The Ground

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(Y/n pov)
It's been a while since we've been on the ground I'm sitting with Finn and Clarke when Octavia came over to us "Y/n! It's really you!" She said I was confused because why is it surprising? "Yep in the flesh." Finn said when i first saw Finn I hugged him he's my best friend Clarke had wells and I had Finn when he was locked up I was devastated you could say "what did you do to get locked up?" She asked "I attacked a gaurd." I respond and her jaw dropped "wow I didn't think you'd be the type but slay." I laughed when the one I was most anxious to see came over "O Jasper is looking for you." His deep voice made me tremble I hadn't seen him since everything had happened I didn't know what to do at all "okay where is he?" Octavia asked "over there." He said and she walked away and he then turned to us "Y/n it's been a while." He finally spoke and before I can say anything Finn spoke "go away dude she doesn't want to talk to you." I've never heard Finn say anything wrong but that was wrong I did but couldn't say that "if she doesn't want to talk to me she can tell me that herself." Bellamy spoke again I reminded silent when Clarke spoke "Bellamy just go!" She seemed a bit frustrated but Bellamy spoke once again "I'll go if y/n wants me to." I stayed silent and Bellamy spoke again "you can't blame me forever you know you'll realize who's fault it was eventually." And he walked away "what is he talking about?" Finn asked and I didn't say anything I just started crying and ran into the woods not realizing someone had followed me.

(Finns pov)
Y/n had just ran after Bellamy said she couldn't blame him forever when I asked what he meant she ran I went to follow her when Clarke stopped me "he means that y/n can't blame him for getting her locked up when he had nothing to do with it it was all y/ns fault." What did she mean by it was y/ns fault I was so confused "wha-" she interrupted me "y/n attacked a guard because he was speaking bad about our father to Bellamy and y/n has blamed him for all of it." That made more sense "oh im gonna go see if she's okay." Clarke nodded and off I was I really didn't know where I was going but just followed my best friend intuition.

(Y/ns pov)
I was followed into the woods by someone when I went to look I saw John Murphy "ha Murphy you scared me." I say "I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just noticed you were crying I wanted to see if you were alright." He said back and it was very sweet of him we were never close but I know he had a heart he just hated showing it "I'm okay thanks for checking." I respond with a smile "yeah anytime I'm here for you if you need anything." And with that he walked away and Finn came running to me "hey you okay?" He asked "yeah yeah I'm good." I say back and he smiles we go back to camp and Bellamy and Clarke are fighting basically Bellamy thinks we should take our wristbands off and Clarke doesn't it was getting to bad and no one was doing anything so I yell over everyone "QUIET!!" And everyone went silent and looked at me I looked around at all the shocked faces I never yell then my eyes landed on Murphys he had a very proud look on his face "Clarke you can't control what people do! So stop trying to." I say towards Clarke and Bellamy spoke "exactly!" Then I turned to him "Bellamy! You can't control them either!" He looked shocked they all did no one ever stood up to Bellamy Clarke stormed off along with Jasper and Monty Octavia and Finn followed after them leaving me there Bellamy tried to speak to me but I put my hand in his face and followed after Finn Clarke was talking about mount weather and how we needed to get there because it had all the supplies we needed she begged me to stay here while the others went I finally agreed and stayed behind while they were gone things were going well for us I think Bellamy has tried talking to me and I keep ignoring him till I couldn't any more I was in the woods and he came and talked me me once again.

(Bellamy's pov)
Y/n was in the woods and I need to talk to her "y/n I know your mad at me but you need to hear me out!" I was expecting her to say no or walk away but she didn't "fine." Was all she said and so I started to explain "look the truth is I love you and I panicked and it was one of those awkward moments where I didn't know what to do so I laughed you have to believe me." She stayed silent for a minute looking up at me because I was much taller than her I loved when she looked up at me she finally spoke "look I can forgive you but I will never forget what you did and it wasn't your fault it was mine and I'm sorry for blaming you." She apologized she never apologized "it's okay I get it." Y/n never had any romantic feelings for me and I know that every time I would say I love you she'd never say it back I knew she didn't love me the way she loved Finn I'll never be him and it hurts "I care about you Bellamy just trust me when I say that I will never speak to you again if you so much as fuck anything up you got that?" I laughed your probably thinking that's not something to laugh about but she says that a lot "alright I get it." "Good!" She started laughing too and that was only the beginning.

*Flash back*
(Bellamy's pov)
I just told y/n I loved her but she didn't say anything back when I asked if she loved me too she said "I'm sorry Bellamy but no I love someone else." And I immediately knew who she was talking about Finn the person that she spent all her time with before he got locked up and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.

Hi my loves! I hope you enjoyed this part I want to ask how you feel about Bellamy's feelings? And about y/n being in love with Finn? I promise y/n and Finn are not going to end up together it will be y/n and Bellamy but I have to have some drama first! And what do you think about Murphy? Let me know! Till next chapter <3

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