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Time flew and a Quiddtich match against Slytherin came. As we played I saw Dumbledore in the crowd. Wow he was here to watch the game. When I flow around a little to see where the ball is I saw Hermione, Ron, Nevile, and Malfoy with his dumb friends. They were fighting that started the punch each other. As I watch the game ended. We won with Harry catching the snitch. We all went down to the ground and Dumbledore congratulated us and Harry. When Harry and I went to go to our room. While walking past the forrbian forest we saw Snape but with Quirrell.
" Harry!" I said to get Harry's attention to show him them. He nod and we followed him.
" Have you figured out how to get past that beast?" Snape asked.
" I-I don-n-n't unddder stttand!" He said.
" you don't want me as an enemy!" Snape said and left. Me and Harry turned to look at each other in terror.
" that is all that happened I promise!" I said to Ron and Hermione.
" So the stone is only safe by Quirrell Standing up to Snape, it will be gone by a week!" Ron said.
" Don't be so negative!" I said.
" Well I am going to bed Good night!" I said as I got up.
" Good night Rowan!" Harry said.
"Good!" Ron and Hermione said together. Through the night I couldn't stop think about what was coming. The detention and the forbidden forest. I got up around 3 and just studied for a bit till dawn.
" Rowan what are you doing it is 6" Hermione asked.
" I know the future and it is bugging me a lot but I don't want to change it!" I explain to her. She nod as Mia got up.
" Good morning!" Mia said.
" Good morning!" We both said. I got out of bed and took a shower. After I got dressed and waited for them. When they were done we left to met up with Harry and Ron. As we got out I see Harry leaving the Comanroom.
" Harry wait!" I yelled as Harry turned around.
" Oh Good Morning!" Harry said to all of us.
" Good morning to you !" We all said. We caught up to up to him and I gave him a hug. We head down to the great hall to eat , Ron was already there.
KNOCK! KNOCK! We knocked on Hagrid's door.
" it is not a good time now!" Hagrid said. Ron squeeze right in through the door.
" RON!!" All of us yelled.
" What!" He answered.
" it is okay come in!" Hagrid said moved out of the way.
" Thanks!" Harry said. We all enter in as Hagrid gave us a cup of tea.
" Hagrid what is that?" Hermione asked as we all turned to the fire place. There was a cracking noise.
"That err umm nothing" Hagrid said coving the fire place. We all tried to look at it even though he covered it up. The cracklings continued so he turned around and pulled out a strange oval like shape egg form the pot that was in there.
" it is ready" Hargid shrieked of excitement as he put it on the table since is burning his hand.
" Is that a-" Heroine said looking confused.
" DRAGON EGG!" Ron yelled.
" What kind is it Hagrid?" I asked even though I already knew.
" It is a Norwegian Rideback Dragon I am going to call him Norbert!" Hagrid explained to us.
" That thing has a name?" Hermione asked.
" Well of course it dose it is my pet!" Hagrid answer.
" Can you have that as a pet?" Mia asked scared as all the attention turned to her since no one know she was there.
" Arnt they dangerous to have you can get in big trouble Hagrid?" I said in a worried tone.
" Well no one will know you guys won't tell right?" He answers.
" We won't!" We all said. I turn to see Draco looking through the window and tap Harry to show him.
" But what about Malfoy?" Harry asked as Draco ran away.
" Hagrid your going to be in so much trouble I he finds out you can fired for all we know what if Dra- Malfoy talks?" I said correcting myself. I have a look to Mia and she understands that this is nothing we can change we must leave it, she nodded her head.
" Wait what about us getting caught for being here we got to go before we get in trouble isn't that what Malfoy wants!" I said as all of are eyes widened and we ran out.
" Ok good nothing so far I think we're good!" Ron said.
" Not so fast!" Professor McGonagall said as we all froze.
" to my office now!" She yellled as Draco smiled. We all went to her office and Neville was there also.
" This is a disgrace there might as well be the whole Griffindoor students out! And all of the 6 of you have detention!" She yelled at us. Draco' smile went away.
" What don't you mean the 5 of them?" He asked.
" No even though you turned them in your out of bed also!" She explained I slightly smile I remembered reading his expression when he found this out but it is way better to see them read.
" Now all of you go to bed!" She yelled.
" Guys you go off with out Mia and me I need to talk to Professor  McGonagall see you later!" I said to my friends and stayed behind.
" What do you need Rowan?" She asked.
" When are you going to teach us how to be angmus I need before detention I don't know what's going to happen to me or what but this has to happen or maybe I may be stuck her forever. Maybe when everything ends I may be able to escape and go home I don't know if it was a good idea to bring Mia and Savannah in this mess!" I told Professor McGonagall. She nodded her head and went to her desk.
" Mia you can't choose it is based on your soul choice and like your Patrouns!" Professor explained as Mia nodded her head. Professor McGonagall went through pages and pull one out.
" Sign here and I will give to Dumbledore and then meet me here tomorrow morning at 5:00 to start to teach you the basics and then find what animal you are!" Professor explained.
" Ok we won't let you down I can't wait thanks a lot I don't just want to stand around and be useless as things ha I want to help even with out them knowing!" I said hugging her.
I am sooooooooooo sorry I haven't been able to update but here it is. I have been busy and forgot about this app but I am back. I want to thank all of my readers like wow how are so many people reading this. Thanks a lot for reading like and comment on any corrections I might need to do and if you want a certain thing to happen I might make it happen who knows but I will tag you if I use your idea. Thanks i hope you like and I will try to post soon a new chapter.

Stuck in that world (a Harry Potter Fanfiction)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now