Bye Savannah and Hi Exams

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*Rowan POV*
I eat breakfast before our exams, I am nervous of my grades on these exams even though it isn't real. I eat eggs, sausage, bacon, and some toast.
" Harry what if Snap tried to steal the stone what can we do?" I asked.
" Rowan to be honest I have no clue can't we walk about this later your new friends our coming and we about to take our exams i don't want to think about that during it!" Harry answered he seemed mad.
" I bet yah a dime that Dudley won't last a day with Malfoy." I whispered.
" I bet yah a dime that Dudley won't last a day in potions." He whispered back in a happier voice. We continue on betting a dime on stuff Dudley wouldn't last doing or having to deal with.
" see now your no longer stressed out!" I said. Harry smiled back at me.
" you always know what and when to do things don't you?" He asked me but not looking for an answer. I nodded and continued to eat my breakfast. I look around to catch Lance looking directly at me. He smiles nervously and looks away, then Harvey whispers something to him.
" Rowan can we talk in private please?" Mia asked me.
" Yeah let's go out in the hall." I answered.
" Rowan I can't take these exams I not prepared I-I-I can't-this is- why must-" Mia kept on going changing her words.
" Mia relax ok your fine we have study hard and I made sure you know what you need to remember I have all the info I need for this so I inflicted it to you ok." I said reassuring her.
" You know what your right I can do this, but what the summer time I have no place to go?" She asked worried. Oh crap I didn't think of that or Savannah staying anywhere over the summer probably because I was hoping we would be out by now.
" umm we need to talk to Savannah and Dumbledore!" I said pulling her into great hall to get Savannah. I reach the Slytherin table and find Savannah eating with Malfoy.
" Savannah we need to talk like right now!" I said grabbing her and pulling her out.
" What?" She asked.
" the summer is coming where are you and Mia going to stay?" I asked. She looked worried too and started to panic. I started to think back on how they got here, through a blue orb thing that glowed, made my Dumbledore.
" DUMBLEDORE! HES THAT ANSWER!" I shout every started to stare at me. I grabbed both of there hand and ran to his office.
" Lemon drops!" I said to the griffin to open his office. That stairs appear and we climb up them. I ran in the office to see Dumbledore alone.
" I have expecting you guys to come!" He said.
" Professor what did you do that night Mia and Savannah got here, you made this blue orb that was glowing saw them through there and I guess pulled them how did you do it!" I said. He nodded as if he understood completely.
" That blue orb was not opened by me it was opened my Savannah she opened the book. While I made a visionary image you managed to pull them out of the power of you care but as I can see Savannah isn't doing so well she seems to glow." He answers, I look at Savannah and see her glowing, like the orb.
" SAVANNAH YOUR TURNING INTO THE ORB!" I yelled. She continue to glow brightly I just stared.
" Well since I am the orb I am leaving!" She shouted, I was shocked, the one Slytherin that I thought wasn't bad, was actually bad.
" Savannah what about not all Slytherin arnt like that and bad?" I asked looking for hope, my eyes begin to water.
" Ha! Do you really believe that I was completely a good Slytherin! I have been busy trying to get myself out and hopefully get you stuck, your just an annoying girl who started talking to me in gym class!" She answered, I started to cry I saw my so called "friend" turn on me.
" YOU KNOW WHAT GOOD I DONT NEDD YOU HERE YOU HAVE BEEN USELESS THIS HOLE ENTIRE TIME! YOU HAVE BEEN OBSESSING ABOUT STUPID DRACO THIS HOLE TIME! GUESS WHAT, I DONT NEED YOU AT ALL LEAVE YOUR NO HELP!" I yelled as she glowed more. Sooner or later I finally had my so called "friend" gone and out of my chest. She disappeared, but the orb what still there a small little light that showed all my friends again.
" Mia do you see your friends?" I asked, she nodded.
" I see the orb only show to bring in and out help. You may choose new help form home i guess or leave now, but one will have to stay based off of the energy because two got in only two can get out this way." Dumbledore said.
" Mia you can leave if you want I can find another way out, but what I want you to do is find Savannah, and punch her, very hard!" I said crying.
" ARE YOY CRAZY I ANIT LEAVING WITH OUT YOU!" She answered grabbing a book and throwing it through the orb. It all shatter like broken glass.
" Mia, is a true Gryffindor not one would be that brave to stay behind with the others and destroy the only way out." Dumbledore said, i smiled at Mia.
" Well I think you guys should head back to breakfast and get prepared for your exams, don't worry I will say we caught Savannah cheating so she got expelled!" Dumbledore said. We both nod and started to head out.
" Good luck for these exams!" He said.
" Thank you!" We both said. We both walked out and head back to great hall.
"Where did you guys I was just about to go looking for you!" Lance asked me.
" Oh me and Mia, had to go get a book to study a little more before the exams." I said.
" Oh well then let's see, what spell is used to levitate objects?" He asked.
" WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" I shouted as everyone stared at me. We all started to laugh.
" Why did you shout it out?" Mia asked.
" oh well I help Ron and Harry to study and they fall asleep, so I shout that out to wake them up it is a habit now." I said smiling.
" good to know!" Lance said.
" Rowan can I talk to you in private please?" Mia asked.
" Lance can I talk to you in private please?" Harvey asked.
" Ok" we both said. Lance and Harvey walk off and me and Mia stay where we are.
" So I have some thoughts about Lance what about you?" She asked.
" He is nice, kinda funny, smart, and sweet." I said.
" Well I think he likes you!" She said very happily.
" yeah right!" I said.
" Do you really think so?" I asked.
" Duh, it's pretty obvious, but you won't notice because your you!" She said.
" Hey, but true. I don't think so, think what you want." I said. She shrugged her shoulders and we started to head to our seats for breakfast.
*Lance POV*
    Harvey pulled me off to the side to talk.
" What Harvey?" I asked.
" Dude your so obvious, but with a girl like her she doesn't even realize anything!" He said.
" What, am I really! But good thing she doesn't notice!" I said calming down.
" Well some guys want them to notice!" Harvey answered.
" Well I don't really think with her she is a fighter, plus I am going to end up doing something stupid showing I do like her so the longest I can avoid that the best I can get to see if she likes me!" I said.
" true knowing you, but other wise, so over the summer are you coming over to my house?" He asked.
" I will find out, but let's go take our exams!" I answered as we walked to our first class.
*Rowan POV*
      " man that exam was kinda of hard!" I said.
" yes it was!" Mia said.
" But we study hard Mia so who knows. While I was out doing Quidditch you were studying with Hermione. So your much more prepared then me!" I said encouraging her, she smiled.
" Well you guys study for a living I have other things to do!" Ron said.
" what I have a sport to play! You don't you have more time then me!" I said looking crazily at Ron.
" well I play a sport I am a professional at this, it's called a sleeper!" He snapped back.
" yeah sure!" I said.
" Rowan!" Lance calls out, I turn around and walk over to him.
" yeah!" I said.
" ok since I am muggle born as Malfoy said earlier on and I was wondering do you think maybe in the muggle world we can reach each other in any way?" He asked.
" ummm I don't know my uncle and my aunt won't let us do anything really, but I could sneak out!" I said, he looked happy at the last part.
" well if you do sneak out you may just find me at the football fields, I love football!" He said.
" ok, I am starving let's go to lunch!" I said.
" oh well let's go!" He said, he almost put his hand out to grab my hand, but then he puts his hand into his pockets. We walk to great hall to eat our food.
" ok so if I do sneak out and I want to talk to you where exactly the football field there so many of them? Oh and what part of England do you live in maybe that would be easier?" I asked.
" Oh I live in the main city of London so that may be easier for the football fields!" He said.
" OMG! I live there on privet drive 4!" I exclaimed, his smile grew bigger knowing we live close to each other.
" Wait what about Mia, where does she live?" He asked.
" Ummm, she's an... ummm an orphan." I said nervous trying to create something up.
" Oh really!" He said.
" uh yeah! Her mom died giving birth and her dad died before she was born, he was killed by death eater, so she was put up for adoption." I explained making a bigger lie.
" oh wow wait what is her blood status?" He asked.
" I never pay attention to her blood status or to anyone's, why do you want to know? Do you like her?" I asked.
" well I want to know because maybe we could all hang out with Max and Harvey, and no offense I don't she just isn't my type." He said. I kinda felt happy he said that she wasn't his type, probably because even if we liked anyone we couldn't be with them we would leave this world before anything could happen.
" where did you guys go?" Mia asked me.
" oh Mia I need to talk to you in private, hold on Lance." I said. He nod as I went off with Mia.
" ok so ummm Lance asked about your family, your blood type, and where you live, so I said your an orphan and that your dad was killed my death eaters and your mom died at birth, I said I don't pay attention to blood type." I explained.
" Could you have created a sadder story, but we need to talk about where I staying we should talk to McGongall." She said.
" Maybe later, we can't make it too notice, Lance might notice I am always going away talking in private to you as if I want to get away!" I explained. We go back to our table and eat.
A new chapter with the most words yay 1988 almost 2000 wow I am SOO happy. I have decided yes to a second book so be on the look out after I finish this book. I might just have 2 chapters left to write so the 2nd book might come out directly afterwards or a while I will decide when I complete finish this book. I hope you enjoy what is left of 2016 and let's see what 2017 brings us. Have a good day and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Stuck in that world (a Harry Potter Fanfiction)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now