𝟎𝟑: 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

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After dinner and cookies were eaten, Sophie was trying to sound like a ghost. Aggie was trying to help her, "No, no dear. It's more like a moaning sound. You know, ghosts tend to be very depressed creatures, anyway. Like this," she demonstrated a mourning moaning sound.

Maisie giggled at that.

"Well, Mother, your visit's been very educational, but it's time for bed," Gwen stated firmly.

"It's not that late," Maisie said. It really wasn't. They were having the best Halloween ever, and just like always, Gwen had to take it away from them. It wasn't fair.

"Aw, Mom," Marnie said.

"Come on, Mom," Sophie said

"Oh, she's right," Aggie agreed. "Your mother and I need to talk about...grown-up things, anyway."

Sophie asked, "Can't you at least tell us a bedtime story?"

"Ooh, that's a great idea," Maisie said. She didn't care, but as long as it got Aggie to stay longer than an hour, it was fine with her.

"Yeah, great idea," Marnie agreed.

"Yeah!" agreed Dylan, shocking everyone.

Gwen gave a disapproving look to Dylan, because she had to mold him after her. 

"I mean, horrible idea," Dylan stated.  

Marnie pleaded, "C'mon, Mom, please?"

"Well..." Gwen started, but said, "All right, but just one."

"Thanks Mom," Maisie said with a grin. She can tell that her mother was conflicted as well.

They started to leave to go upstairs.

"You guys get ready for bed. We'll be right up," Gwen told them sternly as they went upstairs.

After her teeth was brushed, her hair also brushed, she had changed into her pajamas: a black shirt and pajama pants that Dylan claimed looked like carpet from a bowling alley

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After her teeth was brushed, her hair also brushed, she had changed into her pajamas: a black shirt and pajama pants that Dylan claimed looked like carpet from a bowling alley. 

She went over to her bed, which was a white framed twin bed covered with dark blue blankets. To decorate for Halloween, she had hung some Halloween tinsel along the headboard of her bed. She sat down and grabbed her stuffed raccoon that she had won in a claw machine, which Sophie named Rory.

Marnie went to change into her nightgown while Sophie got in her bed. Marnie and Sophie had beds next to each other, while Maisie's bed was sort against the wall, opposite Marnie's. 

It was cramped in the room, but cozy. After Marnie came back and got on her bed, Aggie came in and sat on Marnie's bed.

Dylan swung by in his pajamas and said, "Hi."

Maisie asked, "What's up?" 

"Just came by to check that everyone's got their thermostat set to 68°," Dylan lied. Maisie knew that he just wanted to hear the bedtime story. "Because it's important to conserve energy during the evening hours and—"

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