Chapter 1

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(Song: BELLS IN SATA FE – Halsey)
Enjoy <3


The feeling when you are drenched in sweat and jump in a cold pool. The feeling of stepping on a cold floor with bare feet. The feeling of hearing nothing but the loud beat coming from your chest. When your shaky breath is the loudest sound on the entire planet. When you see nothing. You hear nothing. When all you listen to is the irrational voice in your head. You fall deep into the darkness. The same darkness that you were warned about but chose to ignore. You chose not to hear. Not to see. You chose the darkness. You chose to fall. Fire and water. Blue and Red pills. Ying Yang. Good and bad. Red and Brunette. The famous saying, "opposites attract." Caladrius and Phoenix.

I let out a breath standing in front of the huge mansion at the end of London. I am thankful Adam is by my side.

"Welcome." The butler said guiding us inside.
"Here we go." I muttered.
"It's time." Adam mumbled.
We walked inside the garden.
"Sir they are here." The butler told the main man himself.
He handed his glass to the butler and looked at us.

"Hi, I'm Riley Sanchez." I stretched my hand to shake.
He stared at my hand and moved his eyes toward Adam.
"Adam Lopez." Adam nodded as a hello. He nodded at him as his response and turned his back and walked back inside.

"Rude." I muttered causing Adam to sneer. I glared at him, and he bit his lip so he would stop laughing.
"Please. Follow me." The butler said walking inside the mansion.
"Anything you need, let us know immediately." The butler said.
I nodded in response.

"Sir, I will guide you to your room." The butler told Adam. Once they reached the door, the butler turned toward me.
"And mam."
I faced him.
"You are expected for dinner at 8. Do not be late. Sir doesn't like waiting."
"I will be there." I responded.


Adam and I joined everyone in the dining room.
"Um..." A girl said confused.
"Everyone." Alberto said catching everyone's attention.
"We have guests. They are going to stay with us for a while." Alberto said.
"Why unannounced?" Another girl asked.
"And what kind of guests are they?" A guy asked.

"She is the daughter of my business associate and, so is he. And they will be staying with us. They will be treated the same." Alberto said firmly.
I smiled awkwardly.
"Well. I'm Adam." Adam broke the awkward silence.
"I'm Riley."

"Nice meeting you." A young girl said nicely. She couldn't be more than 12.
A guy next to her stared at her with an arrogant frown on his face.
"Nice meeting you too." I replied.
"Well, if we're introducing ourselves,"
"We are not." The man next to him cut her off with a stern tone. The hell.
She slumped into her seat. She looks young as well. 13? 14? Maybe 15.

"How many times did I tell you not to talk to her like that? Especially in public." Another guy snapped at him.
"I'm older. I am the protector."
"No, you are not the pro-"
"QUIET!" Alberto shouted and everyone stopped talking.
"We are introducing ourselves. It's only fair. So, start." Alberto commanded.


"I said start Niall." Alberto said firmly.
"I'm Niall. The oldest grandchild." He said coldly without eye contact.

"Elijah, younger than Niall by two months." The guy next to Niall mumbled arrogantly.



"Owen, Elijah's younger brother."

"Isaac. Lucas' younger brother."

"I'm Bella. Henry's sister."

"And I'm Scarlett their sister."

"Well as you guessed, I'm Elijah and Owen's sister, Chloe."

"And I'm Hazel. Niall's sister."

"Wow. It's going to take a lot of time to remember your names, but I promise to remember." I said laughing lightly.
Niall scoffed rolling his eyes while sipping from his drink.
"We will treat our guest with respect. And pass out your numbers. We might need it one day." Alberto said.
Well, the dinner was over in peace. I saw the girls in the hallway and decided to join them.

"Do you mind if I join you all?" I asked.
"Not at all." She should be Hazel. She shares the same features as her older brother Niall, the rude guy who kept scoffing and rolling his eyes.

"So, I noticed your parents are not in here?" I asked cautiously.
"No. They are in other countries." Hazel replied which earned an elbow into her ribs by Scarlett. Oh, hey I'm remembering them.

"I still don't understand why, but they said they had work to do. We've been here since we were one year old. Our grandfather raised us." Chloe said.
"Okay." Bella clapped her hands twice.
"You two upstairs. In your room."
"But" Hazel began protesting.
"Now." Bella said firmly.
Chloe and Hazel groaned and went upstairs.

"Sorry about them. They're a bit nosey." Bella said.
"You know if Niall hears you talking about his sister like this, he's going to get pissed?" Scarlett asked.
"Well, Niall can go fuck himself." Bella sneered.

"Anyways. As Chloe said our grandfather raised us since we were one." Scarlett stated.
"Oh?" I responded.
"Yes. Each of our parents is in different countries playing their roles." Bella continued.
I nodded not sure what to say.

"Where are your parents?" Scarlett asked.
"Oh, my parents are in Greece. And Adam's family are in Italy." I answered.
"Have they raised you themselves, or?" Bella asked.
"Our parents raised us." I replied.
"Sometimes I wish our parents would raise us too. I mean, I love Grandpa but, we were so young. We still are. We need our parents as well you know." Scarlett said.
I looked at her with sympathy and rubbed her arms.

Well, today was one hell of a day.


New Story, New Theme, New Roller Coaster😂

I have so many plans for this book and I'm so excited to share them with you guys.

Make sure to like and comment down your feedbacks.
And share it with your friends😜

Love ya much🥰

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