If You're Not With Me...

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It was a couple weeks after Andrea told Kevin that she was joining Superman in his crusade to end worldwide crime. And it only got worse. The day after Kevin confided in Dick and Barbara about his woes, Kevin's half brother Damian accidentally killed Dick in a fight at Arkham Asylum. It also turned out that Superman's friend Lex Luthor managed to survive the nuclear bombing of Metropolis and he was thankfully saved by Clark, Diana, and Hal. As Superman went to extreme lengths to ensure world peace, even going so far as to weaken Black Adam, Batman captured Hawkgirl and replaced her with Martian Manhunter disguised as her to spy on the League. Various zealots started killing criminals, all "in the name of Superman" because they believed he was right for killing criminals, and Andrea certainly didn't help. Apokolips attacked Earth, but this time, Clark retaliated with no mercy, killing Kalibak and obliterating all the Parademons (thankfully Kevin wasn't harmed. Far from it. During the ensuing battle, Kevin managed to get most of his college classmates and teachers to a safe bunker during the carnage. He assured his father that he made it safely). After the Apokolips attack, Lex created a super pill that was meant to enhance the strength and stamina of an ordinary individual, making them nigh invulnerable as Superman! When Damian tried to reach out to Alfred and an inadvertent scuffle with his father occurred, Damian discovered that Martian Manhunter was disguised as Hawkgirl all along. And in retaliation, Clark (with Damian's help) publicly exposed Bruce's identity as Batman online!

 And in retaliation, Clark (with Damian's help) publicly exposed Bruce's identity as Batman online!

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It was a couple hours after Clark publicly exposed Bruce's identity, destroying his life. It was a dark and stormy night in Gotham as Kevin went to the Gotham Clocktower. He didn't know who else to turn to. Barbara was under a lot of stress with Bruce's identity being exposed. But she allowed Kevin to come in. She was in the living room when Kevin came in, and Barbara saw his face showed emotions of anger, betrayal, hurt, and sorrow. Babs looked at Kevin as he wandered closer to her, his breathing heavy and sounding like he was on the verge of breaking down. Barbara gave a genuine look of concern and asked, "Kevin... Are you okay?" Kevin looked at Barbara and said, "no... I'm not okay..." Kevin then got on his knees and hugged Barbara, bursting into tears. Barbara hugged Kevin back, she could tell that Kevin was crying about something else, but it seemed to have hurt him. He looked heartbroken and betrayed. When he was starting to calm down, Barbara then asked, "Kev... What happened?" Kevin looked at Barbara and explained, "I... I saw the post on social media, and I knew that if I went back to Wayne Manor, it would be a media circus out there. I was so angry, I'd wondered if Mom knew about this..."

Hours earlier...

Kevin was angry about Clark exposing Bruce's identity as he drove over to Andrea's new house in Gotham. He parked the car outside the house and got out. He could see that Andrea's new car was also outside, so it was quite obvious she was home. Kevin opened the door without even knocking and stormed in, looking for his mother. Andrea was conveniently in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of wine when she saw Kevin. She gave a look of surprise and asked, "Kevin what the hell?!?! You should've knocked!" Kevin then showed the social media post on his cell phone to his mom and asked, "did you know about this?!?!?!" Andrea gave a look of indifference towards the post and said, "Kevin, I'm not in the mood for this. I've had a long day, your half brother and I almost died in space..." Kevin got angry and snapped, "I'm not in the mood to play games, Mom! I want you to look me in the eyes and answer if you knew that Clark was going to expose Dad's identity!" Andrea glared at her son and said, "I was there. Floating in zero gravity space because the man you call your father thought it was a bright idea to disable all support on the JLA Watchtower! So I was there when your brother suggested to Clark that he should post it on the internet."

"And you were just okay with destroying my father's life?!?!?!" Kevin asked incredulously. "We did what was necessary after your father kidnapped Shayera!" Andrea countered. "Oh well that totally makes things better!" Kevin said sarcastically, "I can't believe you! You just stood there and did nothing as the people I once trusted destroyed my father's life! Because of Superman, now I'll never be able to legally see my father ever again! My dad's never going to know a moments rest again now that everyone knows who he is! I can't believe you would stoop to this! I thought you were better than this!"

"As far as I'm concerned, your father is dead to me." Andrea said coldly. Kevin shook his head in disbelief and said, "I don't believe what I'm hearing... How could you say that? You're breaking my heart, Mom... You're going down a path that disgusts me so much, I can't follow it... The fact that you're turning your back on everything you raised me to believe disgusts me..." Andrea turned her back on her son and said, "so, you're disgusted by my actions and refuse to support me as I help Superman in his war to ensure world peace, huh? If you're not with me, then you are my enemy, Kevin." It was those 11 words that hit Kevin like a nuke, right in the heart. It was worse than any slap in the face. But Kevin said desperately, "you... You don't mean that... Are you seriously going to choose Superman over your own flesh and blood??" Tears were welling in his eyes. "Oh I mean it," said Andrea, "if you hate that I want to kill criminals and support Superman in his crusade, not only are you my enemy, you are no longer worthy to carry the Beaumont name. As far as I'm concerned, you are no longer my son."


"My own mother who raised me and who I thought loved me more than anything... Disowned me and said I am her enemy..." Kevin tearfully said, the words feeling like a stab in the heart, "Not only will I never see my father legally, but my own mother betrayed me and broke my heart..." And that's when Kevin got back to crying his eyes out, his mother's hurtful words ringing in his head like knives. Barbara looked at Kevin sadly and said, "oh Kevin... I'm so, so, sorry... You don't deserve what just happened to you..." She cradled his face, doing her best to comfort him. She hated that Kevin had to suffer for this, his entire family broken because of Superman. As soon as Kevin's sobbing reduced to whimpers and sniffling, Barbara said, "I've got you, Kevin. It's okay to be broken, it's okay to fall apart, I'll be your hero. I'm here for you. I promise..."

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