Challenge from the Somalians

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However, King Tariku has been watching the Nigerians all the time, by using a water and one of his sorcery to spy on anything in Africa. And what he'd choose was the Nigerians, seeing what they are up to. Tariku could see them all going their separate ways from the kingdom, which makes him very confused, but thinks he will expect another company from the Nigerians. So he asked someone if Prince Anathi of Nigeria looked any familiar to him. It was the same slave trader who brought him to Egypt. After seeing Anathi with his own eyes, the slave trader believed it was the same one, and wonders how he got out of here. Tariku explained that his fellow Nigerians and that talking panther pet of his travelled all the way to Kingdom of Egypt, rescuing their future king from ending up like those innocent people in Somalia. It was the slave trader that brought few more to Tariku's kingdom, like he brought Anathi to Egypt. The king of Somalia was furious and frustrated about why he didn't bring Anathi to Somalia, instead. The trader works for everyone who pays him with riches, after brining few slaves all the way to Somalia, he decide to pay Egypt a visit, seeing if there are any slaves that needs for the Pharaoh. He did have few kept in his prison, and hoped some other slave traders out there would find some homeless people, and bring it to him. So one of them found Anathi in the desert, and came back with him for the Pharaoh. But when Tariku asked if any of those Egyptians in the water looked familiar to the slave trader, he could see that they are all the same ones from Egypt. Which means the Nigerians helped them escape. Tariku thought about berating the Pharaoh for not watching over his slaves in Egypt, because if anyone are not watching over the ones in Somalia, will have the same thing. Kirabo has been in jail for a long time, and risked everything to bring his king back from the dead. When the slave trader asked how he did that, and learned that it was that glowing red ruby who brought Tariku back from the dead, making the resurrected king restore his people. But when the slave trader didn't understand why Kirabo couldn't just become the king himself, in the honor of Tariku while he was dead, an enraged Tariku used his power to strike him down, wondering if he was disrespecting the king of Somalia. Even thought it was a question from the trader, the king made one by asking if he was either against anyone who leads. Wondering if it was a king or a pharaoh.

Kirabo was called to the king, and shocked to see him using sorcery against a tortured slave trader. Tariku wanted to ask the captain why he didn't think of becoming the king himself, instead of bringing the old one back, and let him rest in peace, but mostly in hell. Kirabo answered that he has no interests of being served to the guards, even thought they follow his order. He was not either born a royalty, or adopted, but if he was, Tariku would have an orphan for a brother, and that orphan would never be a real prince in blood. Kirabo was not born, but raised to become Captain of the Somalian Guards, and that were his duties of become. That is why Somalia must have their rightful ruler, instead of someone that serves the late on. And the late one is standing right here, resurrected. Tariku loved those words, and knew he could always trust Kirabo, because of his actions and loudness towards his guards in the past, he wondered if anyone would be fed up with him, thinking about turning against Tariku. But no Somalians will ever disrespect their king, which was a message from Kirabo himself when he was searching for the eye of Bongani. So when Tariku asks if the slave trader understands what this was all about, a positive answer was granted, leading the king to stop using his powers, and letting the slave trader take his breath, unless it would've his last one. But now the Somalians are in crisis. The Nigerians are up to something, and Tariku wanted to know what. He checks into the water again, closes his eyes, and listens. He could hear voices, coming from a person that sounds very familiar. It sounded very old, like it was an elderly man. But when Tariku opens his eyes, he could hear anyone in the water talking. The man who was speaking was the one who got him killed, Gamada, the Maarifa. That old fool risked his life saving the queen's life, which was actually about saving the prince's life. But when Tariku learned that the Nigerians are fed up with the Somalians, and decide to put an end to them, it means that there is going to be a war in Africa. They travelled though other kingdoms to ask for help, which the other rulers agree too. Including Congo, where Kirabo found the eye of Bongani, and wonders if the Congresses knows that the eye was stolen from their country.

Looks like Somalia is going to be destroyed once again, leaving survivors to wait in other 30 years jail time. Or maybe all Somalians will get destroyed with their king. But Tariku will not be made a destruction again, and decide to have all the guards locking up the slaves in his prison. The Nigerians probably know that their guards are even help captive in Somalia, and decided to free them. Tariku knew he already had Nigerians in his kingdom, but wanted all of them, including the royal family. The slave trader, caught one, but brought him to Egypt instead. Understanding that he will not fail the king again, Tariku threatens to have him tortured by his slaver of the prisoners. All Somalians were gathered to hear their king speaking. They all learn that the Nigerians are coming back to their kingdom, freeing their guards, and have the whole kingdom brought to the ground once agin. But none of the Somalians gave up on bringing their king back by traveling to Congo, searching for the Eye of Bongani. Which everyone responds that did not do any failure of bringing their king back to life, but did fail killing Nigerians, including the prince who was always in their way. But Tariku was glad none of them did kill the prince, making all the guards confused and think that their king is not against Nigerians anymore. But Tariku said that Prince Anathi is his victim, and always has been. They are brining a war themselves to the arrival of angry Nigerians, Egyptians and other kingdoms in Africa. So Tariku wants them all to get ready, and start their weapons, because Nigerians are either going out of history, or being enslaved in Somalia forever. And when the victory comes to the Somalian kingdom, the one Nigeria will collapse to the ground, and be destroyed. The guards understand they're king, and start urgent their weapons. The Nigerian Guards heard the Somalians were saying, and believed that their people will killed without them. But after seeing that the Somalians have build stone throwers, it was getting worse than last time in 30 years. But what they do realize is that Sahel or anyone who they joined to rescue those slaves in Somalia never left them behind, because they heard that half of their people are brining war to their enemies.

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