Forty four

893 33 2

Tyler and I walked hand in hand toward the squad's table outside. I guess it'd technically be our first public outing as a couple.

"Stefano." I laid a hand on his shoulder and Tyler sat on the other side of what would be the only remaining seat, a physical barrier I appreciated between me and everyone else. "We still haven't caught up yet and I'd really like to."

"Do you want to start with why Bonnie got targeted?" Elena crossed her arms.

"Ah. The doppelgänger. Heard from Nik yet?"

She glared.

"All I'm saying is, the attention is no longer on me." I jerked my head toward the shadow I knew was following me. "Neither is it on Tyler. Thus it'll fall on you."

"Can't you convince him to leave her alone?" Bonnie leaned on the table as I took my seat.

Tyler and I were sharing a tray.

Food still wasn't very appealing for either of us, but it beat only drinking blood and it satisfied Elijah's stipulation to be out from under his close supervision.

"No. I can't. Before, I had leverage. Now all five Originals are undaggered and I'm not about to pull any shit when I know I'll lose." I set my forearms against the table. "And I'm not in the habit of pissing off Mikaelsons for things that are unimportant."

Tyler laid a hand on my back. "She's not here so she can run interference for you."

"Why are you here then?" Elena frowned.

"I care about four people in your group. My brothers, Tyler, and Bonnie. I wanted to warn you that if you do anything to endanger them, I will ensure a blood bag is all you are."

"So you've come to stake your claim." Caroline leaned back. "I noticed that you both have been back a week and we haven't seen Tyler before now."

"I've been recovering." He tensed beside me. "And I don't like the insinuation. She doesn't own me, I stay by her side by choice."

"Recovering? Stefan said you guys were held in a cell." Elena was prodding.

"Stefan needs to learn to keep his damn mouth shut." I grabbed a chicken nugget, if one could even call it chicken, from the tray, tearing at the breading.

It crumbled beneath my fingers.

"But it's true, right?" Caroline eyed my arms, like she could see beneath my sleeves. Not as if she'd find much there besides some almost healed injuries.

Bonnie and I made brief eye contact. "Would it make you feel better to know?" Tyler bumped me gently, and I realized my shadow had gotten closer. "I'm fine, Kol. Just a little disagreement, no intervention needed."

"You've got a guard dog now?"

God, I wish I had a drink.

"Want to try saying that to my face?" Kol was right behind me now.

Stefan stood, and I grabbed his sleeve. "Don't. You'll only make it worse."

"Listen to her, she's the only one here with any sense."

"Best to apologize." Kol was goading them.

Caroline hesitated. "I'm sorry I called you a guard dog."

She was smart at least. "See, we're all fine."

Kol ruffled my hair and I swatted at his hands. "Elijah'll have my head when I tell him you haven't eaten lunch."

I grumbled before shoving the chicken nugget in my mouth. "There."

"I'm here for more than just protection, little spitfire. Remember that." He retreated.

Of course he was.

"What did he mean by that?!" Elena demanded.

"None of your business, doppelgänger."

"I have a name."

"Contrary to what is apparently popular belief, I don't actually have to be nice to you."

"Morgan." Stefan sighed.

"Whatever. I was done with lunch anyway."

Kol made a sound, and I looked his way. His brow rose.

I rolled my eyes, but knew I had to eat more anyway. He'd risk Elijah's perfect attendance rule if it got me to eat.

Tyler was working on a roll, bit by bit.

It was one of those nasty, dry ones.

Unfortunately for us both, the mayor and Elijah were in agreement on the plan to get us back on track with food and blood.

Made me feel like a child to be watched in this way.

And it made me want to purposefully undermine them, just to have a little freedom. "What the fuck are you staring at?"

Elena' eyes dropped to her plate.

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