Chapter 2: Strong is safe

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Minjun sat alone in his office, the dim light casting long shadows across the room. He stared at the news article displayed on his tablet, his expression grim. The headline blared in bold letters: "Model Jeonghan Caught in Drug Scandal: Industry Shocked."

His eyes narrowed as he scrolled through the comments, each one a nail in the coffin of the company's pristine reputation.

Minjun leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming rhythmically on the armrest. The scandal had exploded overnight, catching everyone off guard.

The accusations, the incriminating photos—it was all too perfect, too well-timed. Someone had orchestrated this downfall, and now it was his job to pick up the pieces.

He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. The implications were staggering. Investors were already getting skittish, and the board was breathing down his neck for a solution.

Jeonghan's career was hanging by a thread, and by extension, so was the company's public image. Minjun couldn't afford to let this scandal spiral further out of control.

The office doors swung open abruptly, and Minjun snapped his head towards Sungjae standing in the doorway. "What?" he croaked out in a hoarse voice. Sungjae sighed and stepped aside, and Minjun's eyes nearly popped out when he saw who was there.

"Oh! Mr. Lee! Come on in, please! Welcome..." Minjun scrambled to his feet to greet Seokmin, who strode in with a grin and his chest puffed out. What was he doing here? Just being in the presence of this man could be harmful. No, being anywhere near the Nexus brothers was hazardous.

"Good morning, Minjun-shi," Seokmin said cheerfully, plopping down on a chair and giving it a playful twirl. Minjun smiled back awkwardly and quickly ordered Sungjae to fetch them coffee, trying to keep up the pleasantries.

"So, uh, what brings you here today, Mr. Lee?" Minjun asked, attempting to sound cordial while inwardly bracing himself for whatever reason could possibly warrant a visit from one of the notorious Nexus brothers.

Seokmin chuckled lightly, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, just checking in on some matters. You know how it is, Minjun-shi, always keeping an eye on things," he replied casually, but there was a hint of underlying purpose in his tone that Minjun couldn't quite decipher.

Minjun nodded, trying to keep the conversation light. "Of course, of course. Well, we're glad to have you here. Anything we can assist you with today?"

Seokmin's smile widened, and he leaned forward slightly, as if sharing a confidential secret. "Actually, there is something I wanted to discuss with you, Minjun-shi..."

Before Minjun could respond, Sungjae returned with the coffee, setting the cups down with a slightly nervous demeanor.

Seokmin's attention shifted briefly to Sungjae, his expression friendly yet somehow intimidating, before returning to Minjun with a knowing look.

Seokmin leaned his chin onto his palm, tilting his head curiously. "Your company model is rumored to be involved in some drug scandal, right?"

Minjun nodded solemnly. "Yes, it's Yoon Jeonghan, our company's face. There's been talk, maybe even a deliberate rumor, about him using drugs. But I can assure you, it's not true."

"Are you absolutely sure?" Seokmin asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

Minjun nodded emphatically. "Yes, I'm very sure about that."

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