another love

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What if hurrem left with Leo

Warnings: no warning just lost of hurt/comfort and Leo survives!

Her heart beat so fast it felt as if it would burst she thought as she forced her shaky feet to move, old memories that she had long buried returned. Her vision went blurry

She entered the big dining room of Hatice sultana's grand palace, it was undergoing some new decorations and seemed to be making excellent progress so far. But why wouldn't it when he was behind the art.

He had a strong passion for art, she remembered the warm feeling whenever he presented her with a new drawing, unsurprisingly it was almost always of her. He had once said that she was the one behind his inspiration and always would be. Such sweet words from such a sweet man she had thought.

" don't look at me, look the other way" she said once she fully entered and their eyes met. Blue staring at brown.

He turned away, his back now facing her as she tried to gather her emotions. Impossible she thought as she blinked back tears.

" what a cruel twist of fate, just when I was forgetting" she said once she stood beside him. She would have stood beside him on their wedding day she thought bitterly. A day she would never see.

" did you forget me" he asked after a long pause

Did she forget him? Oh how could she forget the man who taught her what love was, the one she had cried for, for days on that damn ship that had taken her away from everything she had ever known.

She had cried for him until she could cry no more. Her once true love

Her mother, father, sister and friends. Who she would never see again. Her only solace was her dear friend Gülnihal who she had admittedly wronged. But she was scared that the one person who was a strange comfort to her would be taken away so she hurt her only loyal friend. But now Gülnihal was even taken away from her, this evil place had no space for love she had thought only tears.

" are you truly happy" he asked, she nearly cried when he spoke these words. No one had cared about her happiness for such a long time she felt as if she was just there neither living but not truly gone. The sultan cared but did he really if he accepted other women even though he knows it kills her everytime he took another. This wasn't the love that she was told in stories as a child. This was like living in a nightmare not knowing when she would wake up.

" yes I am, very happy. I have my children" she said honestly. Her children were her happiness and light in this dark place. A comfort she knew she could always turn to.

" and my sultan, I love him.. very much" she spoke hesitantly, she didn't know why she had hesitated maybe it was because she was nervous

" Go Leo" she said trying to keep her tears in. She realised after the words left her that she didn't want him to leave. Not yet at least.

" how could I leave after I just found you" he spoke up. Oh what did she do to deserve such a pure hearted man, and what did she do to loose him so quickly she thought as a bitter feeling overtook her.

" Leo you need to leave, or they will kill you, me and my children" a more logical part of her spoke up. She could not live with his blood on her hands and without her children all the remaining light in her life would be put out.

" I could die for you, a thousand times Alexandra" he said, her name. Not hurrem or any fancy title just her name. Alexandra

'Leo please don't make this even more harder than it should be' she begged with her eyes, hoping he could read them.

"Tell me the truth Alex, are you truly happy with a man who betrays you whenever he feels like it. A man that if he grows tired of you, would leave you as if is nothing? I know the laws and traditions here, I know you would never be able to accept them"

He was right, she couldn't accept them, she had already made enemies because of that one reason and had a feeling that more would join the growing group.

frustrated she allowed the tears to flow her hands shaking and voice trembling

" what should I do then? What could I possibly do? I... I'm...I have no choice"

Gently he took her face in his hands and wiped away her tears, eyes never leaving her own. The same brown eyes she fell in love with stared back at her full of hop and the same gentle love as before.

" come with me, we can leave together and start a new life and I promise you'll never feel unhappy or unloved"

Her whole life flashed before her, a life with her ex lover full of happiness and no war, no worries of enemies attacking her and no tears. Tempting but she couldn't. Her children...they wouldn't survive without her. She couldn't.

" my children, I can't leave my children"

" then don't leave them, we can all go together. I will love them as if they are my own Alexandra" he promised.

She hesitated, her dark thoughts overtaking her mind. All kinds of horrible thoughts came through. She felt sick. But a gentle hand on her arm shook her out of it. She looked back into his brown eyes and that was all it took for her to make a decision

That night she visited her biggest enemy, Ibrahim. She was nervous but refused to back down this quickly. She would do this. It was about time she put herself first she thought.

" what do you want " he said confused as to why she seemed him out so late.

She looked at him and without any hesitation told him that she had decided to leave. He laughed at her. Telling her to stop messing with him and to leave.

But she didn't, it wasn't until she went into her knees and begged for his help that he finally understood. The red haired sultana was being serious.

three nights later, while everyone was in a deep sleep. Hurrem sultana left with her three young children and her lover. Ibrahim her biggest enemy had arranged for a ship to take them far away with some gold as well as hurrems own jewelry.

the sultan never saw hurrem or his three other children again, he sent search party after search party after him but failed in finding her. He lived to regret his betrayal towards her and fathered no other children apart from Mustafa who ascended the throne after he passed.

I know it's not very believable that she took the children with her but let's just imagine it was. Leo's death was literally heartbreaking and I'll forever hate Ibrahim for this.

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