Garden Trap-What we think we Know

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Present day




Angel and Donnie walked out of the lab, bags under their eyes. Everyone was asleep in the living room, still waiting on the update with Mondo and Rockwell.

Donnie walked over to Leo, who had Karai sleeping against his shoulder.

"Leo." Donnie whispered, nudging his shoulder.

Leo groaned, cracking his eyes open. "What?" Angel rubbed her face moving to rest next to Vine and Iris.

"Mondo and Rockwell are medically stable; they just need to stay here so we can keep an eye on them."

Leo looked over at his family before turning back to him. "Ok, but they need to stay in the lab." He said with a yawn. Donnie nodded before making his way over to April.


Rockwell and Mondo laid beside each other on the table, remaining still. Their bodies relaxed with the numerous patches of gauze that covered their wounds. The monitor that stood behind them began to beep faster as Rockwell's steady breathing hitched. His finger started to twitch, a faint vein in his face pulsing a bright green. He shifted on the table before resting his head back with a groan.

Mondo rolled over slightly, his body trembling and twitching. He clenched his hand with a hiss before returning to his back, a sliver of green branching out on his toe pads. They both laid there with the echo of the shifting monitor as the family rested.


Leatherhead and Slash were chained at their wrists and ankles, hung from the ceiling with their feet anchored to the floor. They were both unconscious and barely responsive as a Lab worker made his way across the room. He began tapping on a screen displaying their vital's and body anatomy before shifting to the two mutants.

Leatherhead's eyes cracked open with a low growl before slowly shifting his head to look around. The scientist adjusted the monocular goggles that had replaced his eye moving its lens.

"Hmm, its awake already." He turned back to the computer with a soldier standing next to him. The tall soldier was masked and cloaked, with a heavy sword strapped to his back.

"Bring Vital over. The freaks have woken up faster than expected and he'll want to be here for the testing. So make sure to keep it quick." The scientist said, pointing to the door.

He nodded, heading to the door before pausing, shifting his view to the two hanging mutants that were now covered in burns and bruises. The scientist scowled.


The soldier jumped slightly before quickly continuing out of the lab. "Yes, Dr. Chaplin."

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