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Meanwhile in Batman's Insurgency base at an undisclosed location in Gotham, Batman was holding a meeting with whoever was there, those being Batwoman, Harley, and Catwoman. Batman observed his members and said, "it's good to see you all. Thank you for responding so quickly. I wish I could say more were coming, but Zatanna and Black Lightning are unavailable... And well... There is no one else. But, that said-" Suddenly, a feminine voice said, "got room for a couple more?" Batman recognized that voice and asked, "Barbara?"

"No. Batgirl," corrected Barbara as she revealed herself in her brand new Batsuit. Batman gave a look of surprise and said, "Barb... I don't understand..." Harley tilted her head and said, "me neither. I thought she had no legs." Batgirl leapt off the stairs and landed gracefully. "Always had my legs, Harley... Just couldn't use them," explained Batgirl. "Oh. That makes way more sense," said Harley. Batman placed his hand on Batgirl's shoulder and said, "listen, I don't know how, or what it cost... But I'm not okay with this. I promised your father-" Batgirl interrupted, "it's not his choice." She removed his hand from her shoulder and continued, "look, you know as well as I do that the Insurgency is on life support. Your team is so depleted that you need all the help you can get."

"You've been a great help as Oracle," countered Batman. "I can do even more as Batgirl. Trust me." Batgirl calmly protested. Batman shook his head and said, "I'm sorry... But no." Batgirl defiantly looked at her mentor and said, "it's not your choice either." She was determined to help, like it or not. "True dat, son." Harley agreed. "And besides," said Batgirl, "like I said before, a couple more." She looked up, and in flew Kevin in his Green Lantern uniform, hovering down to the floor, causing all the women except for Batgirl to gasp in surprise. Kevin smirked and said, "hey Dad." Harley gave a look of surprise and asked, "Dad?!?!?!" Batman looked at his son and asked, "Kevin? You're a Green Lantern?" Kevin took off his cowl and said, "yep. As of almost two years ago, I am the only human of Earth to be a Green Lantern and also the only Green Lantern of Sector 2814. I got the ring after John died."

"Hold up!" Harley said while pointing at Kevin, "you have another biological son, and he's Grumpy Bird Brain's half brother?!?!?!" Batman looked stoically and said, "yes. This is Kevin Beaumont-"

"Grayson. I no longer go by Beaumont. Mother dearest thanks I'm unworthy to carry her surname," corrected Kevin. Batman looked at his son, a little surprised to know that Kevin was no longer carrying the Beaumont surname, but he shrugged and continued, "well anyway, Kevin was from my first relationship with Andrea Beaumont, otherwise known as The Phantasm. He's also Kate's cousin once removed." Harley pointed at Kevin and Batman and asked, "hey isn't she that bitch dressed up like the Grim Reaper and goes around leading Superman's super troopers, goin' so far as to kill petty criminals? No offense on calling your mom a bitch." Kevin frowned and said, "unfortunately yes. And none taken. Our relationship is pretty much destroyed and no contact after she joined Superman and enabled his exposing of my father." Batwoman placed her right hand on her hip and said, "that bad, huh cuz?" Kevin looked at his cousin once removed and said, "oh you have no idea, Aunt Kate. I expressed disgust at her actions and it resulted in me getting disowned by her." Batman looked at his son sadly and said, "Kevin... I didn't know Andrea would sink that low... I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, Barbara and my therapist have been helping me come to grips with it all," said Kevin, "I'm still a work in progress, but I'm willing to overcome my own personal turmoil, and the Green Lantern Corps saw that in me. And the way I see it, Superman's Justice League now has Yellow Lanterns. I think it's only fair that this resistance has a Green Lantern in return." Batman looked at Kevin and said, "Kevin, I gave you the money and the Manor so that you could have a chance at a normal life... Aren't you worried about the house?"

"Dad you're not the only one who's life was destroyed thanks to Superman," protested Kevin, "Charity and I were impacted by Superman exposing your identity too. It was a contributing factor in Charity and Damian breaking up. They're barely on speaking terms now. And it cost me time we could've spent together as father and son. Not only that, but my mother who I once loved went back to her old ways, she's no longer the person I once knew! And she no longer sees me as her son, she sees me as her enemy! How do you think that makes me feel? If there's anyone who has a justified reason to want to fight Superman and end his Regime alongside you, it's me." Batman sighed like a tired dad and said, "I guess there's no way I can talk you into not joining my cause, especially since Barbara won't listen." Batgirl replied, "Kevin and I agreed we'd help you together. And that's what we're gonna do."

"And don't worry about Wayne Manor," said Kevin, "Alfred's keeping an eye on the house. Especially since I'll be out in space a lot. The place is in good hands." Batman shook his head, seeing how stubborn Kevin could be. He had to accept that this was what his son wanted. "Very well then," said Batman, "welcome to the Resistance, Batgirl and Green Lantern." Kevin and Babs smiled, holding hands. Catwoman looked at this romantic gesture, and then she asked, "wait... Are you two a thing?" Batgirl gave a proud smirk and said, "Yes, we are." Harley squealed in delight at this, thinking the two were quite cute together. "I'm happy for the both of you," said Batman, "welcome to the family, Barbara. And congratulations on graduating college, Kevin. I'm proud of you." Kevin nodded and said "thanks Dad. Also Dad, Aunt Kate, I'm sorry about Dinah, Helena, and Renee." Kate gave a sad smile and said, "thanks Kevin. We're going to make sure they didn't die in vain." Batman then said, "Alright team, let's get to work. We need to get to the Hall of Justice, ASAP!"

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