ocean eyes

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what if Ibrahim liked hurrem 

He sees her sitting on the edge of his bed, dressed in a soft blue dress with two slits in the sides showing her bare legs. Her ruby curls sat loose around her as she gazed at him with her soft blue eyes.

Without a moment of thought, he makes his way over to her and kneels before her, his whole focus was on her taking in the light pink blush on her cheeks, the red paint on her lips and how her eyes never left him.

The silence in the room wasn't awkward or uncomfortable but rather peaceful, it made him feel safe almost as if an angel from the heavens had come to grace him with her presence.

Slowly she runs her delicate fingers through his dark black hair, he couldn't help but close his eyes and just lean into her touch

Every bit of desire he felt for her came running back, clouding his judgement, no longer to determine whether this was a joke or fate.

He couldn't help the sadness when her hand dropped to her side, the loss of contact hurting more than it should

In hopes of getting her attention back he called out her name softly

"Hush" she whispered eyes on him, her eyes never left him.

He feels like he's been put under a spell, unable to speak or move.

Then she spoke in her soft voice that could make any man's day brighter

" you are amazing, I hope you know that" his eyes glossed over as he took in every word she said, every praise and good thought about him.

Slowly she trailed her fingers on his face, as if she wanted to memorize his face, every flaw and minor detail.

His eyes stayed locked into hers, those deep blue eyes. It felt as if he was drowning in an ocean and she was the cause. Oh those deep blue eyes he had been training himself to hate. They will be his doom 

 Her beauty was unmatched and he had payed the price by seeing her. He had fallen and now he knew for a fact that he would not rise unless...

He watched as her dreamy doe like eyes stared into his dark ones. She had not even uttered a word and Ibrahim was kneeling by her feet.

Oh poor Ibrahim said a small voice in his head, a voice of reason and logic he knew. Poor Ibrahim who allowed his jealousy and bitterness overtake all other judgement. Poor Ibrahim who know faces a deadly enemy as poisones as himself.

But would this Ibrahim, son of a fisherman happily drink poison for her? Without a doubt

But would Ibrahim, closest companion of sultan Suleiman drink poison for her? Absolutely not

'there is a fine line between love and hate, my son. Never forget this '

His mother had once said this when he claimed to hate his twin due to an argument. Full of shame he realised with a bitter taste in his mouth that he had in fact forgot this. 

Looking up at the red haired woman, he brought his hands up to touch her hair, to feel the soft rose like hair he had dreamed of once. Once when they were not fatal enemies. 

" Ibrahim" she said in a soft whisper like voice,  he could only hum in response, unable to make words come out. 

She laughed, running her fingers across his arm and then looking at him sadly.

Ibrahim, what have you done he thought as her mere touch effected him. His body shivered whenever she looked his way. 

Oh Ibrahim what have you done he thought but he did nothing to stop her when she leaned in, when her breath ghosted his cheek then lips. He did not move a single muscle, nor did his eyes leave his. 

" Ibrahim" 

She said once more, her siren like voice calling him to drown into the ocean. Her eyes were the ocean he thought. 

" Ibrahim" 

She repeated in a honey sweet voice, her lips now inches away from his, he leaned in closer, and closer.

He felt as if he was drowning once more, in her scent, her hands cupping his cheeks and fingers stroking his skin. 

" Ibrahim!" A less honey like voice is calling for him. He ignores it trying to reach the red rose 

The voice is gets angry, it's now chanting his name. Irritated he pulls back. 

Her ocean eyes, look sad almost. Her smile now fully gone. She pulls away and leans back, away from him.

" It's time for goodbye Ibrahim" 

Shocked he tries to reach for her, he follows her as she gracefully gets up and dose a backwards walk.  She's walking away from him into this thick fogg.  He can't reach her he realises as she disappears from sight 

"Ibrahim wake up!" Said the same voice, then he feels cold water on his face and neck.

His eyes shoot open, he stumbles out of bed and hits the floor in a loud ' thude' 

Looking up he meets no blue eyes but a dark brown like his own. Then he sees her. Really sees her

" Ibrahim what happened"? 

He looked at her confused then at the window, it was still dark outside.

" Why, what happened?" He asked, trying not to get back into reality

" Ibrahim, you kept saying that you are drowning..." 

Eyes widening, he shook his head as he climbed back into bed with her, he ran a hand over his face as he pulled the dark haired woman close. 

" It was nothing, just a nightmare" 

The woman did not look convinced but Ibrahim had already closed his eyes, forging sleep. 

Sleep came to him along side a pair of ocean eyes, 
Ibrahim would drown after all he realised. 

A/n: I'm not sure how this came out, but I hope y'all like it anyways and leave a request please

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