Chapter Four

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The Descendant

"Well lucky for you, my dear, we're having a celebration! So go ahead and eat as much as you want!" -Makarov Dreyar

Angelus Pov.

A soft moan left my lips as I woke up to the sound of cheering, my eyes staring at the ceiling dazedly as I waited for them to focus. Once they did, I sat up from my sleeping position, throwing the blanket off of my body before jumping off of the bed and made my way towards the door. Upon opening it, I looked down the hall both ways before going right, my feet pitter-patting against the wood as I made my way towards the main lobby. Just like last time, I leaned my body onto the banister, watching everyone with curious white eyes as they cheered once again. A frowned graced my lips as I notice unfamiliar faces, cups being hit together as laughter filled the air.

"A celebration?" I murmured to myself as I watched Natsu dance on top of a table. I giggled softly at the sight before placing my chin on my crossed arms, my knees bent slightly as I watched everyone have fun. My ears twitched as I heard a certain laugh, my eyes glancing over towards the bar before landing on a laughing ginger. Knowing that my curiosity would get the best of me, I silently made my way over towards the entertained man, dodging people along the way so I wouldn't have to touch them. As I got closer to the ginger, I blinked up at him as he chugged down whatever was in his cup, a satisfied smile on his lips as he had a chat with the white haired man beside him. I flinched back slightly as the man finally realized me, his hazel eyes staring at me blankly as my fingers began to shake.

"And who might you be?" He kindly questioned

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"And who might you be?" He kindly questioned. I stepped back slightly as he stared my body up and down, an uneasy feeling settling in my chest as some type of grin graced his features. "You're weird..." I mumbled, a frown on my lips as I stared at his head. Above it floated a white circle with a black dot in the middle. I blinked as it moved, my mouth parting slightly as it began to jump around. I took another step back as the circle morphed into a white diamond, its black center looking almost like a mist as it floated around inside of it. Shaking my head, I watched as the crystal disappeared, my eyes soon wandering to the man's face as he stared at me curiously.


Looking over towards Natsu, I watched as he began to make his way towards me joyously, Happy flying above him as the pinkette started to spit out fire. I let out a loud shriek of surprise before grabbing the ginger's arm, digging my face into it as I felt my body begin to tremble. "Natsu, you moron! You're scaring her!" I heard Erza scold. Peeking over towards her through teary eyes, a watery giggle leaving my lips as she pulled him by his ear. Feeling the arm shift slightly, I quickly let it go as I realized I was still holding it. A blush graced my cheeks as I stepped back, the ginger giving me an amused grin as I placed my hands behind my back. "S-sorry..." I apologized as I looked down. I flinched back when I heard his laugh, my eyes subconsciously closing as I waited for something to happen.

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