The Grounder

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(Y/ns pov)
As we were walking back to camp with Raven we ran into Bellamy "Bellamy Blake?" Raven questioned "their looking everywhere for you."

"Shut up!" He demanded I'm not going to lie it was super hot "what do you mean looking everywhere for him?" Clarke asked did she always have to be so damn nosy?

"He shot chancellor Jaha." Wow Raven real cute outing him like that "he killed the chancellor?" Finn questioned "oh no he's alive your a lousy shot." Ha that was no joke I could've told her that.

"Where my damn radio?" Raven continued "I don't know what you're talking about." No offense this is going to get him absolutely no where "I know you took it so where the hell is my damn radio!" Could you be any ruder Raven?

"It's too late." What does he mean by that? "Too late where is my damn radio!" Bellamy lead us to a river he threw it in there! How will we ever find it we get a group together and find the radio.

"So Raven can you fix it?" Clarke asked "yeah but it will take a whole day for all the compartments to dry out and see what's broken." That made sense "this is your fault life support is dying on the ark that's why they sent us down here!" This was news to me how did Clarke know?

"You asked me to help I helped." Bellamy spoke then walked away I just stood there contemplating if I should go after him or not "so y/n you into guys like that?" Why does Raven care "why?" Genuinely asking "he seems like your type but then again you've had a thing for my boyfriend for years." Exuse me! No Finn is like a brother to me.

"First of all ew and second of all it's non of your damn business Reyes." I walked away I decided to follow Bellamy because Raven had pissed me off I eventually found him "hey you okay?" I asked him "yeah if the chancellor is alive I'm definitely going to get killed when he comes down here." I mean he's not wrong.

"Look I won't let him hurt you I promise." Bellamy meant so much to me I was going to protect him at all costs even if he wasn't mine and I mean that with my entire heart I owe him my life.

"That's easy to say but he might just kill you too." That's a fair point "maybe but at least I'd die trying to protect someone I love." I put my hand over my mouth that kinda slipped out "wait did you just say you love me?" No I said I hate him what does he think I said?

"I guess so but let's not talk about that right now." He nods and we head back to camp and I started to realize Octavia wasn't around if I had to guess it's been about 12 hours since I'd seen her last I went to tell Bellamy but he'd already called a meeting about it.

"Alright everyone listen up Octavia has been missing for 12 hours now we're sending out a search party gear up we leave in 5." He stated not giving many a choice he can up to me "you're coming right?" Was that even a question "yes of course she's my best friend." He smiled and we gathered up then set off for Octavia.

As we're walking Finn was tracking we made it to a really steep hill Bellamy used a rope to get down we followed him "there's blood and it's still wet." Well obviously "thanks captain obvious it didn't happen to long ago." Finn shot me a look "there's only one set of foot steps he was carrying her."

We got up and continued walking we eventually reached an area that was the literal definition of do not cross it was light by now so we could see "I don't speak grounder but I'm pretty sure this means keep out."Finn said and Bellamy turned around "go back if you want I'm going to go after my sister." A few people left while me Jasper Finn Monroe Roma and John stayed "you sure about this?" Finn questioned "my sister my responsibility." Bellamy said and we followed him.

Of course nothing can go smoothly for us we were attacked by grounders John was the first to go then Roma finally we all agreed to stop and stay in one place "there picking us off one by one stay here!" Finn began "if there going to kill us THEY SHOULD JUST GET IT OVER WITH!" Jasper yelled we hushed him then we heard the sound of a horn that horn was familiar and it only meant one thing "Acid Fog." Finn must have read my mind Bellamy started scrambling around in his bag he pulled out a tent we layed on the ground and covered ourselves with it I was between Finn and Bellamy kinda smushed but had no other choices.

We layed there for a moment "are you sure this will work?" Jasper asked "we'll find out." Bellamy states at this point I was so fed up and so uncomfortable so I move up the tent and pull myself out taking one for the team only to be met with no acid fog "y/n!" Finna and Bellamy sai in usion "it's fine there's no fog it must have been a false alarm let's go." They climb out and we continue on our hunt for Octavia eventually we make it to some kind of bunker thing to see Octavia chained to the wall we free her then go to leave when the grounder comes Jasper hits him over the head we were about to leave when I noticed Finn looking at something the horn used for acid fog warning "is that?" Finn nodded "the horn yeah he blew it." Just then the grounder woke up and stabbed Finn in the side I ran to him Bellamy and the others knocked him out again.

"Y/n can we help him!" No well I can't not here at least "no we need to get him to Clarke let's go!" We rush back to camp and get him to Clarke in the drop ship Clarke cleared a table and we set him on it "Raven get that radio on!" Raven scrambled around the radio I went over "let me help." She shook her head "you can help by getting out of my way." Damn rude "damn it Raven! I was an engineer too! That's why we were friends tell me how to help you!" She scoffed and moved over "connect these wires." I did and we got the radio on connecting with the ark finally I saw Bellamy leave "Clarke I'll be right back." She nodded and I ran after him it was pouring rain

"Bellamy wait!" He turned towards me "what." Woah attitude much "where are you going?" I knew where he was going "to get the grounder stay here!" He turned away again but i grabbed his hand and turned him back "okay just be careful please! I can't lose you." He smiled and connected our lips for a second then walked off taking a few others with him everyone plied into the drop ship I helped Clarke and Raven eventually Bellamy came back with the grounder and took him to the third floor we had saved Finn or so I thought he had started seizing "no no I did everything right!" Clarke did "yeah I watched you sterilize everything!" Wait no she didn't "not everything." I say picking up the knife Finn had been stabbed with Clarke and I headed for the top floor.

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