Getting well known!

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A/N: Loona wants to hang with you solider! Don't know what she has in mind, but it's your duty to go along with it. It's not like you have a choice anyway!

To the night hangout!

[Time 2300 hours]

Nighttime is among you and Loona, stars shining down on you two. You took a deep breath in slowly gaining yourself and putting your slight headache to ease. 

Y/N: Hey...just where are we going to?

Loona: Just shut up ok?!

Y/N: Damn, what got up your ass and stayed?

Not liking your tone and question, Loona grabbed you and pinned you up against the wall glaring at you for a few seconds before releasing you and sighing. You slowly turned your head following her direction as she took three more steps then stopped.

Loona: I-it's nothing ok?!

Y/N: Somethings' bothering you but you don't want to talk about it?

Loona: I rather not speak on it ok, geez, stop asking me these fucking questions!

Y/N: (sighing)

Y/N: Sorry....

You started to slow your walking down trailing behind Loona before she took notice of it and did the same. Once she was walking with you, shoulder to shoulder now, she apologized for how she came on.

Loona: (sincere tone) H-Hey Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm?

Loona: I'm sorry for snapping at you like that, I-I'm new to this friendship thing!

Y/N: It's alright, I'm not judging at all! Take your time with it Loona, no rush!

Loona: (jokingly) Heh wow, quite the gentlemen huh?

Y/N: (jokingly) Ooh shut up (chuckling)!

You both shared a laugh while continually walking into the night. You noticed from the side of your eye Loona blushing and holding her arm nervously while slowly walking closer to you. You ever so slightly turned your head to Loona's hand which was inching closer to yours. 

Y/N: (thinking) Holy shit, she's gonna hold my hand...we just became friends, not sure if this is what friends do! 

You then felt something soft and fluffy holding your hand as you saw Loona had her hand in yours. You looked down at it and then back up at her as you saw Loona frown, pout, and blush altogether.

Loona: (blushing with dismissive nervousness) W-What...m-my hand is c-cold ok....(embarrassed blush deepens)!!

Y/N: You mean paw??

Loona: If I say its a hand...then it's a FUCKIN' hand dumbass!!

Y/N: Defensive much?

Loona: (sighs)

Loona: I'm new to this ok, cut me some slack!

Y/N: (half shrug) If you say so...!

A few minutes have passed and soon you saw an apartment building...a rather nice looking one that Loona walking you towards.

Y/N: Is this where were going?

Loona: Y-Yeah...I here...!

She took you inside and you came to a door that had caution tape on it and written in red words, placed just in the middle said "Lovelorn". 

Y/N: "Lovelorn"?

Loona: My last name!

Y/N: Nice, sounds enchantingly mysterious!

The Wrong battle [HelluvaBoss: Y/N Male reader x Loona]Where stories live. Discover now