Flying lessons

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Today was the start of flying lessons and I was excited to be on a broomstick.
" Mia be careful you can fall and hurt yourself but they ca mend you easily Harry grew all his bones on his arm in one night!" I told Mia. Harry and Ron walk up to us. We all walked to class together.
" Harry what do think about Quidditch the game?" I asked him.
" It sounds cool but I don't know anything about it!" He said as I nodded. As we walked around the school we bumped into Hermione. Ron did not liked her at all now but soon I knew they would be friends.
" Hey Hermione you are ready for flying lessons?" I asked her.
" I am nervous about flying but I have done some research and I think I can do it!" She told us. Ron rolled his eyes when she said she did some research. I was planning to kick him later or whenever it looks like an accident. I went behind him and then kicked him as if I was walking.
" Oww!" Ron shouted.
" Sorry Ron I stopped because I was  think about Quidditch!" I said giving Ron a bad look. They nod as we continue to walk. As we reached outside for class we saw that we had class with Slytherin. Madam Hooch came to start the class.
" okay today I am showing how to hover over the ground!" She told us.
" well what are you waiting for go to a broomstick and say up!" She yelled at the front of everyone. As we all lined up to start flying Nevlie was scared even with out knowing he was you could tell.
" UP!" Everyone shouted. Harry's and others went up then I saw mine go up to. I was shocked to see that I am capable of lifting a broom with out moving a finger. As soon as everyone's was up ,even Nevile  Madam Hooch said.
" okay when I blow my whistle you will go up a few feet and than go back down. To go down you should lean forward!" She told us. When she put the whistle in her mouth Nevile went up. Higher and higher each moment. He fell down hard to the ground.
" here get up ! No one gets off the ground while I am taking him to hospital wing!" She said with a serious tone. We all nodded as she left. Malofy went to pick up Nevlie's thing that his gran got him.
" look at what Nevlie dropped!" He said laughing. I felt like punching him again but hard.
" Give it here Malfoy!" Harry said as everyone started to look at him.
" Here let me put it in that tree where he will remember it!" He said.
" Give it here!" Harry said again.
" Come and get!" Malofy said as he took of. Hermione try to stop Harry but didn't listen. He flow up and chase Malofy. I couldn't stay down there so I kicked of the ground flowing them.
" look your twin has to come and save you!" He laughed.
" No I came here make sure you fall and get hurt so I can cause more pain when I punch
you!" I smile.
" Give it here before I knock you off your broom!" Harry said.
" Catch it!" He said throw it. I wanted to after it but Harry had to. I flow up to Malofy and let go of my broom to punch him.
" Ow!" He shouted. I flow up to Harry as I coughed the Rember ball and threw it to him. He flew after it to the ground. We both land as Porfessor McGonagall walked up to us and took us out of class.
" Porfessor can I brow wood?" She ask. A boy that was in his 5th year.
" I found you a new seeker and a new chaser!" She said my jaw dropped I was going to be part of Quidditch!
" I will tell headmaster if we drop the first year rule!" She said we all nod.
It was dinner time as we all head of to great hall. Ron and Mia was excited about us being part of Quidditch. Ron freak out when he heard the news. Fred and George walked up to us.
" We heard the great news about you guys joining Quidditch Wood told us!" They said as they left. Malofy walk up to us and smile.
" I hope you like your least amount of food here tonight when are you leaving?" He said.
" Oh your so lucky that teachers are around!" I said as he looked scared when I said that.
" Good thing that you have your little friends to protect you now!" Harry said.
"I Can take you on tonight a wizard duel!" He said.
" I bet you don't even know what it is!" He laughed.
" They do and I am Harry's second who's yours?" Ron but in.
" Crabbe at midnight ! And Rowan you might want to come to go save your brothers and his friends but! And maybe rethink about who you are friends with!" He said. I walked up to him and kicked him harder than I ever did to Ron.
" Ow!" He yelled.
" Sorry!" I answered.
" Those hurt a lot Malofy! Did you hit him hard!" Ron asked.
" Even harder than I did to you. Now Malofy back of before you get on my bad side and Crabbe and what ever the other one name is will be out in a snap. And then you!" I said. He looked scared.
" I am going so after I can beat him up for fun!" I said.
" You think weird but that is alsome part about you!" Harry said Hugging me. We all set out as we found Hermione outside.
" I am going so if we get caught I will explain!" Hermione said.
" why can't you mind your own business?" Ron said ready for me to kick him. Just giving him a mad look he go scared.
" He is scared of you! Malofy he a wimp when your around!" Ron told me.
" I going to end up the bully to the bully in the school!" I said laughing. Harry put his finger on zhis lip saying to be quite. It was Nevile and refused to leave. We all left for the duel. We walk to the Trophy room and than I remember that it was a tricky.
" We need to go before Flinch will catch us!" I said as we heard talking.
" Sniff them out my sweet!" Flinch said.we all ran to hide. We all ended up close to the charms classroom.
" We need to get back to the Gryffindor tower!" Ron said. Then come Peeves shouting out students out of bed. We all ran and end up in a dead end with a lock door.
" We are done for!" Ron cry.
" Hermione do the spell!" I said.
" move and give your wand Harry!" She said.
" Alohomora!" She said as the door opened. We all rushed in.
" we are in bigger trouble if we get caught this is the is the forbidden corridor!" I said. We all looked around. There was a big three headed dog. It was Fluffy she was protecting the stone. We all ran out all the way to Gryffindor tower. The fat lady was there.
" Pig snot!" We cry as she opened the door. We all sat down.
" do you use your eyes? Did you see what it standing on?" Hermione asked.
" it was on the floor!" They answer.
" no it was on a trap door!" Hermione and I said together. We both look T each other then continued. She got up and my favorite saying inside the book was said.
" We could have been killed or worse expelled. Now I am going of to bed if you don't mind!" She snapped.
" Yeah me to!" I said. We both climbed up the stairs to our room.
Hey I hope you liked this chapter bye.

Stuck in that world (a Harry Potter Fanfiction)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now