Kevin Helps Babs Walk Again

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A couple days later, Kevin and Barbara were at the LexCorp building in Gotham. Kevin shook the hand of the company's CEO, Lex Luthor. "It's nice to meet you Mr Luthor," said Kevin, "I'm actually quite surprised to know that you've been secretly working alongside my dad this entire time."

"Well insurgencies certainly don't come cheap," chuckled Lex, "it's also nice to meet you too, Mr Grayson. I must say, you practically look like your father. Congratulations on graduating from Gotham University. Now what can I do you kids for?" Barbara looked up at the billionaire and asked, "Lex, I want to help Bruce with his fight against Superman. We've lost Renee, and he's desperate for help. Is it true that you have technology that can cure paralysis?" Lex nodded and explained, "ever since I helped create the super pill, I've found the means to possibly regenerate damaged bone structure. So to answer your question, yes Miss Gordon, I do have the technological means to cure paralysis. Are you wanting me to help you regain your ability to walk?"

"Precisely," said Barbara. "I'm also willing to provide any financial investment in this endeavor," offered Kevin. Lex listened to what Barbara and Kevin had to say, and after thinking it over, he said, "I must say, I admire your willingness to help, Mr Grayson. And I admire your spirit to help Mr Wayne, Miss Gordon. I'll have Mercy hand you some paperwork regarding finances and contracts, and then we can get to proceeding with your operation, Miss Gordon." After paychecks were written and contracts were signed, Kevin and Barbara were guided to Lex's secret laboratory down below the LexCorp building. As Kevin followed Luthor to the operating room, Lex explained with concern, "For the sake of all disclosure... I've modified the formula and designed it for your specific needs. But it bears saying the science is inexact... Unpredictable. You saw what heavy doses did to Renee Montoya."

"Well, I didn't," confessed Kevin, "but I heard about it. Heard it wasn't pretty." Lex gave a serious look and said, "that's an understatement." Barbara cleared her throat and asked, "what's the worse-case scenario?" They got to the operating room and Barbara removed her clothes, Kevin helping her get on the table and strapping her down. Lex explained, "possible permanent neurological damage, complete spinal paralysis with no motor or sensory function, and of course... Death." Barbara smirked and asked in a teasing manner, "so Kevin, did you see anything you like?" Kevin blushed and said, "maybe your boobs... But just your feet." As Lex readied the machine, he said, "If you two are done flirting, are you ready, Barbara?" The redhead smirked and said to Lex, "when you put it that way... how can I say no?" Kevin held Barbara's hand and said, "I'm going to be with you through it all Barbara." She smirked at the handsome young man and said, "well that's comforting to know." Lex activated the machine and it got to work on fixing Barbara's spine. The procedure was painful, to say the least.

It was a couple hours later, and Barbara was sleeping on a medical bed, Kevin was by her side. A minute later, Barbara opened her eyes and asked, "did it work?" Kevin looked at her and said, "there's a possibility. Are you able to feel your legs? We could run some tests." Kevin pulled down the blanket, revealing Barbara's bare feet. Barbara looked at her toes, and for the first time since Joker shot her that fateful day, Barbara wiggled her toes. She and Kevin gasped in excitement. "Oh my gosh Kevin, I moved my toes!" Barbara said with glee. "Alright, try to move your foot," instructed Kevin. Barbara then moved her right foot around and around. Kevin smiled and said, "look at that, you're making progress already!" Kevin adjusted the medical bed to wear Barbara could easily sit up, and Barbara moved her legs to where her feet were touching the floor. "You ready?" Kevin asked, holding Barbara's hand. Barbara nodded and said, "yeah, I'm ready." Kevin stood up and while holding her hand, Barbara was able to stand up effortlessly on her own two feet. Barbara laughed with joy, "this feels amazing!"

"Let's go to the exercise room in the lab below," said Kevin, "we can run more tests there. No pun intended on the run part though." Barbara laughed, "I figured as much." Barbara walked with Kevin to the exercise room, the first time she had walked in years. Lex observed and said, "I'm glad to see that the procedure worked." Barbara smiled at Lex and said, "thank you so much, Lex! This means the world to me!" Lex smiled and said, "You're welcome, Barbara." Kevin and Barbara went to the exercise room, and Barbara tested her mobility with various exercising equipment, including running on a treadmill. For her, this felt amazing, because now Barbara could go into the field with Bruce and help him as Batgirl. Kevin and Barbara relaxed, drinking water. "I'm glad to know that you're able to walk again," said Kevin. "Thank you for helping me," said Barbara as she looked into Kevin's dark blue eyes. "Barbara, there's something I want to tell you," said Kevin as he looked into her sky blue eyes.

"What is it, Kevin?" Barbara asked, hoping that she didn't do anything wrong. "So the both of us have agreed to join Dad in his resistance," said Kevin, "and we're both going to be risking our lives everyday while we deal with Superman and his cronies. Heck, I'm constantly risking my life everyday as a Green Lantern, every time I go to a planet on my sector. And the way I see it, I hope that maybe we could, not do it alone... the two of us?" Barbara tilted her head and asked, "are you like, talking about a relationship?" Kevin blushed and said, "it sounded better in my head..." Barbara tenderly touched Kevin's face and asked, "Kevin, do you like me? As more than a friend?" Kevin gently held Barbara's hand that was tenderly touching his face and said, "I think I've always loved you Barbara. Life's too short and if we're going to risk our lives fighting alongside Batman, then I think we should do it together as a couple." Barbara's heart soared with joy when Kevin professed his love for her, and she said, "oh Kevin... I've always loved you too. You're sweet, smart, brave, and brilliant... I would be happy if you were my boyfriend." Kevin smiled and said, "then let's do this together." Barbara then kissed Kevin on the lips, ready to stop Superman, together.

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