Burial For The Commissioner

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It had been around 6 months since Kevin spent Christmas with Barbara and her father Jim. During that time, Superman's actions caught the attention of the Green Lantern Corps, so much so, it practically escalated into an all-out galactic war on Earth. Many Green Lanterns and innocent civilians died, Hal Jordan was stripped of his Green Lantern ring, and thus was given a Yellow Lantern ring. Superman also received a Yellow Lantern ring due to his ability to instill fear in others, and he almost killed Black Canary. I say almost because right as Superman left Dinah for dead, Dr Fate intervened and saved her, putting her into an alternate dimension so that she could raise her infant son Connor in safety, because fuck fate. The world would think that Dinah Lance was dead, but that was far from the case. During this battle that involved Barbara's Oracle identity nearly being compromised, Jim sacrificed himself to make sure Cyborg wouldn't be able to locate Barbara, and after subduing Cyborg, Jim succumbed to his cancer and died. Cyborg, Flash, Raven, Shazam, and Robin were abducted in this galactic battle, so there were many heavy losses on both sides.

It was a week after Jim died, and now Barbara and Kevin were at his burial. Kevin volunteered to pay for Jim's funeral, making sure the deceased Gotham commissioner was given an honorable burial. After all, Kevin could afford it. Kevin and Barbara invited Jim's old friends (those in the department who weren't killed or captured by Superman and Sinestro), and Barbara's friends too, including Charity and Lynn Black, the latter of whom Kevin had never met. They all respected Jim, and so they wanted to give back in paying their last respects to Jim. The funeral was nice, celebrating the best of Jim's life and all of his accomplishments. Kevin was sad knowing that Jim was dead, but he wanted to take comfort knowing that Jim was no longer in pain and no longer suffering from that cancer. Given his Catholic upbringing, Kevin was raised to believe that there was a Heaven and there was a Hell, and that everyone faces judgment by God after they die. Kevin hoped that the Lord in all his infinite wisdom would allow Jim to enter the pearly gates of Heaven, and that he would be reunited with his wife. He took comfort knowing that Jim was hopefully in a better place.

By a couple hours, Lynn was one of the last attendants, and she was comforting Barbara. "Thank you so much for coming, Lynn," said Barbara as she hugged the white haired woman. "You're my friend Babs, your dad was practically one of the few decent cops here in Gotham," said Lynn, "I'd feel like a shitty person if I didn't attend this funeral fer you. Ya take care of yourself now, y'hear?" Barbara nodded and said, "you do the same." Lynn let go of Barbara and looked at Kevin. "As for you, Mr. Grayson," said Lynn, "it was quite interestin' meetin' you. Now you better not take advantage of Babs right here, or else I'm gonna kick your ass into next Tuesday." Kevin shook his head trying to hold back a smile and said, "I wouldn't dream of it. Likewise with what Barbara said about you coming, Lynn. It was nice to meet you too. You know, I feel like I've seen you a couple times whenever I meet my therapist." Lynn looked up at Kevin and said, "I think we just might share the same therapist. See ya 'round, Grayson." And so Lynn left, leaving just Kevin and Barbara by Jim's grave. "I gotta say, that Lynn Black is quite the character," said Kevin. "Yeah, but she's been a valuable friend and we've been there for each other during the worst moments in our lives before I met you," said Barbara.

"I believe that," said Kevin, "are you going to be okay?" Barbara adjusted her glasses and said, "I'm really going to miss him. It's going to be difficult for me." Kevin gently placed his hand around Barbara's shoulder and said, "I understand... Barbara, I have a confession to make..." Barbara looked at Kevin and asked, "what is it?" Kevin then showed his right hand to Barbara, and on his ring finger was the Green Lantern ring! Barbara gasped and asked, "Kevin... You're a Green Lantern?!?!?!"

"Trainee, but yeah," confirmed Kevin. "How long have you been a Green Lantern?" Barbara asked. "It was after John Stewart died," explained Kevin, "his ring needed a successor, and so it chose me because the Corps feels like I qualify due to overcoming fear and the fact that I risked my life protecting my classmates and teachers during that time Apokolips attacked... I haven't fully mastered the ring yet, and with the Guardians short one and many of its Lanterns either dead or imprisoned here on Earth, the Green Lantern Corps is stretched pretty thin. I am now the only Green Lantern of Sector 2814. And I'm also the only human on Earth who's a Green Lantern." Barbara stroked Kevin's ring and said, "that sounds like a big responsibility." Kevin nodded and said, "it sure is. I've got a lot of responsibilities. I'm almost done with college, and now I got this. It honestly feels overwhelming. How did you all manage to balance schoolwork and being a superhero?" Barbara chuckled, "it wasn't easy, I'll tell you that."

"I wanted you to be the first to know that I'm a Green Lantern because I trust you," said Kevin, "when I'm not cramming various college school work, I'll be in outer space, learning to master this ring and protecting this sector." Barbara held Kevin's hand and said, "you'll do great Green Lantern, I believe in you. It's in your blood to be a hero."

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