mother's daughters

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What if hurrem had only daughters

Warning: none

Alexandra or now known as hurrem hatun had fallen pregnant right after the sultan had left for his campaign. She had been terrified knowing that she would be left all alone, without any sort of high ranking protection since the valide had never favoured her.

She supposed she had nigar kalfa but the poor woman held no authority, nor could hurrem keep her from the harem duties she had. She only counted down the days until her child, son she hoped would be born. Her lion who would give her status and a sort of comfort in this hell.

But that dream all came tumbling down when after a few days of the sultan returning she fell into labour. Her labours started in the evening and her child born hours before sunrise.

She had given birth to a girl, the valide was full of joy as well as Hatice sultana. The sultan also seemed happy at this since this would be his first living daughter, his other two died as infants years ago. He gave the valid the honour of naming the girl

" She resembles the moon, our moon faced beauty, I shall name her mihrimah, mihrimah sultana"

Mahidevran would be laughing at her she thought

Only nine months went by when she fell pregnant once again, she couldn't help but feel smug. Here she was pregnant once more and her rival had yet to visit the sultan. Hopefully she would give her precious sultana a brother now.

For nine months she waited for a lion to be in her arms, it's not like she hated the idea of a sultana. She loved her daughter and would not mind having another but a son would also be nice to have.

This time whilst she was in labour the sultan was present in the palace. It was during a harem festivity that she was due.

This was a harder labour than before. She fainted nearly and her child was born in the evening. She found out the following afternoon since she had fainted.

She once again gave birth to a girl, this time the sultan named her zaynap meaning precious gem. The girl had her mothers hair colour and her father's facial features, unlike her sister who Remind calm, zaynap was like a inferno. She screamed and cried unless she was held by her mother, in fact she only wanted to be held by her mother at first.

Hurrem was too lost in the joy of her daughter to care or worry about having a son, maybe next time she thought.

It took a full year when she fell pregnant once more, in this timespan another woman in the harem named Ayse fell pregnant and birthed a boy named selim after Suleiman's father. Hurrem wouldn't lie and say she wasn't jealous, she craved a boy of her own. A son would stop mahidevran's mocking attitude towards her, would stop the gossip of horrible concubines.

But al least Suleiman loved his children equally, that was what mattered.

This time she fell into labour whilst traveling to Hatice's wedding ceremony. They had to turn the carriage around and go back to the palace.

Without even asking hurrem knew she had given birth to a girl once more. This time the girl was born with brunette hair and almost grey eyes. She reminded her of the sister she had lost during the raid in her village.

The sultan named her raziya after her infant sister who had died before hurrem even entered the harem. The valide had cried after finding out the name.

Two years went by and once more she fell pregnant, this time round the valide had grown sick and could bearly walk. The harem was ruled by Hatice sultana since she still lived in the capital palace.

Unfortunately the valide couldn't see this grandchild of hers, she died a week before the child was born.

It was no suprise that it was a girl, but the suprise was that hurrem had twins. Two girls, the sultan named one Ayse and the other hafsa after his mother.

But hurrem couldn't help the anguish, she had made the mistake of saying that she may have a son next just as the late valide had. This caused horrible gossip from the concubines.

Rumers such as " she's trying to take the valide's place" and " she wants to rule the harem" had spread until it caught the Sultans attention.

Hurrem had cried when confronted expressing her feelings and telling him of how the harem mocks her. This caused the sultan to make a big decision, one no one expected.

Three years after the birth of her twins hurrem know officially the legal wife of the sultan gave birth to her last child, another daughter.

This little one had dark hair and eyes. Her cheeks rosy and lips rose red. Suleiman allowed her to name the baby sultana.

She named her Çiçek, her little flower.

even though she had no son, was mocked and laughed at by her rivals. Her daughter's held all her love and when sultan Suleiman died his throne passed down to Selim.

Her daughter's married not for political advantages but love, and they were so loved.

Mihrimah, zaynap, raziya, aye, hafsa and Çiçek. Her pride and joy

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