Gryffindor v.s Slytherin

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As the Quidditch season came Me and Harry practice alone with Wood. Wood called us his secret weapon so we can win this year. There was so many practices that Harry was not able to finish his homework.
" Harry do you need me to do your homework that's due tomorrow from chrams but you have to read the book and read the essay?" I asked him say what he has to do.
" Rowan you are a life saver I forgot all about that I can do it that's all I have to do and Hermione can check it!" He said. I nodded as I turned a bit sad. My hair grew blue as I looked down.
" What's wrong?" He asked. My hair turned red because I was mad about my dumb hair had to change colors and than back to purple and pink.
" I just don't think we're that close anymore like in the Dursly and was mad because of hair had to turn blue!" I explained. He nod as he gave me tight hug for about a minute.
" So can I go through?" Dean said one of Harry's roommate asked. I nodded as gave Harry a good night hug and smiled. I enter in my dorm and went to bed.
Saturday morning creeped up as I woke up early of excitement. I check my phone and it said 5:00 A.M. I got up and took a shower and after I changed my hair to half red to half yellow. After my shower I put on black jeans and a black shirt with words that say Gryffindor Quidditch. I checked my phone and I saw it was6:00 AM so I ran down stairs. I went to my brothers room and nocked. Nevile answer the door.
" Nevile did I wake you up? Is anyone else awake?" I asked.
" No I was already awake and no your brother is still sleeping." He answered.
" Thanks Nevile! Can I come in?" I said. He nod yes and open the door so I can come in. I saw Harry on his bed so comfortable and asleep. I walk up to him and flipped his bed up side down.
" What the?" Harry said.
" Wake up sleepy head it is game day!" I said as I pull up the bed so he can get out. When he was up I flipped back to normal. I left the room so he could get dressed. I stay in the common room waiting for one of my friends to come down. As I heard someone come down from upstairs.
" Hey good morning Rowan!" Mia said.
" Good morning Mia I can't wait for me and my brother tho play Quidditch!" I said.
" You calling Harry your brother? You aren't really!" Mia said.
" Well everyone thinks we are and I got use to it be called his twin or sister!" I said.
" Well have you talked to Dumbledore to see if there is a way out?" Mia asked.
" it is 6:30 so why don't we go down there!" I said.
" Yeah and what did you do with your hair?" She said.
" I make it in our house colors to show team spirit!" I explained as we exit the Gryffindor common room through the fat lady painting. We walked all around the school to reach Dumbledore's office. once we reach a bird like object.
" Lemon drop!" I said as a staircase appeared. We walked through and reached the door. Then I opened it to see Dumbledore siting down.
" Hello girls what do you need?" Dumbledore asked.
" Have you found a way to get us out?" Mia asked.
" No why don't you wait a while you could change the books for the better!" He answered .
" I need a books of Harry Potter but drawling and I need to be cast a spell to be able to draw so many look like I drew it!" I said as 7 books appeared with great drawlings. I picked up a pencil and drew Harry on a broomstick.
" Thanks Porfessor for everything!" I said leaving the room.
" Good luck with today match!" Dumbledore said. We went for great hall for breakfast and the Gryffindor table cheer for the team.
" Rowan what did you do to your hair it is cool?" Hermione asked.
" I am shoeing team spirit!" I said.
" if I get mad it would become completely red!" I explained. I ate everything that Hermione gave so I can ha e energy to play And I didn't want to get in a fight.
As we all got ready fir the first match of the season Wood was giving his speech. I wasn't paying attention at all as I got dressed for the match. We all left the looker room together looking alsome. Madam Hooch was the refer and was not looking for funny business. Slytherin's capatin Flint was a trouble maker he almost knocked if Harry of this broomstick later in the game.
" Mount your brooms!" She said. We all went off in to the air as Le Jordan a friend of the twins said everything that was happening. We went of and Angelina had the Quaffle and she pass it to Alicia. Then Fint took the ball and trys to score but great save for the keeper. I  flys up and takes the Quaffle and fly away. Once up in the air I moved before I can get hit by the bludger. A Slytherin took the Quaffle from me, then  Angelina  took the Quaffle and scored. There was a time out to talk out a plan for Harry. Harry has been flying around in circles to get his mind off of things. Slytherin had the ball so I flow fast to him and took the Quaffle. Then Harry flow around to go get the snitch but Flint hit him. My hair turn red as we continue Flint got the Quaffle and he flow by I took it.
" I will take that thanks for trying to kill my brother!" I said flying by and then went away. He got the ball back and scored. Harry's broomstick went crazy going all over the place. Soon he took full control and went up in the air, then he flow down and cough out the snitch. We won and my hair was back to red and yellow. Slytherin said Harry almost ate and did not catch it. No linsten as we all had a party in the common room to celebrate the first win!
I hope you liked today's chapter I an on a good strike. I think today is the last strike because I am going to Disneyworld and Universal studios. I hope you liked today's chapter bye!

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