in the morning." He wasn't even looking at me.

And Nik was glaring.

Fuck my life.

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