Chapter One

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We're Not Here To Harm You

"If you don't wan to answer that question, then you must answer this one...Would you like to join Fairy Tail?" -Makarov Dreyar

Angelus Mortis

Great! Work's over!

Heaving a delighted sigh, I clocked out of my shift at Auntie's Diner before grabbing my things. "Bye, you ungrateful lil' brat!" I heard the mean cook yell out. Feeling heat flood to my cheeks I gave him a small wave before rushing out of the diner. The streets were loud as they were filled with chattering people and honking cars, my face tilted down towards the ground as I shoved my hands deep into my pockets. I sighed in relief as I glanced up, the familiar nameplate of my street coming into view as the crowd started to thin.

But then again it's not like I'm safe.

Quickly turning onto my street, I paused when I spotted a familiar person stand in front of my neighbor's place. Slowly I backed up, making sure that I was completely quiet as I went back onto the previous street I was on. Thinking quick, I remembered the alleyway that lead straight to my apartment and prayed a short 'hallelujah' to the gods before placing my hood on my head. Glancing around the corner one more time, I quickly crossed the street to the other side before entering the alley. Making sure to keep my eyes and ears open, I nervously gazed around as I approached my ran-down home. Unlocking the door, I swiftly entered the old place before closing door and locking it shut.

As usual, silence greeted me as I walked further into my home. Sighing softly, I unconsciously brought a hand to the scar on my neck, my fingers lightly tracing it as I remembered how I got it. Feeling my lips begin to tremble, I quickly dropped my hand and shook my head, forcing myself to think of something else as I made my way to my bedroom. Dropping my bag next to the mattress that I call my bed, I grabbed my sleeping clothes before entering my bathroom and taking a cold shower. Once I was done, I combed through my dyed black hair and braided it before putting on my sleeping attire and going back into my room.

Plopping myself onto my bed, I sighed as I spread my arms out to my sides. My eyes were lidded as I stared at the ceiling, my colored contacts slightly itching my eyes as they began to tear up. Sniffling my nose, I threw an arm over my face as tears began to silently stream down my cheeks. Memories started to flash through my mind, plaguing my thoughts with the negativity I had to suffer from. Letting out another sniffle, I turned on my side as I closed my eyes tightly, my small hands curling into fists as my whole body began to tremble.

"Enough already...I just want a place to call home."


I groaned as I felt sunlight on my eyelids. As I shifted onto my side, I pulled my blanket up to my chin before burying my face into my surprisingly comfy pillow. Just as I was about to fall back to sleep, I jolted up as I realized in my sleep hazed mind that I didn't have a blanket nor a comfy pillow. Gazing around, I let my wide eyes observe my new surroundings. It looked as though I was in some time of infirmary. The walls were a bright white as it was decorated with picture frames and bookshelves, a desk and a cabinet on the other side of the room as they stood beside another bed.

I felt my bottom lip tremble in fear as I tried to remember how I got here, my mind going black as I hastily got off of the bed. As I landed on the wooden floor with a soft 'thump', I looked down at my body and took notice that I still had on the homemade crop top and the pair of shorts I usually slept in. Gazing curiously at the bandage wrapped around my midsection, I brought a hand down to poke at it before letting out a small hiss. "Okay, bad move..." I mumbled as I looked around the room again. I began to glance from the window to the door as I tried to figure out which way I wanted to escape, my heart thumping erratically in my chest as I heard footsteps near the door.

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