Platfrom9 3/4 to Hogwarts

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As our only "family" did not talk to us and was mad at me for my hair they laughed at us for platform 9 3/4. They drive away with tears, not from sadness, but laughter. Harry had no idea how to get on but I did. I waited for Mrs. Weasly to show up and Harry to ask for help. There she was.
" Harry let's look for help like over there!" Say point to where the Weasly were. He shrugged and we went towards her.
" Hello Mis do you know how to get on platform 9 3/4?" Harry ask.
" it your first too, it is Ron's also you kids can do it together!" She explained.
" Okay so you run up to that brick wall if you nervous Percy you go first and show them!" She explained more as Percy run into the wall and disappear. Harry was amazed.
" Fred, George your next go!" She said pointing to them.
" I am not Fred I am George, you call yourself our mother!" Fred said I know that was Fred.
" Sorry George!" She apologized.
" Just kidding!" He said and ran into the wall. It was our turn to run up.
" you kids ready?" She asked.
We nod and ran.
" I am Harry Potter and this is my twin Rowan!" Harry introduce ourselves. All of there mouths fell.
" Mom I want to see the Potters!" Ginny cried.
" No they have to go!" She explained. Everyone's parents waves bye to there children. Harry, Ron, and I sat down.
" Do you two really have the scar?" Ron ask nervously.
Harry lift up his hair and I point at the Butterfly scar on my lower rist.
" How did you get that there?" Run ask.
" Think when Harry tried to save me as a baby I pulled out my arm and it me there as a girl sign I got a butterfly. If you dare try to make fun of me you will be in a cast before we get to Hogwarts!" I say scaring Ron.
" I am joking about the cast part if you make fun of me it is lest likely that you will. But if anyone does of my friends and my brother they will get it!" I say smiling. Ron look started and soon calmed down.
" lt is true she gave a black eye to a 8th grader in kindergarten!" Harry said.
" You want to buy any treats like candy?" A trolley came and Harry looks at Ron. He pulls out a sandwich.
" 3 of everything!" Says as he pulls out his bag of money and pays for everything. Ron smiled as we gave the candy.
" you guys should put on your robes the conductor said we will be at Hogwarts soon!" A girl said although it wasn't any girl it Hermione.
" You are Harry and Rowan Potter!" She shouted.
" I am Hermione Granger! And you are?" Hermione asked.
" Ron Weasly!" Ron introduced himself with his hand out.She didn't shake the hand.
" You have something on your nose there! Harry your glasses are dirt her acous repairo!" Hermione says as Harry's glasses turn clean.
" What house do you want to be in I want gryffindor?" Hermione ask.
" what everyone she is not in!" Ron whisper to me and Harry. I kicked him hard.
" ow!" He yells.
" Sorry! Don't be rude!" I said then whisper the part after sorry.
" Well I better go back to my room that I was in!" Hermione say and leaves.
" what was that for?" Ron asked.
" For being rube about Hermione she seems nice!" I answered.
As we reached are Hogwarts Harry and I got out owls and left the train. As we walk out we see Hagrid. We run up to him and hug him.
" First year follow me!" I yells as we all walk to the boats. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Nevile, and I are on a boat together. No one talked till we saw Hogwarts form the distance. Everyone went ohh, ahh, how pretty, awesome. As we reached land we all got off the boats.
" Follow me inside and we will met Professor McGonagall!" Hagrid shouts over all the talking kids. As we walk in we see pretty paintings.
" Hello I am Professor McGonagall and as soon as you enter into great hall you will be sorted into one of the 4 house Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, or Slytherin!" She shouts out to all students. She left the room and then that's when no good Draco Malfoy.
" So the rumors are true the Potters are here I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy!" He said with his hand out.
" I can help you choose the right kind of friends! Look hand me down Clothes red hair you must be a Weasly!" He snorts.
" I think I can choose my own friends" Harry said.
" Yeah I can't I just Harry's weak twin!" I say.
" it seems like one of the twins is smart!" He said. I punch him the face then smiled.
" Yeah I am for punch you bye!" I said going to Harry.
" That was alsome Rowan so what are going to be friends with him?" Harry ask nervously.
" Heck no I already know I was smart and I don't spoiled rich brats that rubes of that there rich to others. I said yes so I can do that!" I explained.
" Harry you was not lie she hit him hard!" Ron said
The door open as we all entered into great hall. It was great alright.
" stay here as I call your names. When your name is called go up to the chair and sit. We will put the sorting hat on you and you will be sorted in to a house!" Professor  McGonagall shouted. After many kids and Malfoy was sorted into Slytherin I was called on, everyone gasped. I walk up to the hat and sat down I was thinking about being in the same house as Harry Gryffindor.
" Gryffindor!" The hat shouted. There was claps form the Gryffindor table. Harry was called on and was sorted into Gryffindor like me. After Professor Dumbledore said his speech and told us about one of the cauldrons of the school was off limits to everyone. That's where fluffy is. After that we ate our big meal.
Hey I like wrote like 90 words yesterday and today I wrote the rest I was bored okay. So go read FlowerGarden28 the magic and her new book yes I keep on saying to do so because it is really good. Okay let's see how fast I can publish the next chapter. I will freak out if I post chapter 5 tomorrow. I think I am going to make Rowan share a room with Hermione because I am going to make them have a strong friendship like I made Rowan and Harry. You may be wondering why well I have planned most of my book. I hope you liked this chapter.I was not trying to copy I wanted the way they met the same way, so I made her punch Malfoy to not seem like I am not copy and talking to Ron about being tuff. I hope you liked this chapter Happy New Years bye.

Stuck in that world (a Harry Potter Fanfiction)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now