Chapter 10: Undeniable desires

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"Seungcheol." Jeonghan nudges Seungcheol sharply in the ribs, trying to get him to calm down. Seungcheol's glare remains fixed on the man in front of them, who leisurely sips his wine, completely unbothered.

"Jeonghan, it hurts to see your husband act out of politeness," the man says with a smirk, his eyes locking with Seungcheol's. Seungcheol frowns, irritated by the man's overly familiar tone.

"Mingyu, I'm sorry. He isn't always like this," Jeonghan says softly, casting a warning look at Seungcheol. "Right, babe?" Jeonghan grits his teeth, his eyes pleading with Seungcheol to go along with it. Seungcheol scoffs, his patience thinning.

"Cut the act," Seungcheol snaps, yanking Jeonghan's hand and pulling him close, making him bump into his chest. "What do you want, Kim Mingyu?" His voice is edged with anger, barely held back. Mingyu was the last person he wanted to see right now.

"Just greeting my dear friend here," Mingyu says, smiling as he tilts his glass toward Jeonghan. Jeonghan licks his lips, feeling the tension between the two men.

"You know each other?" Jeonghan asks, his eyes shifting between Mingyu and Seungcheol. Mingyu snickers, straightening up and squaring his shoulders.

"Yes, Seungcheol is my best friend," Mingyu says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Seungcheol's anger simmers, his tongue pressing against his cheek. Best friend? More like a nemesis he'd been trying to outwit for years.

"How do you know him?" Seungcheol asks, turning the question back to Jeonghan. Jeonghan hesitates, feeling Mingyu's gaze on him.

"Uh, well, he's a shareholder at SM, and we've kind of had coffee together," Jeonghan lies, not wanting to reveal his brief, intense past with Mingyu. Despite their short fling, Mingyu had left a lasting impression. Mingyu was eye candy, a beast in bed, with his muscular build, handsome face, and tan skin. All traits Jeonghan found irresistible.

The air between them thickens with unspoken desires and simmering resentment. Mingyu's gaze lingers on Jeonghan, a knowing smile tugging at his lips, while Seungcheol's grip on Jeonghan tightens, a possessive and desperate attempt to keep him close.

"The fuck was that? You know him?" Seungcheol demanded, gripping Jeonghan's elbow tightly. Jeonghan glared at him, pulling Seungcheol's hand off.

"I just told you he's a shareholder at the company I work at. Are you deaf?" Jeonghan snapped, irritation lacing his tone.

"It didn't seem like he was greeting you with just a shareholder's intention," Seungcheol pressed, downing his drink. Jeonghan's eyes followed a drop of liquid sliding down Seungcheol's lips to his throat. Seungcheol could be so ridiculously hot and handsome—and a dick at the same time.

"Get your head out of the gutter," Jeonghan snarled, taking a sip of his wine and leaning against the bar to get more comfortable. "All this ego makes you appear really small..."

"Since you're so fucking curious about my size, why don't you come and check it yourself? See if it fits," Seungcheol breathed against Jeonghan's neck, his hand gripping Jeonghan's waist as he pulled him close.

For the first time, Jeonghan felt his cheeks heat up. Their lower bodies connected, and he could feel the warmth radiating between them.

Seungcheol's breath was hot against Jeonghan's skin, sending shivers down his spine. "You're such an ass," Jeonghan whispered, his voice trembling slightly. The tension between them crackled, a palpable electricity that neither could deny.

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