As long as I'm here no one can hurt you

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What if Suleiman decided to take matters into his own hands or what should have happened when hurrem told Suleiman what had happened to her

Warnings: just hurt/comfort, mentions of execution, burning

He walks in, trying to keep a calm demeanor. His face somewhat relaxed but his thoughts anywhere but.

He had made many scenarios in his head about what would happen when he returned. Would his red haired sultana run into his arms as always? Would she and his darling children greet him with a meal and many stories of their days without him? Would he finally be able to sleep in his lovers embrace, feeling peace and love after war and hardship.

He had spent his nights dreaming of her and his mornings trying to remember her sweet voice, his motivation he thought as made the final steps towards her, he had wanted to pull her into his arms but held back. There were more serious issues to deal with.


"Suleiman" she whispered, her sweet voice. Oh how it felt wonderful hearing his name come from her honey sweet voice.

"My heavenly sultana" he said as she fell into his arms, without any thoughts or hesitation he held her. No words in his Lan could describe the feeling of her embrace or how sweet her voice is.

" Please go away, you shouldn't see me like this" she said in a broken voice, how that broke his heart he thought. How could he possibly leave the one who makes him feel so alive he thought holding her close.

" I've just been informed, I heard that a fire broke out in the palace. Thank God you are saved " he said stroking her hair. He wished could see her beautiful face but it was hidden. Hidden away by a dark vail.

" Is that what they told you" she said, voice now a little stronger.

He questioned her, asking her to elaborate

" They burnt me, they wished to kill me by burning me Suleiman"

" They tried to kill me " she cried out

He could only look into her tearful eyes and say " as long as I'm here no one can hurt you"

He could tell that for once she doubted him, but he would make her believe him. From now on even if he's gone for years, no one would even dream of touching his love.

he was also confused, his mother had personally informed him of what happened. Was she lying? But why? What could she gain by this?

He listened with a numb expression, how she had barely saved herself. How she thought she was ugly and he should leave. He would need to take action, no one else would it seemed.

But first his sultana would understand that he would love her in any form, any condition. After all he was created for her and she for him.

" Make way, his majesty! Sultan Suleiman khan"!

He didn't care about manners nor respect at this point. After a deep and very detailed investigation he had come to a decision.

" Everyone get out" he barked out, throwing intimidating glances at the more daring maids who hesitated a second too long.

"Is what I heard true"? He asked with no emotion or feeling.

She looked confused and asked him to explain himself

" You told me that a fire broke out, but I've just learnt that it was a riot"

His mother if responsible didn't react and told him that he was correct but she didn't want to announce it in front of people. Apparently she would have told him in the evening. He doubted that.

" Valide, I wanted you to take care of hurrem. But I see now that you don't value what I value. My words have no meaning to you"

His mother looked baffled, she went to argue but the sultan beat her to it.

" Daye hatun has given me the names of the girls involved, including the one's bold enough to break into my wife's chambers while armed with weapons".

" They have already been punished my lion, there is no need for this " his mother argued back.

But Suleiman shook his head, he had made a decision and would stick to it no matter what.

" No need I have already arranged a more suitable punishment. The ones who sided with the attack will be exiled, they are no longer welcome in my capital or manisa".

the valide nodded, but her son was far from done yet.

" The one who burnt her face, what was her name again? Ah yes! Fatma hatun. She will be executed immediately. For attacking a Sultana, my wife and mother of four princes and a Sultana. This is her punishment"

The valide looked horrified, she attempted to argue even. which was all he needed to indicate that she had in fact ordered this. But since there was no trace of proof and daye hatun vouched for her, he couldn't do anything.

" Also for safety reasons I have ordered daye hatun remines by your side, if she isn't my valid that would clearly indicate that you are angered by her...." He stopped, if his mother was still the smart woman she used to be, then she would understand.

" As for my final decision, I have written to afife hatun, she will be coming shortly to help you with the harem. Daye hatun's only responsibility is to care for you for now on".

He left without hearing her compliments or attempts to manipulate his decision. This is what he should have done the second he found hurrem laying in the dark forest injured and scared. He will never allow his family to think he is weak and oblivious ever again.

​​​​​​​Now he would return to his beloved and sleep in the arms of the angel he had been dreaming of since he left. His true home.

A/n: sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm kinda sick so don't have the energy to edit. Hope you like it anyways and please leave requests!

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