Speech of Kings

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Back in the kingdom of Nigeria, Gamada had feelings in fear that King Tariku has been brought back to life, and knew it was all true. When the king and queen didn't understand what was happening, but soon learned that Anathi could have become in grave danger, and was in Somalia. Amadau have decided to not let anyone in Nigeria know that their kingdom was in danger, because he thought maybe if Anathi did succeed in his goal, the Somalians would never return, and be gone forever. But turns out their own soul was not right, the citizens has to know about Somalia being restored. During a meeting with all the Nigerians, King Amadau had bad news about their kingdom becoming in grave danger, which was like from the past. Villagers learned that the Somalians have escaped prison and slavery, and have plans to bring their king back from the dead. To avoid danger and keep their families safe, the villagers must be in their homes and locked up. The rest will have to find Anathi, by going to Somalia. Many years have passed since they first entered the other kingdom, never thought this day would have to return. People grew with disappointment when their king decided to keep secrets from them, instead of revealing it to them in the first place. Now they know why they saw Prince Anathi leaving the kingdom with a panther. Not knowing who they should now trust to gain their safety. Gamada and Sahel will lead the royal guards to the kingdom of Somalia, so they can find the prince. Unless he's not there, they will have search in all of Africa. First it was best if the Hatima tribe could help them out. Murati got the news from the Nigerians that remains in their kingdom that his daughter might have gotten into a danger, among the prince and the panther. Murati will leave one of his best villagers to take care of their people, because he will join Gamada, Sahel and the Nigerian guards on their quest to Somalia. Weapons were ready, and the tribe bid a farewell to their chief, hoping he will return safe and alive with his daughter. Or else, they are not protected by their rightful chief, and their future chieftess.

An evil threat was returning after 30 years. Now, the king of Somalia Tariku has returned in his spirit form, and gained full power and sorcery to rebuild the ruins of his palace, while Anathi, Elethu and Akhona were held prisoners. They needed to have a plan to stop King Tariku from restoring his mortally. It was like for years when the Somalians were kept away from harming the Nigerians, and would be like this forever, even thought there would come more royalties in the family, but turns out this nightmare was never kept away and prisoned up. Somalians have survived, and put in jail. But had the straight to break out to freedom, and back to their home, where they could bring their ruler back. Anathi was not going to let the Somalians rise up again and have their victory. If he did, they will invade villages and conquer it, by burning it to the ground. And next, there will be kingdoms to take down. Either will Nigeria be the first or the last one. Even thought he was shackled in his hands, Anathi tries to choke the guards who are watching over the trio, and use him to attack other soldiers, including the captain. But Tariku was the one who's powerful enough to restore Somalia, and he would not let a single Nigerian get away from him again. He knows that Anathi was the son of King Amadau and Queen Thema, and revealed that it wasn't hard trying to assassinate, when their wise-cracking shaman got in the way. Now, Tariku wants Anathi to sit down and relax a little bit, unless he will become the first Nigerian getting killed, like he always was meant to be. The kingdom was rebuild, Tariku was ready to restore his mortally by getting his staff back, and lives again. Much to everyone's shock, even Gamada who had feelings that Tariku's ghost regained his mortal form. Nigerians might not have come to Somalia for many years, but must return to it, and save Anathi from being harmed by the king. The Nigerian guards and the Murati tribe will work together, unless the Somalian guards holds them away from Anathi and Akhona, they will have to go to war, like they should've done years ago after Gamada was the one who killed the Somalian king, and brought down his palace.

When the Nigerians were riding on their stallions with full speed, all the way to the kingdom of Somalia, a regained King Tariku orders that Anathi, Elethu and Akhona will be held prisoners deep in the dungeon. Even the panther will keep his muzzle on, and remain in a cage with the the prince and their follower. Elethu tried to get the muzzle off of him, and would later try to bite and scratch out of the cage, but it would not happen. Because it was no use of breaking, or act savage. That's why Elethu just stopped, and remained calm. Meanwhile, he was out from the balcony, talking to his people, outside from the castle. He's been dead for thirty years, and never made it to heaven. Instead, he was in hell, punished by the devil. Until he was finally free to rule Somalia again. Meanwhile, his people have been put in jail, for being involved with their king's plot of killing the queen of Nigeria, only to get rid of her baby, and now that baby was here prisoned up as an adult. The Nigerians were the responsible ones, and they will regret it. Only two were in the kingdom, but Tariku wants more of them to massacre. Soon, they will conquer other kingdoms, unless they are too afraid of challenging them at war. Other kingdoms in Africa, were still unavailable to learn that Somalia has been restored, and so has the king. If they would know, fighting or avoiding is what they will choose. Some people are brave and fearless enough to face an evil threat, but some are not. No other had sorcery like Tariku did, and would either want to keep their people safe from anything dangerous. Yet, the Nigerians are risking their lives to save their prince of the kingdom and daughter of a chief. Tariku said the time will soon come when Nigeria fall to the ground first. And when other kingdoms are out of the continent, Somalia will be the only kingdom left to rule everything in power.

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