Chapter 11: Not so submissive

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Jeonghan storms out of the car, slamming the door with a force that reverberates through the air. His heels click sharply against the pavement as he strides inside, each step echoing his mounting fury. His breath is ragged, his eyes ablaze with anger.

Seungcheol needs to understand that he can't just control Jeonghan like a puppet. Jeonghan will meet whoever he wants, and Seungcheol has no right to stop him.

Jun's eyes widen in shock as he sees Jeonghan enter, radiating fury. "Sir—"

"Shut up!" Jeonghan snaps, hurling his bag onto the couch with a ferocious swing. "You told him where I went, didn't you? Were you stalking me?" His glare is piercing, causing Jun to gulp nervously.

How was he supposed to tell Jeonghan that Seungcheol had planted a tracker on his car?

"I didn't—"

"Then who did?" Jeonghan's voice is cold and cutting, each word laced with venom.

Jun swallows hard, his voice barely a whisper. "I swear, sir, I didn't tell him."

Jeonghan's eyes narrow, a dangerous glint flashing in them. "Then how did he know? Don't lie to me, Jun. If it wasn't you, then who?"

Jun shifts uncomfortably, his mind racing for a way to explain without provoking Jeonghan further. "I... I don't know, sir. Maybe he has his ways."

Jeonghan scoffs, the sound dripping with disdain. "His ways? So now I'm supposed to believe that Seungcheol has some magical means of knowing my every move?"

Jun hesitates, then speaks cautiously. "He... he might have planted a tracker on your car, sir."

Jeonghan's eyes widened for a moment before narrowing into slits. "A tracker?" His voice is a deadly whisper. "He put a tracker on my car?"

Jun nods reluctantly. "Yes, sir. I believe so."

Jeonghan's fury reignites, hotter than before. "That bastard," he hisses. "He thinks he can monitor me like I'm his property? He's gone too far this time."

Jun remains silent, knowing better than to interject when Jeonghan is in this state.

Jeonghan clenches his fist as Seungcheol walks into the room. Seungcheol glances up, seeing Jeonghan and Jun standing side by side. He can tell by Jeonghan's state that he has likely already argued with Jun.

"Jun, go home," Seungcheol commands, beginning to unbutton his suit and unclip his watch.

"Thank you, sir—" Jun breathes a sigh of relief.

"Jun, stay," Jeonghan snaps, his voice icy. Seungcheol narrows his eyes at him, while Jun licks his lips, trying to hide his frustration.

"Jun, it's late. Go back home," Seungcheol says sternly, his glare locked onto Jeonghan, who meets his gaze with equal intensity.

"Why? So you can do whatever you want when he's not around?" Jeonghan's voice drips with sarcasm as he tilts his head.

"So we can have this conversation like a normal couple, Jeonghan," Seungcheol retorts, shrugging off his coat and tossing it onto the couch. He then turns to Jun, his eyes darkening. "Moon Junhui, leave now before I shoot you."

Jun's eyes widen in terror as he scrambles to leave, glancing back at Jeonghan, who stands fuming, unable to speak before Jun is gone.

The door slams shut behind Jun, leaving Jeonghan and Seungcheol alone in the tense, charged atmosphere.

Jeonghan's voice is a low growl. "How dare you put a tracker on my car, Seungcheol? Do you think you can just control me like some sort of possession?"

Seungcheol's expression remains cold as he steps closer, his eyes boring into Jeonghan's. "I did what I had to do. You can't just run off and expect me not to know where you are."

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