The Council

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CH 12
The Council

Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

"Let's Talk Council, Shall We"

From the moment Ivan began to analyze, he knew she would soon become a bigger threat or ally to him depending on her demands today. It all depended on how today's conversation went and even he knew that mostly a single-edged sword game, and unfortunately the sharp end was on his side making this game all the more dangerous for him. But not even once did he think that Reign Adeline was after the Council, how she knew about the Council was another story because the Mafia Council is something very hidden from the world, it is one of the sacred things in the underworld and one of the only things which keeps the whole underworld in check.

The council consists of 4 people in the whole world, how these four people are chosen is fully random, they could be elected by other people, and could take the place by eliminating the previous head but that hasn't been possible until now because Council members are hidden from the world, nobody in this world knows who they are except their names, Alpha, beta, gamma and delta. Nobody knows their real name in the entire world because they are more than a ghost, they are the nightmare of mafias, they are the thing that keeps the mafia in line and if any mafia ignores their demand, let's just say it's the end for that mafia so it's better to follow them instead of bringing your demise to yourself.

The only way Council keeps on going after every generation is because the previous council members elect people for the next generation and all four elected people fight for the next generation of Council. Nobody's position is secure in the fight, if you die in the games, it's on you, it was your choice to participate in the game. So it is never final until you get the new generation of alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. It's almost time for new generation candidates to get selected, all four have to give in representative from their side. How does Ivan know this, Ivan is part of this generation's council, He is the gamma of the Council, The third strongest member.

So, when Reign Adeline asked Ivan to talk about the Council, he felt the most shock he had ever felt in his life, because not only did she know his real identity but, also his Council identity which not even his second in command knew about. All the emotions that were on his face before this question left and now it was the third strongest person in the underworld in front of Desiree. Desiree smirked seeing his reaction, she knew his weak points and which point he reacted to the most and that is why she wanted a direct attack because her going to him wouldn't be this amusing and surprising to watch and that way she wouldn't earn his respect.

"Take Svarog out of this room right this moment."

Desiree signalled her people to take Svarog out and keep him under protection with 5 guards surrounding him. As soon as Svarog left the room, Reign spoke

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