Congratulations, You're A Multi-millionaire

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The next morning, Barbara woke up and got in her wheelchair. She let Kevin sleep at the Clocktower, and he agreed to sleep on her couch. She rolled her way to her computer network, adjusting her glasses. Once she was at her computer network, she put on her earpiece communicator and activated the Oracle supercomputer, getting online. The moment Oracle was online, the phone on her computer started ringing. Barbara picked up the phone and said, "this is Oracle speaking."

"Good morning Barbara," said an elegant and feminine voice. It was Princess Charity Spencer, otherwise known as Radiance. "Oh hey Charity, didn't expect you to call me," said Barbara, "how have you been?" Charity replied, "terrible. I barely got any sleep last night and now I feel my relationship with Damian is uncertain..." Barbara frowned and asked, "you heard about the public exposure too, huh?" Charity replied, "Of course I did, darling! Everyone knows! When Damian told me that he was the one who suggested that Clark post that bombshell, I was so furious with him! I feel so angry and betrayed by what Damian has enabled! Dick, I can forgive. I understand that it was an accident and he had no malicious intent with how Dick died..." Charity's soft and elegant voice was replaced with a tone that grew louder as she said with a mighty fury, "but helping Clark destroy Bruce's life? It feels like a betrayal to my trust, it's almost as if this isn't even the man I fell in love with!" Barbara could hear Charity swear in her native Crystalian language, and she could practically picture literal smoke coming out of Charity's nostrils from the head down. For those that don't know, when a Crystalian is angry, they will release literal smoke from their nostrils to express their anger. The smoke is hot enough to make a Crystalian's anatomy extremely hot to the touch, even causing burns. Barbara sighed and said, "I understand, Charity. I feel angry and disgusted by this too. While it was morally questionable for Bruce to kidnap Shayera in the first place, what Clark did was taking it to the extreme. Not only did he destroy Bruce's life, but also Kevin's life too."

"Oh dear, of course, poor Kevin... How is he holding up with all of this?" Charity asked, calming down. After all, she wasn't the only one impacted by this. "He's not holding up well at all," replied Barbara, "when he confronted his mother Andrea and criticized her enabling, she literally disowned him. He came to the Clocktower last night in tears. He's so hurt and heartbroken." She sighed, shaking her head, also wondering if she liked Kevin as more than a friend. "That's so harsh and cruel of Andrea," said Charity. "I agree," replied Barbara, "I don't think Andrea understands how badly she's hurt her son. And if she does, maybe she doesn't care. Anyway, I better check up on Kevin, see how he's doing." Charity replied, "very well then. I hope you take good care of yourself Barbara."

"You too Charity," said Barbara, "bye..." She then hung up and rolled her wheelchair to her living room, and she saw Kevin was still sleeping on her couch, softly snoring. He looked peaceful. Barbara looked at him with affection. Twenty seconds later, Kevin snorted and slowly woke up, his eyes slowly opening. "Morning sleepyhead," said Barbara. "Morning Babs," yawned Kevin as he sat up on the couch. "Did you sleep alright?" Barbara asked, adjusting her glasses. "Yeah, I slept decently," said Kevin. "I know this might sound cliched, but how would you like ice cream for breakfast?" Barbara offered, "I got cookies & cream and mint chocolate chip. I figured that might cheer you up."

"I guess ice cream for breakfast sounds nice. Thanks for offering," said Kevin as he stood up. A couple minutes later, Kevin and Barbara were at her dining room table having bowls of ice cream for breakfast. "I know it might be a bad time to talk about this, but what are you going to do now?" Barbara asked. "Honestly, I don't know," said Kevin, "I probably won't be able to go back to Wayne Manor now that everyone knows where Batman lives. I might have to drop out of college and get a job to make ends meet, and to pay off any student debts. I should definitely update my job resume." Barbara offered, "since you're going to update your job resume, how would you like to use me as a reference? I could give you a good word. How about we go to the library and we can look for jobs together?" Before Kevin could say anything about not wanting to get a job through nepotism or any connections, a ringtone version of the Scooby-Doo Where Are You? theme song started playing on Kevin's cell phone. Kevin picked up the phone and said, "hello?"

"Good morning sir, am I speaking to Mr. Kevin Beaumont?" A vaguely familiar voice asked. "Yeah, I'm Kevin Beaumont," confirmed Kevin, "I'm not planning on carrying the Beaumont surname anymore, but I guess that's irrelevant to the conversation. Have we met?" The voice on the other line said, "we've met a couple times Kevin. I'm Lucius Fox." Kevin's eyes widened in realization and he said, "oh that's right, you're Dad's business manager and a friend of his! Silly me, I forgot! Did, uh, Mr Wayne tell you about me?" Lucius replied, "yes, I'm aware you're Bruce's son. And I knew he was Batman before Clark exposed him. But that's beside the point. I wish to speak with you face to face, Kevin." Barbara personally knew Lucius and his son, and she recognized his voice, and she gave an approving nod. "Alright, I'm currently at the Gotham Clocktower with Barbara Gordon," said Kevin, "we'll be waiting to speak with you Mr. Fox."

An hour later, Lucius was at the Gotham Clocktower in the living room with Kevin and Barbara. "Thank you for taking the time to speak with me Kevin," said Lucius as he got out some paperwork from his briefcase. "What did you want to talk to me about, Mr. Fox?" Kevin asked. "After Dick Grayson passed away, your father spoke with me to update his will and testimony," explained Lucius, "he gave explicit instructions to make sure that you were financially taken care of should anything ever happen to him under circumstances such as sudden death or the secret identity of Batman being compromised." Barbara looked at Lucius and asked, "so basically a contingency plan for Kevin?" Lucius nodded and confirmed, "precisely. Kevin, as of right now, you have some brand new assets. You now have $250 million in your checking account and $250 million in your savings account. You are also now the sole owner of Wayne Manor. The house is now yours." It was a good thing that Kevin was sitting on a couch, because if he was not sitting on anything, Kevin would most likely faint from the sudden shock of knowing he was now a multi-millionaire. "Holy crow, Kevin! You're now a multi-millionaire!" Barbara said in disbelief. "Wow, I..." Kevin stammered, practically speechless, and when he regained his ability to speak, he asked, "but what if Superman or any of the League tries to destroy the Manor in retaliation?"

"Oh don't you worry about that," chuckled Lucius, "if Superman wants to try and destroy Wayne Manor, he's going to have to get through our lawyers. He destroys Wayne Manor, he'll have to pay for damages. I'd like to see the Man of Steel fight his way out of that with his superpowers. Your father made this contingency plan for you because he wants to make sure you're able to pay for your education and so that you can live a relatively normal life and start a family of your own. Whenever I spoke to your father about you Kevin, your father spoke highly of you. He was proud of you." Kevin nodded and said, "thank you Lucius. I deeply appreciate that you informed me of this." Lucius smiled and said, "of course. And if you have any questions whatsoever, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Take care of yourself, Kevin."

"You too Lucius," said Kevin. Wayne Manor was now his to live in. Hopefully the paparazzi and the media circus would leave him alone. And he was now a multi-millionaire, which meant Kevin could pay for the rest of his college education and possibly get some much needed therapy.

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