Chapter Seven

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The One Prophecy

"I'm da source o-of all m-magic?" -Angelus Mortis

Angelus Pov.

A yawn escaped my lips as I woke up, my arms stretching above my head as I let out a light sneeze.

It has been a total of three months since I had started my training with Angelica, today being the last day as I hopped out of the bed. Daring a glance towards Lala, I sighed when I saw that she wasn't awake yet before quickly heading to the bathroom and taking a shower. Once I was done, I immediately changed into my outfit for the day before leaving the infirmary. After walking down the hall and jumping over the banister, I landing in Fairy Gail's lobby with a soft 'thud' before greeting a giggling Asuka as she ran towards me.

"Mornin' Angel!"

Giving Bisca a small smile, I greeted her back with my own 'good morning' as I picked up her daughter and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "What are ya up to t'day?" The sharpshooter curiously questioned as I handed her her daughter. "T'day is m-my last day wit' Angelica" I told her as I started to play with the ends of my hair. "I see. Well, ya better hop to it then! Don't want ya ta be late." Responding to her wink with a shy smile, I shyly nodded my head before heading outside.

As I glanced around for my white headed companion, I pouted a bit when I realized that I couldn't find her anywhere. I blinked as I sensed someone behind me, a startled yelp escaping my lips as that someone tapped on my shoulder. Turning around to see who it was, I gave Makarov a wide eyed look as he gave me a sheepish smile. "Sorry Angel, I just wanted to tell you that Angelica went to go get something. She'll most likely be back soon." Nodding my head in understanding, I gave the elder male a reassuring smile before watching him walk away.

Deciding to wait for her outside, I sat down in the field I had my lessons in before thinking back to when she told me a little about me and my family.



Stopping my practice on Dragon Slayer Magic, I gazed at a serious Angelica curiously as she ushered me over. "Yes?" I questioningly answered her as I walked over to her. I raised a hidden eyebrow as she pat the ground next to her, cautiously doing as I was silently told as a breeze went by. I watched her as she furrowed her brows, a troubled expression gracing her features as she licked her bottom lip. "Tell me...What do ye know 'bout yer self?" Not expecting that type of question, I blinked blankly at the elder female as my kind process her question.

"W-well, I know that I'm part fairy an' celestial spirit. Natsu also told me that I was raised by a dragon an' was related ta someone in hell, but I-I doubt that" I informed as I tapped my chin in thought. "I'm surprised he knows all dat." Giving Angelica a a blank stare, I soon felt my eyes widen in shock as she gave me an amused smile. "W-wait, so you're saying that I was raised by a dragon?!" I yelped out as I felt my heart erratically beating in my chest. She nodded.

"Yup! An' that yer grandfather is da king of hell."

Again, I gave her a blank stare.

"An' don't worry, he's not like all 'em stories ye 'ave probably listened to. He's a real big softy."

Raising an amused eyebrow at my chuckling companion, I tilted my head to the side as I studied her. "H-how do ye know that?" I curiously questioned her as another breeze went by. Raising both eyebrows at the troubled expression on her face, I narrowed my hidden white eyes at her as she immediately schooled her face into a casual smile.

"I'm a close family friend."

Giving her a small head nod, I continued to stare at her suspiciously as she began to fidget with her fingers. "Anyways, since yer da granddaughter of the devil 'imself, that leaves ya part devil as well." Nodding my head again, I carefully priced the information into my head before letting her continue. "Ye should also know dat yer able ta transform into 'em. All six forms ta be exact" Angelica informed as she held up five fingers. I frowned at her. "B-but I only know three" I told her. She chuckled.

Angelus MortisWhere stories live. Discover now