Vision of Nightmare

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Now the Nigerian couple could enjoy the night by sleeping right next to each other in bed. Elethu got his own bed which was made by the villagers, because now he lives in Nigeria, and inside the palace. After the war, Elethu thought he would go back to the wild living on his own, or finding a new leap, but turns out all the people in Nigeria treated him well, and show no harm to him, like the Somalians did, meaning that he has a new home now, and would get a revenge on the evil guards and their captain. It was not the Nigerian Guard and Sahel who Elethu was talking about, it was the Somalian Guards and Kirabo. And those guards are locked up in Somalia, so Elethu must help his friends get them out there, and the panther looked forward to it in the morning. So the three of them closed their eyes, and went to sleep, preparing for a battle tomorrow. But during the midnight, Anathi felt something badly, like he was hurt in the head, or his mind. He was dreaming of how the battle between Nigeria and Somalia would go on. It was dark, and someone on his side were getting hurt. But mostly, they were all getting killed. All that matters that it was just a dream, but Anathi was in it, and fearing the loss of his allies, including his own family. This dream was more of a nightmare, and could be like a vision of the future. Anathi was shown how it will all be like in the morning, and he believes that any of this will happen, and the guest villagers along with the Egyptians will be brought into this, and could die in the hand of Somalians. Until Anathi just quickly woke up out of horror. Then he took a deep breath, not wanting to wake any of his friends up. He decided to look out through his window, and saw everything was all right, and all the people in the village were asleep. He thought it was only a dream, or maybe a true vision of the future, but Anathi knows some of them are strong, and decide to wait in the morning, rather than wanting to know why at once. So he goes back to bed, and sleeps tight. Maybe it was now very late, and Anathi might wake up late tomorrow, but he just ignores his thoughts and closes his eyes.

Next day, Anathi was woken all alone in his bedroom, and there was no sign of Akhona right next to him, or Elethu in his bed. He thought they were up already, and went to the breakfast table, and not waiting for him, which would not be a good choice. Then Anathi checks outside his window again, but there was no one seen in the village, or maybe they weren't just up yet. Anathi decided to check on everyone in his palace, but no one, including his parents, Gamada and Sahel were seen. Anathi thought they might have gone to fight Somalia without him, and wonders why any of them would do such thing. He must go outside searching for them, but when he opened the gates, everything was now black outside. Anathi doesn't know what's going on, but believes this one of Gamada's protection, and takes a step outside the empty world, and a road appeared when puts a foot on the ground. But he comes to the end of the road, a voice was heard. It sounded dark and familiar to a foe. And that foe was Tariku who was standing right behind Anathi. The prince thought it was maybe another dream, but the king of Somalia asked how he would feel his physical self if it was really a dream. When Anathi touches his hand, nothing felt warm or painful. He wanted to know what was going on, and Tariku revealed that he has been watching over him and his girlfriend. It was almost getting boring to see them only sleep, but was wondering what was bothering Anathi in his sleep. And when he woke up in a middle of the night, Tariku learned that he was having a bad dream, and decided to pay him a visit, like it was in the afterlife. Anathi can't be dead, and worried that he was dying in his sleep. But Tariku revealed it was just a sorcery and all inside Anathi's mind, and reveals that he knows about the Nigerians are planning on attacking Somalia for their guards, and people that they don't even know. But Anathi said it was half of the people they don't know. The other half came to Nigeria looking for help. A help of saving rest of their fellow villagers from Tariku's home. He knew that Anathi would risk his life for people that he doesn't know, and creates an illusion of how the battle would be like. Both kingdoms have big weapons and magic, making Tariku ask Anathi which one of them would win. The Nigerians could be afraid that they made a terrible mistake while they were in battle, and feel like they will fail and die, in the hands of Somalians. Or maybe the one who planned this felt like he was the one who a big mistake of bringing his people into this. Tariku said that they will either give up, forgetting about the people in his captivity, or ignore his favor, wanting Somalia out of Africa forever. Anathi knows that if Nigeria will give up, Somalia will scheming about attacking their kingdom. Tariku was the one who bright this goal to his own kingdom, turning into a good people get killed. And there good people inside his palace help captive. Anathi said it was only Tariku and Kirabo who needs to go down, leaving Somalia empty for travelers looking for a home, and would not either know the story about Somalia, without answers from other countries. But when Tariku lost his temper, and keeps asking an ashamed Anathi of how the Nigerians would win, or how he have the abilities to protect any of his friends. But now an enraged Anathi said they weren't his friends, but family. And that was Tariku's last question of how the prince of Nigeria would be perfect war leader and protect his family. Anathi was now angry, and attacks Tariku in a rage.

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