Chapter Sixteen

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GMG Round 5: The Unknown

"Just wait until tomorrow, I'll make sure you suffer from complete humiliation!!" -Minerva


I sighed impatiently as I waited for them to show up, the bricks cold against my clothed back as I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail. Once I was sure that it was all up and out of my face, I paused and looked over towards my left when I heard approaching footsteps.

"'Bout damn time, I t'ought I s'ood 'ere fer nothin'."

Sneering lightly at the surprised looks on their faces, I huffed lightly through my nose before crossed my arms over my chest. "What are you doing here Angel?" Natsu curiously questioned as he walked closer to me. I directed my sneer towards him when he didn't say my full name, distaste obviously showing on my face as Gajeel slowly made his way over towards me as well. Ignoring him completely, I gave all my attention to Natsu as he repeated his question.

"I wanted ta wa'n ya 'bout Sabe'tooth. T'ere's somethin' bout 'em dat's fuckin' wit' me nose" I nonchalantly informed. "What do you mean, bunny?" Gajeel questioned while taking a step even closer to me. Sending him a warning look, I tilted my head back and took a slow inhale before exhaling lightly as my head began to pound. "Go out t'ere b'fore I 'cide ta kill ya both." Waving a hand once my shoulder as I turned away from them, I casually walked down the hall while ignoring the pair of eyes on the back of my head.


Rolling my eyes at the fact that he's most definitely trying to get my attention, I quickly brought hand up to my head as the pounding suddenly got stronger before letting out a loud gasp as something flashed before my eyes. Instant fear crawled up my spine as I struggled to stay in control, her fear getting stronger as my vision began to swim. Just when I thought I was going to pass out, everything stilled, my pure white eyes widening in absolute horror as I realized that I wasn't in the arena anymore.

Pitch black rocks and molten lava surrounded me as I looked around frantically, fly-aways from my ponytail sticking to my face and forehead as I began sweating nervously from the unknown. "Where...where am I?" I muttered to myself nervously. Soon crimson red scales began to enter my line of vision, my eyes widening in awe when I realized that a dragon was standing right in front of me. Letting out a startled 'eep', I scurried to hide somewhere before carefully looking around a rock that I knew would keep me from being eating alive.

Quietly I stared at the dragon as it looked up towards the sky, it's green eyes swimming in sadness as my own eyes began to fill with tears. "Wha...?" A sense of familiarity washed over me as I began trembling, my fingers clawing on the rock unknowingly as the dragon's jaw slowly began moving. "The light dragon, Weisslogia...Shadow dragon, Skiadrum...Show me. Have the humans surpassed us dragons? Or is it just a fleeting dream? It's almost time for us to act, The Dragon King Festival is almost upon us. Brother will she-" I perked up when the deep voice suddenly stop, my body tensing in preparation as it slowly turned it's head to where I was hiding.

Fear coursed through my veins when we made eye contact, the dragon's eyes widening in shock and fear as I took a weary step back. "Little think you were the key this whole time..." Confusion filled me to the brim when I processed it's words, my brows furrowing as tears slowly began to fall from it's eyes.


Before I was able to ask what it meant, pain began to course through my body and cloud my senses as my vision was swirled once again.

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