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As the next morning creeped we woke up around 6:00 A.M we took showers and got dressed. By 6:30 we were all finished we started to study more. Then around 6:40 we left for breakfast. As we reached great hall Harry and Ron caught up to us. When we step in there was Malofy shocked to see us. We all sat down to eat, then owls came to drop of mail. My owl Mia flow down with Hedwig to drop off are broomstick. I read my note a taped Harry.
" You ready for Quidditch practice?" I asked him. He nodded back and we eat our food. Sadly Hermione was not talking to them but to me. I was in the middle of the problem. As we Harry, Ron, and I  shoved down our throats with food to check out the broomsticks. We all ran out to a room to open the package. As we reached a room we stops for me and Harry ripped the parchment paper to look at the Nimbus 2000. Then Malofy came with a laugh.
" You Potters are so dumb and first year aren't allowed to have brooms!" Malofy said.
" what type broom a Comet 2 60 well it fast but not as a Nimbus!" Ron said.
" what do you know about brooms Wealsey you can't afford a hand of one, your brothers had to save twig to them!" Malofy said to Ron. I almost went to punch him and kick him.
" You kids aren't fighting right?" Porfessor Flitwick said.
" The Potters got broomstick!" Malofy cry.
" Porfessor McGonagall told me all about it! What type?" Porfessor Flitwick said.
" Nimbus 2000 sir and I ow it all to Malofy!" Harry and I said together at the same time.
At 7:00 like the note said to go down to the Quidditch filed to learn the game. Me and Harry met up at the fat Lady painting to leave at 6:40.
" Harry I had a dream of a game with a tiny golden ball with wigs and two big balls that hit people! So I did some research and those balls are from Quidditch!" I told Harry.
" I think I saw us playing and you got the golden thing and we won!" I said. I need to keep up with that lie so he won't find out.
" Cool so is Mia one of those friends you sneak out of the Dursly?" Harry asked. I nodded yes as we walked past the charms class room.
"  Do think Hermione is nice, do you like her as a friend?" I as him.
" She is okay but a bit bossy!" He answered. We reached the field and waited for Wood. After waiting a while we started to fly around.
" Harry I bet I can go faster than you can!" I said speeding up.
" Your on!" He said. I smile as we both flow around two times.
" Okay fun time is over! Wow! Porfessor wasn't lie you guys are natural!" Wood told us. He opened a big box and there was the golden snitch, the bludgers, and the Quaffle.
" okay there is one seeker that's you Harry. Three chasers that's you Rowan and two beaters." He told us.
" the seeker looks for the golden snitch and the chasers throw around the Quaffle to make points. The keeper stops the chasers from making points. The beater keep the bludgers away from the team members!" He explained everyone's job. We nodded to what he said. After an hour or two we went up to go to bed
It was Hollween morning and I woke up around 5:30 to show and get in the Hollween sprit. I had put on a Hollween head band with a axe in my head and I made my self look like a zombie, a Hogwarts zombie. At 6:30 I woke up Hermione and Mia and they took there showers and I did there makeup. I made Hermione a vampire so she wouldn't look to different but with blood at her lips and fangs. Mia was a mummy not with paper around her but with make up. I went downstairs to go to Harry's dorm and nock on the door. Nevile answer the door.
" Nevlie do I look like a zombie? And is Harry and Ron awake?" I asked him.
" You look like a zombie and no but everyone else is!" He answered.
" Thanks!" I told him as I walked in and taped Harry.
" Harry save me Malofy is trying to kill me with an axe and hitting me with spells! Ron help me I am getting killed!" Said waking them up scared.
" Where that selfish boy let me at- you faked it!" He said smile.
" Good morning sleepy heads meet you in great Hall!" I said leaving the room. When I got to great Hall Hermione and Mia was there and people was loving there makeup as they ran to me. Ron and Harry came in and Harry sat next to me.
" Happy Hollween Rowan!" Harry said. We all with laughter and then that's when I remember Hermione was going to be attack be the troll.
" Rowan what's wrong ?" Harry asked me.
" I saw part of the future and I can't tell you what happens sorry something are supposed to happen and I don't want it to be stopped!" I explained to him as he nodded I felt bad.
After class Harry, Ron, Mia, and I were walking.
" It is no wonder why no one can stand her!" Ron said. That's when Harry and I saw her with tears.
" I think she heard you!" Harry said.
' I think that your a jerk!" I said kicking him.
" So!" He said. I ran of with Mia to find Hermione. I found her in the girls bathroom crying.
" Hermione I me and Mia I kicked that jerk of Ron!" I told her. She came out of the stolid with makeup in her face. We were in the bathroom all day to comfort her.
" Hermione he was wrong you do have Friends Mia and I!" I told her. All day we skipped class and we were all over the school in bathroom in the our room and in Gryffindor tower. Around 7:00 we went down but Hermione went the bathroom where she was going to get attack. We got our plates plied up with food for us and Hermione.
" Mia we are going to get attack by a big troll don't worry we will get saved!" I told her as she freaked out.
" hey jerk hey Harry!" I said. Harry was not happy about me calling Ron a jerk. S-O-R-R-Y I mouthed to Harry. I waved bye and we left for Hermione so she won't be lonely. When we got to the bathroom I was shaking of being scared.
" Hermione do you feel better?" I asked her. She nodded yes as I washed of her ruined makeup. BOOM! A weird noise was made it was foot steps.
" Mia it is here! Hermione I can dream the future the troll will be grey be careful it will try to crush us!" I said.
We all screamed as it walk close to us and crushed the stall next to us.
" RON, HARRY SAVE US NOW!" I yelled as we moved under the sinks.
" Stupify!" I cry the troll got stung for a second and got more mad. Then Harry and Ron ran in.
" Finally my spell didn't work!" I yelled. They were scared about the troll being big.
They tried to stall it so we could run but they failed. Harry jump onto the troll and stuck his wand in its nose. When it try to pick up it glob to beat Harry with Ron pulled out it his wand.
" Wingardium  Leviosa !" Ron said as the glob went up in the air. He couldn't hold it any longer so he drop it on it.
" is it dead?" Hermione asked.
" no it is out cold lets get out of here!" Harry said as we started to leave.
" Be careful for the teachers!" Mia said as the teacher walked into the bathroom.
" What in the world happen in here are you kids okay?" Porfessor McGonagall asked.
" it was my fault I tried to stop it!" Hermione said.
" Well Hermione you lost 10 points and Ron, Harry, Rowan, and Mia you get 5 points each!" She said.
We all left to go to bed.
" Hermione why did you lie about you try to take the troll yourself?" Ron asked.
" you saved me!" She said.
"  That's what friends are for!" Ron said.
" Harry this is what I dreamed!" I told him. We all went to Gryffindor tower and went to bed after an adventure.
Hey another long chapter this one is the longest so far. Wow I wrote this all day yah I didn't have anything else to do. I think this chapter was good remember I don't not like to copy word for word from the books I tried to change some words and ways things happen. I hope you liked this chapter and I am on a really good strike 5 days straight. Bye!

Stuck in that world (a Harry Potter Fanfiction)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now