Last Christmas

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It was now Christmas Day in Gotham City, and the city was now blanketed in snow. Before Thanksgiving, Superman assigned guard troopers to patrol all of Gotham for crime, even dictating curfews. Andrea was the head leader of this group, and she didn't hesitate to kill anyone that dared to not abide by Superman's rules. Kevin of course made sure to at least do right by these troopers and not do anything stupid to get killed. Kevin was now driving to the Gordon household, a box of homemade Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies in the passenger seat along with a gift box. He was wearing a Snoopy Christmas Sweater, and around 20 minutes later, he made it to the Gordon household. This was going to be the first Christmas that he wouldn't be spending with either of his parents. It was hard for Kevin, he wouldn't lie. He got out of the car with the box of cookies in present in tow, walked up to the front door and knocked on it. If Kevin was less sad, he would do something more eccentric such as knock on a door in the style to Jingle Bells. About less than a minute later, the door opened, and it was Jim, wearing a Santa Claus Christmas sweater. "Kevin, I'm glad you could make it!" Jim said enthusiastically, "come on in!"

"Thanks Jim," said Kevin as he went inside, "and Merry Christmas." Jim smiled and said, "Merry Christmas to you too, Kevin. Thank you." Jim guided Kevin to the living room, and inside was Barbara and Dinah Lance, AKA Black Canary. Now Kevin knew that Dinah was pregnant with Oliver's child, and he noticed that Dinah's belly was now the size of a football. "Hey everyone, Merry Christmas!" Kevin said enthusiastically. Barbara perked up when she heard Kevin's voice, and she said, "Merry Christmas, Kevin! It's great to see you!" Kevin smiled and said, "it's great to see you too Barbara! Merry Christmas. Just give me a moment, gotta put this gift on the tree." Kevin walked up to the Gordon's Christmas tree and placed his gift under the tree. "Okay, I think that's everyone," said Jim, "alright everyone, help yourselves to the food. Dinner will be in five hours. We're having roasted ham."

"Sounds delicious," said Kevin, "you want me to help with anything?" Barbara shrugged and suggested, "you could help us with the mashed potatoes in a few hours. The ham's in the oven as we speak." Dinah looked at Kevin and asked, "so Kevin, how have you been?" Kevin shrugged and replied, "well... I have good days and I have bad days. What about you, Dinah? How are you and your baby holding up?" Dinah stroked her stomach and said, "like you said, good days and bad days. But I have a reason to fight, for our child."

"What do you plan on naming your kid?" Kevin asked. "If it's a boy, I'll name him Connor, Ollie always liked that name," replied Dinah, "not sure what to name it if it's a girl, so I'm open to suggestions." Kevin perked up and suggested, "you could go with Helena or even name her after Barbara." This caused Barbara to blush. "I'll keep that in mind," said Dinah. "Personally, if I ever had a boy, I'd love to name him Steven," admitted Kevin. "That sounds nice actually," said Barbara. For the next couple of hours, Kevin chatted with Barbara, Dinah, and Jim, they listened to Christmas songs, ate various treats; everyone loved Kevin's cookies, watched various Christmas specials, and also chatted about the mundane things in life. And true to his word, Kevin volunteered to cook the mashed potatoes, and he was able to do it with such expert craft. The Christmas ham was delicious and enjoyable, and it proved Barbara was quite the capable cook.

After dinner, Kevin and Barbara decided to open their Christmas presents. Kevin gave his gift to Barbara and said, "I figured you might like this." Babs opened it up and found a DVD collection of the first three seasons to Supernatural. Barbara gasped with jovial surprise, "you bought the first three seasons to Supernatural?" Kevin smiled and said, "I know how much you love watching Supernatural. Figured you might like it. And the best part is, it has a digital copy that you can put into your tech, that way you can watch it anytime on the go." Barbara smiled and said, "thank you so much Kevin! I really appreciate it. I hope you like the gift I bought you." Kevin opened his gift, and he saw it was several CDs, greatest hits compilations of Queen, Kiss, and AC/DC. With Queen, it was ALL their greatest hits. "I know you're a big fan of those bands," said Barbara, "and I think you can really get to know an artist by listening to their most popular hits. I hope you like it." Kevin smiled at Barbara and said, "I love it. I'm probably going to be listening to these when I'm doing homework or working out. Thank you." Much later, Kevin, Barbara, Jim, and Dinah were at the living room watching It's A Wonderful Life. Kevin smiled and said, "thank you all for letting me spend Christmas with you." Jim smiled and said, "I'm glad I could spend this Christmas with all of you too." It was indeed a peaceful Christmas.

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