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It had been almost 2 years since Kevin got the Green Lantern ring. He managed to focus on his college studies while also training to be a Green Lantern. He eventually mastered the power of a Green Lantern, and he was truly ready to protect Sector 2814. It was the night before Kevin's college graduation ceremony, and Kevin decided to go out on patrol for the first time as a Green Lantern. Kevin made sure to create a costume that wouldn't reveal his identity, and so he developed a connected mask and cape similar to the cape and cowl Bruce had as Batman, except the connected mask and cape was a dark green, which paired nicely with the rest of the Green Lantern uniform.

Kevin found it exciting to fly with his Green Lantern ring as he patrolled Gotham, trying to make sure he wasn't spotted by Superman's troopers or by his estranged mother who was wearing her Phantasm outfit. He hoped that Andrea wouldn't recognize him in this uniform. As Kevin patrolled Gotham, he saw a guy wearing a ski mask, black gloves, and gray clothing, and he had a crowbar in hand. It was quite obvious this guy was a crook looking to rob the convenience store. Kevin decided to stop this guy from robbing the store and he quietly flew in, not realizing that someone else was following the would-be crook. The crook went to the ATM and was ready to use the crowbar to smash open the cash machine. He struck the machine but then suddenly found his crowbar was gone. He looked confused and Kevin teased, "whatcha doin?" The crook looked at Kevin with bewilderment. "Are you supposed to be some kind of Green Lantern?" The guy asked. "Basically," said Kevin, "why are you trying to damage that ATM?"

Before the crook could answer anything, he and Kevin heard a random guy scream, "DEATH TO ALL CRIMINALS, FOR SUPERMAN!!!" This Caucasian man was wearing a robe with a Superman symbol. It was another one of those zealot members of Superman's cult, and he had a knife in his hands, ready to kill the would-be robber. "Oh no you don't," said Kevin as he formed a shield around the crook with his ring, and when the zealot tried to stab him, his blade broke stabbing the green shield. Kevin then willed up a huge hand that he used to grab the zealot, take him out of the convenience store and then toss him all the way to Albuquerque. The convenience store clerk wandered up to Kevin and said, "dude, you just prevented this store from having to deal with another murder from one of those zealots!"

"I wasn't going to let that guy escalate the situation," said Kevin as he looked at the crook, "now I'm going to ask this again, why did you try to damage that ATM?" The crook took off his mask, looked down in shame, and explained, "I just needed the money for my family. We can barely afford to make ends meet..." Kevin understood the gray area behind all this. He sighed and then got out his wallet, pulling out some cash. "Here, take this," instructed Kevin, "It's $2,000 in cash, that should get you and your family by. Go home and rethink your life." He then gave the guy a card with a phone number to Dr Leslie Thompkins. "If you're struggling to find a job, call this person," recommended Kevin, "Dr Thompkins can help you find a job without having to face discrimination." The guy looked at Kevin and said, "thank you." He then left the convenience store, determined to turn his life around for himself and his family. The convenience store clerk sighed in relief, "dude... thank you for deescalating the situation. A robbery of this store may suck, but I don't want to wish death upon these petty criminals if they gotta eat. Especially at the hands of those Superman zealots. Who are you?"

"I'm Green Lantern." Kevin said confidently. "No seriously, you don't look like any of the other Green Lanterns from nearly two years ago," said the clerk, "Who are you really?" Kevin looked at the clerk and said, "it's not who I am underneath. It's what I do that defines me. I'm just a guy that wants to help. Have a nice evening, sir." And so Kevin flew out of the convenience store, patrolling the rest of Gotham. The next day, it was now the day of Kevin's college graduation ceremony. Kevin didn't really have many friends or family that could make it to Kevin's graduation ceremony. But those that did attend were Charity, Kevin's therapist, Alfred, and Barbara. Kevin sat in the row with the college graduates, listening to various professors and even Gotham's mayor give various motivational speeches, congratulating all the college attendants for making it so far in their education and achieving great things, motivating them to reach for the stars and never give up. All that motivational stuff. But the one quote that stood out during the speech to Kevin was a quote that said, "once you choose hope, anything is possible. So remember Gotham University graduates, don't give up. Don't lose hope. Don't sell out." Kevin walked on the podium, getting his college graduate degree, and shaking the hand of the university's dean, now officially a college graduate. Kevin was quite relieved knowing that he didn't have to deal with any college debt as he threw his graduate cap into the air, feeling proud of this achievement.

Much later, Kevin met up with Charity, Alfred, Kevin's therapist, and Barbara. "Charity, it's a welcome surprise to see you!" Kevin said enthusiastically. "Well I had to attend darling," said Charity, "you, Barbara, and Alfred are practically like family to me. I had to support you on this graduation."

"I heard that you're thinking of starting a fashionista business," said Kevin. "That's quite true," said Charity. "How would you like it if I invested some money into this business of yours that way it can get where it needs to be?" Kevin offered. "That would be smashing, Kevin!" Charity said enthusiastically, "how about we talk business on Monday?" Kevin smiled and said, "sounds good." Kevin hugged Alfred and said, "It's good to see you again Alfred. Thank you for attending." Alfred hugged back and said, "of course Master Kevin. Your father may not be here but he is here in spirit and he is truly proud of you for graduating college." Kevin hugged Barbara and she said, "Kevin Grayson, you just graduated Gotham University and don't have to deal with being in debt. What are you gonna do now?" Kevin said in the most cartoonish voice possible, "I'm goin' to Disneyland!" This caused the both of them to laugh. Once the laughing ceased, Kevin then said, "but in all seriousness, I'm thinking of joining Dad full-time in his fight against Superman. You think you could keep an eye on the Manor while I'm gone, Alfred?"

"I would be more than happy to, Master Kevin," said Alfred. "I'm glad I can count on you." Kevin said happily to his grandfather figure. "I'm also thinking of joining your father too," said Barbara, "but not as Oracle." Kevin listened to what Barbara said, and then he said in realization, "oh... I see... Well Barbara, how would you like it if I helped you get your legs back?"

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