Pilot 2-Fears and Tears

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At the mighty mutant animal's base, everything was falling apart.

Leatherhead was slashing and biting at the cloaked attackers as they fought with their array of swords and blades. Vital stood in the back, watching with a smile.

Karai laid there, barely breathing on the ground, with Vine crawling next to her.

Slash ran in with his morning star to back up Leatherhead as Mondo and Rockwell stood their ground in front of the children.

"Who are you, lowlives?!" Slash yelled, running towards Vital as Rockwell launched soldiers into the wall.

The man jumped away, landing next to Leatherhead with a smirk.

"Anthropocentrist or Humanist if that's easier for you to understand," Vital said, dodging attacks from Leatherhead.

"Sounds contradictory if you ask me," The alligator said before hitting him with his tail.

Irillia was growling, hitting her hands against the floor, with Kohanna covering her face with a blanket. Mei and ash were wailing, and Kiba and Iris were curled up next to them in the corner.

A side member stood quiet in the background pulling out a gun and dart as leatherhead and slash continued their array of attacks on the others. Rockwell using his telekinesis to lift and throw the ones charging at them was quickly shot in the shoulder with a dart.

He screeched, eyes pulsing from his face and falling on his back while Mondo tried to block attacks with his skateboard.

"Rockwell!" Slash yelled before hissing and gripping his injured arm.

Karai's chest seared with pain, but she forced herself to her knees and unsheathed her sword.

A member jumped towards April's daughter, blade in hand, only for them to be blocked by Karai's sword. Vine kicked them in the back, slamming them into a pipe as Karai gripped at her sternum.

"Get the kids. We need to get out of here." He yelled, picking up Kohanna.

Karai nodded as Leatherhead crushed an aggressor's torso in his jaws. Karai ran for Kiba, Iris, and the newborns but was forced to stop by a serrated blade aiming for her head.

She hissed as she shifted into her snake form and began to whip the barbed edge of her tail at them. They countered her moves and dodged the fangs of her snake hands.

Vine was reaching for Irrilia, but Vital ran up and yanked Kohanna from his arms, kicking him in the chest. He threw in the chemical gas grenade as he picked up Irrilia, screaming and squirming like a worm.

"Ahh!" Slash rammed his weapon into a masked figure leaving him unconscious as Karai collapsed on herself, Shifting back to normal.

Vine groaned as his eyes focused.

"No!!" Leatherhead charged at the gang's leader with his crazy eyes before being tased by two other member's. "Aghh!" The alligator roared as electricity surged through his body.

"No! Leatherhead!" Slash ran over and swatted the taser away before jabbing his knee into the person's skull.

More of the gas was filling the room as the attackers plucked up Dakota and Cody. "Noo! Mama! D-daddy! They cried as they were strangled into unconsciousness.

"You monsters!" Vine yelled, using his shirt as a filter before charging at them.

Karai gagged on the air around her as her vision went blurry.

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