Chapter 12: Discreet

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Jeonghan smacked his lips after applying the lip tint, grabbed his bag and phone, and tied his hair up. Dressed in all black with a mask in hand, he walked down the stairs. He needed to go out, and with Seungcheol tailing him, it would be difficult.

That’s why Seungcheol was handcuffed in his own room right now. Jeonghan glanced at the time, which was almost noon, and stirred downstairs.

"Good morning, sir." Jeonghan halted in his hurry, looking at Jun and Minghao standing by the door. "Morning, morning," Jeonghan said as he began to walk faster. He still believed that Jun had stalked him yesterday.

"Jun!" Jeonghan called out, standing at the porch.

"Yes, sir," Jun jogged over to his side.

"Um, your boss is tired, okay? Don't go to his room or try to wake him up," Jeonghan lied with a straight face, and Jun nodded. "We had a rough night, and he's sleeping, so please avoid going there. Any calls for Seungcheol? Just decline them for today," Jeonghan instructed, and Jun nodded again.

"Okay, sir," Jun said, figuring that listening to Jeonghan was better than going against him.

"Okay, bye," Jeonghan said hurriedly, walking out. Jun just stared at Jeonghan's back with narrowed eyes. Something was fishy.

Jeonghan huffed as he stood on the footpath. He raised his hand to stop a passing cab. Jeonghan got in, mumbling the address before putting on his mask, which hid half his face. He couldn't be seen or caught by the media.

The cab ride was quiet, the driver minding his own business while Jeonghan sat in the back, his mind racing. He kept glancing out the window, making sure no one was following him. Seungcheol being handcuffed was a risky move, but Jeonghan needed some time to himself, away from the ever-watchful eyes of his husband.

The huge buildings and billboards loomed over Jeonghan as he stared at them. Some featured his own face, while others advertised various products. He sucked on his lower lip, feeling his hand turn sweaty.

He wondered what would happen once he got back home. Seungcheol sure as hell wouldn't let this slide. But then again, it was Seungcheol's fault for trying to track Jeonghan or be a watchdog for him.

The cab halted, snapping Jeonghan out of his thoughts. He looked out the window to see that he had reached his destination. "Thank you," he muttered, handing the driver some money before quickly getting out. Without wasting a moment, he took a deep breath and walked down the road towards the small house at the end.

The streets were as empty as usual. Of course they would be; no one roamed the down-sided area of Seoul where only drug dealers and alcoholics ruled.

Jeonghan kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with the few shady figures lurking in the shadows. The dilapidated buildings and graffiti-covered walls added to the eerie atmosphere. He knew he didn't belong here, but he had no choice.

As he approached the small house, he felt a sense of unease. The place looked run-down, with broken windows and a door that seemed barely attached to its hinges. He knocked three times, a specific rhythm that signaled his arrival.

The door creaked open, revealing a tall man with sharp features and piercing eyes. "You're late," the man said, his voice low and gravelly.

"I had to make sure I wasn't followed," Jeonghan replied, stepping inside quickly.

Jeonghan looked around, grimacing at the smell of alcohol and powder. The house stank, and he already wanted to step out.

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