11 years

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       If my 11 years living in this book and under the stairs with Harry has taught me anything it's that time can fly by. I don't really know if  it's the time jump in the book or I've actually been here for 11 years. It's just crazy 11 years under the stairs with the name Rowan Potter, having someone who wants to kill me, and the very possibility that I'm actually stuck here. No way out; forced to live here probably fight against death eaters, and never seeing my family ever again. I'll be stuck here forever never to see my old life- I force my thoughts to stop. I have to think positive, and think about going home.  My thoughts and mind is much worse at night time, I have major nightmares.My dreams are terrible, they contain me dying or never going home. Half the time Harry is woken up by them and he always calms me down. Harry gets up and shakes me to get me up, I must have woken him up again.
" are you good?" Harry asked.
"Yeah I'm fine just some dreams, sorry if woke you up" I respond, second after I hearing yelling from no other then Dudley. We both look at each other in misery, another day with a pig.
" I think waking up by you was better then his screaming." Harry reassured me. We both get out of cupboard to see Dudley and his pile of birthday presents. He was complaining about he had less then last year, I wasn't really listening to his words.
"He's such a baby, we don't get any present so he should suck it up or he ca-"I was saying till my aunt came around.
" what was that?" She asked.
" nothing, nothing at all," I paused, " I was just telling Harry that we just going to stay home again while you guys are out for his birthday." I finally answer her question. They gave me a look but I brushed it off. They had finally settled his stupid tantrum by buying him another present for him. We go sit down to eat our breakfast. I start to think about what today was. It's the day we go to the zoo, today is going to be a very interesting day for us.
       As the Dursley's prepare to leave, they had found out that our usual babysitter has gotten ill. Them being judgement as usual try to blame it on Harry and I. It is honestly so stupid we may come from magical world and all that but we're still kids so how can we do anything that bad, and who know they could have gotten rid of the magic inside of us like they wanted to. They debate on what to do with us and Dudley does what he is good at, whines about everything and how we're going to ruin it.
" We can stay home alone!" Harry spoke out as if some on shot a bullet into the sky. They look at him and start to laugh.
" You must being joke, like we are going to leave you home alone to make a mess!"  My uncle giggled, I was so tempted to slap him but I held it in.
" the only option we have here is to take them with us," my aunt said as Dudley made a face and started to open his big mouth " I DONT WANT THEM COMING! THEY WILL RUINING EVERYTHING!"
" oh no we'll make sure that they are well behaved and it's the only option that we have son" my uncle says. Dudley continues to complain but I just ignore him. To think people at my school were annoying, but damn Dudley had just beat everyone that found annoying for the most annoying prize. I go into the cupboard to get away from everyone and to think; 11 years wow that's a lot of time here. If only I was able to find my way out during those years maybe it would have been easier to plan what I'm going to do at hogwarts. Well I'm just going to have to wing it, I start to get ready for the zoo.
" it's settled we have to take them and that it, Harry go to you room and get ready." My uncle yells.

    We got the zoo after being threatened by non other then uncle Vernom and dealing with Dudley and his stupid friend. The car ride felt like hell with Dudley and his friend trying to hit me and Harry along with dirty look looks from my aunt and uncle. We get judged and yelled at for anything that seems to be unusual and we stay away from the word magic. We can't sat anything working or being used in the way it shouldn't without a huge scene. Any who, besides focusing on hell I should focus on what's gonna happen today. The reptile room. Am I going to be able to speak to the snake, will things change, or just anything. This is the first major moments in the books that I just can't wait to see the out come. We walk around the zoo listening to what everyone Dudley says and where he wants to go. Soon enough we finally enter the reptile room, it was a huge room. Of course it had the little glass box against the walls for viewing of the reptiles. I look around to see my eyes land on the exact spot I needed. The Boa Constructor case. I let out a little smile, it was a rare thing so I tried to hide to. My uncle or aunt only sees me smiling when I've pulled a prank on Dudley for revenge. I only really show emotions around Harry, so I gotta keep it together no more smiling. Dudley and the other idiot walks around looking at all the things in the room, with occasionally yelling and banging of the glass. The walk right up to the Boa, he plants his fat ugly face against the glass.
" MOVE! DADDY MAKE IT MOVE!" Dudley yells hitting the glass. There was no point the snake stayed still laying down just trying to get through the day. The pain in the ass walks away to the next case and bothers whatever was in it.
" I'm sorry about him, really it must suck to have to deal with that all time" Harry says to the snake. To his and mine surprise the snake talks back.
" It's not as bad as you think, you get use to it," it said while it moves around to be kind of standing, "It's truly the way you think of it really" I'm utterly shocked I can understand the snake. Harry's eyes widen and he gives me a look.
"Did y- .. did you hear that also?" He tried to ask, the words were to for him to speak. It was like claiming down a baby, it takes time and sometimes struggles. I nodded my head.
" Umm hi  Mr. Boa?"I kinda of ask instead of say. It blinks at me.
" Hello to you" it responds.
" Boa's are from Brazil, how is Brazil like?l Harry asked. The snake didn't respond he just looked down and then towards a sign. It said all reptiles are born captivated. Harry nodded.
" I'm sorry for asking." Dudley looks over to see the snake moving around, he runs over and shoves me and Harry out of the way. We both land on the floor hard while he observe the snake. Oh how I just can't wait for the glass to disappear, I can't wait to see his face. SPLAT! He falls face forward into the small little pondish thing in the tank. The snake starts to slither out.
"Thanksssss" it says to me and Harry. He goes off to be free and the glass is back up.
             Lets just say it took about 2 hours to get Dudley out of the case. It was hilarious, I was trying so hard not to laugh but it's impossible not to. The car ride back was silent, that meant trouble for non other then Harry and me. As soon as we got to the house and walked in the yelling started.
"WHAT DID YOU DO? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO OUR POOR LITTLE DUDLIKNS?" They go on and on yelling at us for something Harry didn't mean to really do and what I kinda hope I chipped in on. They continued to yell and tell us about that they we're serious about that threat they made before the zoo. After all of their blabbing and me ignoring them we get sent to our "room". Yeah so much for a room, a little bed that barely fits and it has to keep 2 10 year olds plus their very few belongings. I sigh, life is about to get interesting soon.

       Here is the all new and improved chapter 1. I'm so excited for this because I'm fixing all my writing mistakes and practicing for better writing skills. I'm happy with the way the chapter turned out I had fixed what i didn't like about Rowen and factors that adds up. I hope you guys in joy this better updated version and ill start on chapter 2 and hopefully it won't take to long.

Stuck in that world (a Harry Potter Fanfiction)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now