It is LevosiA

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After the feast we follow Percy to the Coman room. We all went to our dormitory.
" Good night Harry!" Say hugging him and he hugged me back. I walk up my room and Hermione was in there. "Hermione do you know where the headmasters office is?" I asked her.
" yeah why?" She asked.
" I need to talk to him." I answer.
" If you want to change rooms you don't need to talk to him!" She said. I felt bad.
" no why would I you are alsome you have read all the books for this year just like I have. I can have a study buddy all the time. I know your smart!" I say making her feel better.
She told me the directions then I left. As I walked through the hallways I almost got caught. I hide behind a painting. I ran to area where Dumbledore's office.
" Leon drop!" Professor McGonagall said as it opened. As it closed I popped out.
" Leon drop!" I said as it opened for me to go in. I walk and open the door.
" Sorry to interrupt your meeting and please don't expell me I need help!" I explained.
" What do you need Rowan?" Dumbledore asked.
" Well my name is Rowan Martinez not Rowan Potter I don't belong here. I was reading this book because this place is all made by J.K. Rowling and I was sucked into the book. I was placed as a potter and I know everything that will happen because I have read the books. That why I can dream the future. I can't I know everything because this is a book I need to get out!" I explained.
" I knew there was weird magic going on let me see I think I may know a way in not out!" Dumbledore said.
" I need to get my family my real on please!" I cry.
" Harry doesn't know at all!" I I cry more.
" Dumbledore there may be away if she lives though everything it could cause a gate way for her to leave!" McGonagall explained.
" Let me see if I can make a gateway!" He said. There was a blue light. I saw my friends, family, everyone I knew.
" there they are!" Said reaching out to my friend Mia and Savannah. All of the sudden the appeared.
" what the?" Savannah shouted.
" Mia Savannah I missed you. No your here know ow your stuck here too!" I cry. They were puzzled. I explained everything to them and they got scared.
" Professor Dumbledore put Savannah in slytherin and Mia with me!" Said Savannah's face when brighter.
" oh Savannah Malfoy may have a back eye because I-" I said citing myself of because I did not want to get in trouble.
We left Dumbledore's office to are dorms Savannah left and me and Mia wonder around. When we got tithe fat lady I said the password and we entered. We walked up stars to our dorm.
" Hey Hermione this is my friend Mia, Mis This is Hermione!" Said
Introducing them to each other. We all climb into the beds and went to sleep.
We woke up around 6:00 to do some studying with Mia so she can be prepared for class. Around 7:00 I took a shower than Mia than Hermione by the time we were all ready was 7:40 which was 20 minutes before great hall opens. I showed Mia my hair that it change colors with my feelings and it will be purple with pink. We all had black converse on under our rides and our sweaters. We studied more than left at 8:00. The breakfast was big and good. Than we got our class schedule. After memorize it we left for Charms.
" Hello students I am Professor Flitwick I am your charms teacher. Today we are working on a Levitation Charm!" He said. Everyone smiled because on the first day we are doing magic.
" Okay students we are going to do the spell but first swish and flick. Come on say it and do it!" He said showing how to.
" Swish and flick!" Everyone said. Professor Flitwick nod.
" Okay now sat Wingardium Leviosa!" He said.every one said it.
" Okay said together and swish and flick it will work!" He said. Everyone try's.
" Wingardium LeviOsa!" Ron said.
" Stop you going to poke someone's eyes out! Besides you doing it wrong it LeviosA not LeviOsa!" Hermione told him.
" yeah she's right Ron!" I said.
" okay if your so smart you do it!" Ron said.
" Wingardium Leviosa!" We both said as the feathers levitate.
" Good job girls you are the first to do it!" Professor Flitwick announced.
Everyone clapped. I mouthed sorry to Ron.
As we walk into potions me and Mia talked.
" Do you know we are going to get out and how did you get her?" Mia asked.
" Can we talk about this later we are almost to class and people can hear are conversation like Quirrell he is the bad guy in this book/ year!" I said. She nod. As we walked in we were joined by Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I sat down next to Harry and Mia, on Mia's side Hermione was and on Harry's side was Ron. I saw Savannah with Malfoy, I thought she would be kissing up to him because she has a major crush on him. I walk over there to them and said.
" hey!"
" hey!" She answered.
" what do you want Potter?" Malfoy asked.
" what Draco I can't go say hi to my friend?" I asked with a large amount of sass.
" How dare you think after punching means giving me a black eye we will be friends!" He said.
" hahaha Draco your so not funny and I was talking to Savannah!" I sassed him even more. He was so mad he almost pulled out his wand but Snap came in. I ran to my sat. He walked to the front of the class. I got scared seeing him in real life was scary like a doormento.
(Hey guys I know I spell the last word wrong like complete. I was talking about the creatures that suck the happiness out of from prisoner of Askban. Back to the book.)
He explained what he can do and teach us to do. With the part about poison Malfoy smiled. He may just think about poisoning me. Harry was writing everything I felt bad because has going to get in trouble. Before Snap saw Harry I took his paper as if it was me who was writing.
" what do we have here!" He said to me.
" let me see tell me what will I get if I add powder of azalead to infuse one wood?" He ask me.
" umm let me think oh yeah we get a sleeping potion that is very powerful!" I said with a smile. He got mad real mad like how Malfoy almost pulled out his wand.
" Mr. Potter where can you find a bezel stone?" He asked Harry. What I try to stop that.
" I don't know!" He said. Hermione's hand was up.
" Harry don't you remember reading that!" I said try to make him seem smarter.
" yeah in umm" he said. I mouthed goat.
" in a goat!" He said.
" Where in the goat and Rowan do not help him!" He said.
"I don't know!" Harry answered.
" Fam is not everything right! It is found in the stomach of the goat!" He said.
Hey this chapter is longer than the other because half of what I wrote was gone so I added more details. I hope you in joy the chapter and I am on a 3 day strike this is alsome ! Bye I will post soon thanks for all the readers so far! Hey I messed up it was first suppose red Potions first than my next chapter sorry! I remember the book but the those chapters were out of order in my head. The next one it flying lessons and probably the midnight duel. Sorry!

Stuck in that world (a Harry Potter Fanfiction)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now