Chapter 39

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(Song: Love The Way You Lie – Eminem ft. Rihanna)

Here's the second update I promised😁
Enjoy <3


(The Very beginning – The first event night)

Once we reached Daphne's room, I set her on the floor and she ran toward the bathroom throwing up. she sat on the ground.
"I feel yucky." she mumbled.
I let out a heavy sigh and walked toward her. I handed her a wet towel and she wiped her mouth. Meanwhile I removed her shoes.

"I found these on your bed." I handed her a shirt and sweatpants.
"I really hope you can change your own clothes now." I said.
She nodded.
"I'm behind the door." I said.
"Wait. Can you unzip me?" she asked.
"fuck" I said barely audible. I slowly unzipped her and then left and closed the door.

"Niall." I heard her calling me, so I opened the door and entered.
"I thought you were done changing." I said.
"I am. I don't want my sweatpants."
I shook my head and walked toward her.
"Can you walk?" I asked.
"I couldn't even wear my sweatpants."
I sighed and picked her up bridal style and laid her down on her bed.
"I put water and pills on your nightstand. You'll need it in the morning." I said.

"Wait, don't leave me." She whined.
"Lay down with me." she said.
I rolled my eyes but did as she said.
"Just wanted to make sure you're still here."
"Your head is on my lap."
"Oh, you're right." She giggled lightly. I couldn't help but to smile a little at her goofy drunk state.

After a couple of minutes she fell into a deep sleep. Without waking her up, I slid off the bed to leave. But I heard her talking in her sleep and saying something very interesting.
'This case is hard. I can't do it, Tom.'

I stopped in my tracks. Who was Tom and what did she mean by case? So I started snooping around her room. I found nothing. The next day when I sent Tom to check on her, I started eavesdropping and she said 'For me to gain Niall's trust I need to get close to him. And I think last night was a great start.'

I walked straight toward my office uploading their photo to our special program that we use for tracking people. And I found out who they really were.
Daphne and Tom two detectives.
I started snooping around her social media and found something very interesting.

A picture of Daphne with Mark Fowler. I was confused because Daphne was a detective and Mark was a mafia leader himself. He was pretty well known in our mafia world. So I started to dig more. I found out that Mark have been living a double life for all his life. Daphne had a sister who she had no idea about.

But we did know Millie. Mark kept training her and bringing her to different events so she learns the skills of a criminal. Just how Alberto did to all of us. Though neither Millie nor Daphne had any idea they had a sister and how their father had two different identities. And here came the interesting part.

We knew. We knew Millie had a long lost sister. We knew Mark had another mysterious daughter but we didn't know who she was. Until now. All I had to do was to connect the two sisters together behind Mark's back. Of course with the help of someone who came up with this plan the second I found out that Mark had another daughter apart from Millie. I had been searching for her for years and now I had her. So I picked up my phone.

"You have to come here." I said.
"We can finally start our plan."
"You found her?"
"More like she found me."
"Where is she?"
"In my arms." I smirked.

And she caused Millie to find out about Daphne.
So it was my turn to cause Daphne to find out about Millie.
"I'm not a fool, Daphne." I whispered.
I proceeded with my plans.
But we had a problem.

I was actually falling in love with Daphne. So I started stalling the plan. I needed a new approach. Daphne needed to be one of us as well. And that was my new plan. Turn Daphne into a criminal. Until I heard about the arrest date.

So I kept touching her sensitive parts to make sure she arrested others except me. For two reasons. One was because of the plan. And two was because I genuinely couldn't stay away from her.

So I let her to arrest my family. Of course once I made sure Hazel was not one of them. And then Daphne helped me escape. I wasn't escaping her to leave everything behind but I won't complain because that was a bonus. And then today we went to shop and walk around the city.

I knew Daphne's father would be in LA because he had a mission. Not as a detective but as a criminal. I knew where and what time his mission was. At 4:45 in front of the café we were sitting. Daphne became suspicious and I offered to 'figure out' why her father was here instead of London. Which lead us here. Me showing a picture of Mark and Millie to Daphne.

"It's done." I said to the phone.
"And now we reunite the sisters." Said Nova.


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