Chapter 9: Touch him and you'll die.

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The car comes to a halt as Seungcheol turns off his phone, glancing sideways to see Jeonghan still staring out the window. The younger man's mood was written all over his face. Seungcheol just hopes Jeonghan won't act out at the event. This one is important, and he doesn't want to fuck it up.

"We are husbands," Seungcheol says, his gaze piercing through Jeonghan. "Try to at least act like we love each other and not like I'm holding you hostage in this marriage."

Jeonghan snaps his head towards him, eyes blazing. "Well, aren't you though?" he says, tilting his head, lips curled into a snarl and nose flaring.

"Don't act like you're any less of a brat, Jeonghan," Seungcheol says, trying to keep his calm.

Jeonghan's hands fist in his lap. "Seungcheol, I swear if you refer to me as a child or brat again, I'll break your face."

"I'd like to see you try, bello," Seungcheol smirks as Jun opens the door. He steps out, buttoning the last button of his suit, and holds his hand out for Jeonghan.

Jeonghan hesitates, his eyes darting between Seungcheol’s hand and his smirk. The challenge hangs in the air between them, thick and heady. With a dramatic sigh, Jeonghan takes his hand, their fingers intertwining with a possessive grip.

Seungcheol’s smirk deepens as he helps Jeonghan out of the car, their bodies brushing against each other in a tantalizing friction. "Behave yourself, and maybe I won’t have to remind you who’s in charge," he whispers, his breath warm against Jeonghan’s ear.

Jeonghan leans in closer, his voice a seductive murmur. "Don't forget, Seungcheol, I can make your life a living hell with just one word," he purrs, a sly smile playing on his lips.

Seungcheol chuckles, low and dangerous. "Try me, and we'll see who burns first," he says, leading Jeonghan towards the entrance, their hands still locked together in a display of reluctant unity.

The camera flashes intensify as Jeonghan scoots closer to Seungcheol, unwillingly seeking the security his husband’s presence offers. The sea of reporters and media personnel ready to pounce on him would have overwhelmed him if Seungcheol weren't by his side. Despite everything, Jeonghan feels a sliver of gratitude.

They barely make it a few steps before the first reporter thrusts a microphone in their faces. "Mr. Choi, Mr. Yoon, how are you finding married life?"

Seungcheol squeezes Jeonghan's hand, a silent reminder to play their parts. "Married life has been an adventure," Seungcheol answers smoothly, his smile calculated to charm. "We're learning new things about each other every day."

Yes, Seungcheol has a begging kink.

Jeonghan forces a smile, his eyes flicking to Seungcheol before addressing the reporter. "Yes, it's been... enlightening," he says, his tone layered with a hint of sarcasm that only Seungcheol seems to catch.

Another reporter jumps in. "Jeonghan, how does it feel to be married to such a high-profile businessman? Any challenges?"

Very tiring, he can't even afford instant noodles.

Jeonghan takes a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "It's definitely a change, but we're adapting. The challenges are just opportunities to grow stronger together."

Seungcheol nods approvingly. "Exactly. We support each other through everything."

A third reporter, more aggressive, pushes forward. "Rumors suggest there might be trouble in paradise. Care to comment?"

Seungcheol's smile doesn't falter, but his grip on Jeonghan's hand tightens. "Rumors are just that—rumors. We're committed to each other and our marriage."

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