So I play 'em like a violin And I make it look oh so easy

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What if hurrem was Suleiman's sister?

Warnings: none

Being born a ottoman princess had it's privileges as well as negative outcomes. 

She was born years after her brother Suleiman , it would have been nice if only they shared the same mother. But her mother died within months of her birth.

She was raised by her father's sister, she did all the mother like things as far as she knew. She was given nice clothes, a good education and was well provided for. She was given night time kisses and hugs each morning, but she still wished her own mother was alive. 

When she was only seventeen, her brother had come to the throne and her sister Hatice was married months before hand. She had attended the wedding and ayse hafsa sultana didn't mind her presence. Obviously since she was born female and not a prince who would challenge her beloved sons future. 

She stayed in the capital palace for two weeks was given a luxurious chamber. She had brought her own maid called zaynap. Zaynap was a Russian women who fortunately knew many different languages. It hadn't taken her long to convince the young maid to teach her as well.

So unlike her sisters, she grew up with knowledge of many different languages and different kingdoms thanks to her quick thinking. She encouraged her small household to retell stories of their past as well as to speak their own language. This way she would be able to widen her knowledge and learn more for her own amusement.

When she turned nineteen, her sister Hatice was know widowed and she heard the whispers that the young sultana was in love with a man of low rank. She could not help but feel curious, who was this mystery man? How did she even meet him? 

Unfortunately her aunt declared that she was to return to the capital immediately. Feeling bittersweet in leaving, she packed up her belongings and rewarded all the maids and agas who served her. After a final good bye, she left with her two favourite maids. Maria now Gülnihal who was only sixteen and zaynap now in her twenties.

Coming to the capital was odd, she was given the same chambers as when she visited the last time, the new valide sultana held a small gathering for her and her two siblings that were in the capital ( the literal sultan and Hatice) greeted her as well as her brothers favourite mahidevran sultana and her son Mustafa. 

" Are you hurrem" asked the little prince the first time they met, hurrem had only laughed and said yes. The little prince then questioned why her hair was so red whilst her other family members had darker hair. It was adorable how he asked do many childish questions. But she was thankful when his mother came to collect him.

Mahidevran was a mystery to her, she was the most happy when the sultan called her, which wasn't much if she noticed. She disliked any challenge and unlike any other mother she had seen, she was always with her child unless asked not to by a royal family member. She was a good mother just could be annoying at times.

She had run into trouble after trying to meet her brother in his private chambers once, she never forget the humiliation she felt that day. 

Suleiman requested to meet her, she obeyed obviously but was denied entry by a man standing in front of the door. He said that the sultan was busy and a random woman could not enter without being called for first. Hurrem realised later that night that he had assumed she was a concubine. 

She met her brother anyways, the man who prevented her  named Ibrahim was met with a shock after finding out who she was. She apologized and left beet red, hurrem laughed at that. 

Slowly within months she learnt how to live in the capital palace. The plotting and trying to defeat each other was new at first but quickly she learnt how to play the game and play she did.

After hearing from Zaynap that the valide wanted to marry her off, she also learnt that Gulfem hatun. Her brother's ex was trying to help Hatice marry Ibrahim.

Now this wouldn't be a problem if Hatice didn't try to humiliate her at every turn. The dark haired sultana might have gotten jealous that Ibrahim had started playing his violin facing her balcony instead of Hatice's.  

So in order to gain revenge she spread rumours and of course the valide called for her. Apparently Hatice was saying that hurrem had tried to meet one of the pasha's sons alone! At this the young sultana cried believing that ayse hafsa sultana wouldn't believe her when she denied this accusation. 

But to her suprise the sultana hugged her wiped away her tears. That was when hurrem played her own little game.

" My valide, Hatice is just angry since the man she loves doesn't shear her affections"

The valide questioned her and hurrem revealed everything, as a witness she brought forward Gulfem hatun, the woman was forced to reveal everything and the valide sent hurrem away and called for her own daughter.

Within a few weeks Hatice was remarried to Mustafa's tutor and hurrem engaged to Ibrahim. mahidevran had tried to interfere but was quickly shut down when hurrem sent Gülnihal to the sultan. 

The mother of the only surviving prince, quickly learn to bow down to the red haired sultana and bow down she did. Out of mercy after her marriage, she convinced her brother to marry off Gülnihal and mahidevran was back in favour and soon gave birth to a girl named raziya and a son called Murad. 

Since Murad had Mustafa were the only heirs they were taught that Mustafa would ascend the throne and Murad would be his chief advisor and military commander. 

Both boys grew up in a loving environment and when time came Mustafa became sultan and his brother as promised his chief advisor and military commander.

Hurrem lived to have four children, Mehmed, Selim, Bayezid and mihrimah. She lived up until fifty-five. Ibrahim pasha died five years after her. 

She was known as the most powerful ottoman sultana, her daughter continued her legacy. 

A/n: hi I hope you enjoyed this! This was requested and honestly I don't know if I truly did the request justice but this is what I came up with! I hope you like it and please do leave a request!

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