Chapter 10*

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He observed the palpable motivation radiating from everyone as the knights and Choi Han departed for their training session.

«Choi Han truly has a remarkable ability to inspire everyone like that.» Cale mused absentmindedly, oblivious to the true source of their motivation.

As they made their way into the village, Cale contemplated their predicament.

«I don't have much time left for the dragon.»

They had now entered the territory of a viscount adjacent to the Henituse's domain. A few years prior, a villa had been erected in the mountains on the village's right side, purportedly belonging to the viscount. However, in truth, it was the property of Marquis Stan, with the viscount serving merely as the marquis's lackey.

«And within the mountain behind the villa lies the cave housing the Black Dragon.» Cale remarked, eyeing the small peak to the right of the mountain they traversed, his disapproval evident.

Hailing from Marquis Stan's lineage, Cale's thoughts turned to the marquis's second son, a deranged psychopath who had maimed his own elder brother to secure his position as heir. This psychopath periodically visited the villa to sadistically torment the Black Dragon for his own amusement.

"Tsk." Cale clicked his tongue, prompting Basen to flinch in confusion, unaware of his brother's discontent. Basen shifted his gaze to see Hans and Choi Han approaching.

"Young masters, I'll escort Choi Han-nim and swiftly find us an inn. Please wait a moment." Hans announced as the carriage halted at the village entrance.

"Never mind." Cale dismissed.

"Very well." Basen acquiesced with a grateful smile.

"We'll return shortly." Hans assured them before the two young masters nodded in acknowledgment, though Cale's gaze remained fixed on Choi Han with a hint of nostalgia. Why would Choi Han willingly confront an entity capable of causing a mana explosion? Simply because he could not forsake this serene village.

The Village of Harris. It mirrored the place where he had experienced both love and hatred, prompting him to make the decision to save the lives of these unfamiliar villagers. Cale furrowed his brow as he addressed Choi Han.

"Choi Han." He called out.

"Yes?" Choi Han responded.

"Return promptly." Cale urged.

A soft gasp escaped Choi Han's lips. The 17-year-old boy who had lived for decades now sported an innocent smile as he nodded in agreement.

"Yes, sir. I will be right back." Choi Han affirmed with a respectful nod before swiftly departing.

Unbeknownst to Cale, his brother Basen observed the scene with a mixture of curiosity and satisfaction. Basen could not help but feel pleased that Cale was finally forming connections with peers his own age, a rarity since their arrival in the county.

Cale waved dismissively, his expression feigning annoyance, as Choi Han respectfully bowed before hastening towards the village with Hans. Observing Choi Han's focused demeanor, Cale could not help but prefer it over his usual impassive state, though his contentment quickly turned to concern as he noticed something amiss.

A sense of foreboding washed over Cale like a wave, akin to the feeling of grasping a poisoned apple with sweaty hands. The bitterness of this sensation intensified as events unfolded before him.

«I have a bad feeling about this.» Cale muttered grimly.

As a speeding carriage approached, Cale's apprehension peaked. His worst fears materialized as an elderly man failed to evade the vehicle, tumbling onto the road. Witnessing Choi Han's valiant attempt to rescue the old man and the callous indifference of the carriage's driver, Cale could not contain his frustration.

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