Chapter Ten

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The Darker Side

" long have you had this disorder?" -Makarov Dreyar

Angelus Pov.

A girl can get use ta dis.

Rolling my eyes at the satisfied thoughts in my head, I let out a small -and surprised- squeal when Elfman's shoulder jerked up a bit. "Wh-why couldn't I just run wit' ye guys?" I asked as Lucy began to pant. "Didn't want you falling off!" I heard Gray grunt out from behind us. Tensing at his voice, I closed my eyes tightly as I curled up a bit.

I really wanna kill da fucker.

Wincing at the loud growling, I looked down at Elfman's head as I suddenly got the urge to poke him.

Do it.

Frowning, I cautiously brought one of my hands up and carefully poked his cheek. Blushing at his chuckling, I hastily brought my hand back as Natsu caught up to us. "What's so funny?" The Dragon Slayer questioned as I began to twiddle with my fingers. "Angel. She poked me in my cheek" Elfman informed in an amused tone. "I-I'm sorry..." I apologized as I looked down at his feet guiltily. Again, he chucked.

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything abnormal."

Frowning slightly, I glanced at the side of his head before looking down again. "It's not?" I curiously questioned him. He shook his head. "No, you use to do it when we were younger. It was one of your favorite past times" he informed as we reached the labyrinth. Cautiously I gazed at our surroundings, the smell of magic burning my nose as I turned my head left and right. "So it's a three dimensional maze..." I heard Gray mutter to us. "I'm not good with stuff like this!" Natsu complained as I was lightly placed onto my feet. Looking up at the pink headed male, I watched as his green eyes brightened in realization. "I remember you use to love stuff like this!" He exclaimed happily. "You were pretty good with them too.." Elfman added as Erza held her chin in thought.

"Then it's settled. Lucy, Angel, I want you both to create a map so we can figure out where we are."

"Then I believe we should head east since that's the direction of the arena."


Not wanting to agree, I pursed my lips as I watched Lucy bring out one of her keys. I pouted a bit when I wasn't able to catch the name of the key, my inner thoughts grumbling loudly as a cute -and huge- duck made its appearance. Blinking at it with surprised white eyes, a soft 'awe' soon escaped my lips as it ruffled it's feathers. "Can I pet it?" Looking at Lucy for permission, I smiled happily as she nodded her head before cautiously approaching the compass duck. Once I was within arm's reach, I brought a hand out a slowly stroked it's feathers.

So soft...

I wanna eat it.

Mentally rolling my eyes, I let out a surprised yelp when I was suddenly picked up.


Tensing at the name that was yelled out, I cautiously looked up at the brunette as he held me possessively in his arms. "A lion is very protective of his lioness" he all but growled as he glared at the innocent duck. Flinching back from the sound of his growl, I tried to wiggle myself out of his arms as the duck hid behind a surprised Lucy. "L-lemme g-go!" I shakily cried out as he tightened his hold on me. Feeling the shock off of his body, I instantly jumped out of his hold once it loosened before zooming over towards Elfman.


Wincing violently, I brought both of my hands to my head as it slowly began to pound.

Angelus MortisWhere stories live. Discover now