The great Escape

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(Y/ns pov)
At this point I was scared I was alone Jasper's room was empty and the door was open I broke the glass on the door and opened the door I don't exactly know how I did it but I did when I stepped out of the room I grabbed the biggest piece of glass i could find and squeezed it in my hand so hard I began to bleed the warm sticky blood had dripped onto the floor and my hand stug but I ignored it and raced out of this hell hole eventually I ran into someone i attacked him with the glass but then found something better to knock him out with the end of a mop I hit him in the head with it then raced to the elevator.

When I got to the next floor I was met with guards and a lot of them I was prepared to fight my way out but I felt a sharp pain in my leg and everything went black.

I woke up in a bed chained to it I looked to my right and saw Clarke the same way then I saw a man and two kid's looking to be my age a boy and a girl.

Clarke woke up "let us go!" She began the man spoke "trust me we will but these two have something they'd like to say first."

"We aren't pressing charges. And another few minutes and the both of you would've been released from quarantine." The girl spoke she was pretty

"Okay can we go now?" Clarke asked the man nodded "yes you can join your friends now." He set us free we went to change.

"Y/n I don't trust these people." Clarke stated "me either we need to get out of here." She nodded and broke off the end of a heel and stuffed it in her shirt sleeve and did the same for me when we went back to the man he began to speak.

"Now that you are ready hand over the heels and then we can go see your friends." Clarke and I handed them over then met up with our friends.

We get there and Jasper and Monty hug me like it's been years since we'd seen each other Harper even hugged me it was weird but I let it happen.

They had good food Clarke got a map and we went exploring one day but no such luck found nothing but then we found a room a few days later that wasn't on the map and we entered it and saw grounders in cages Clarke saw one and ran too her "Anya?" She knew her name that's nice before i could say anything Clarke had opened the cage door and then the door to enter opened Clarke jumped in the cage with Anya and I ran and hid somewhere else.

They were taking about harvesting when they left Clarke and Anya came too me "let's go!" We ran out of this door and ended up in tunnels we ran for what felt like ever we found other clothes that we changed into and continued to run when we ran into reapers and mountain men as we ran from them we eventually ended up at a dead end with a river the only way out was to jump but Clarke and i couldn't swim Anya was the first to jump then Clarke then me I remember how it felt like the waves were pulling me under I couldn't breathe I was terrified that this was the end.

I'd made it to the surface now but Anya chained me and Clarke up and led us like her prisoners when we realized the mountain men were tracking us we covered ourselves in mud and continued but still they were on our tail that's when it came to me "they are literally tracking us!" Anya looked at me confused "check your arms it will be like a small bump." Clarke and I checked our arms it wasn't us it was Anya she bit into her arm and spit it out as we continued Clarke and I knocked her out.

"Looks like you're our prisoner now." We high-fives and made it to the drop ship it was getting dark but still we had to keep moving Anya and I got into a fight but I won she was on the ground "you fight good." She said as I helped her up eventually by dark we'd made it to the ark that had landed on the ground.

"I'll talk to the Commander she's my second." She linked our arms in hers but before she could take off a bullet went through her head killing her Clarke mumbled what I presumed to be your fight is over in the grounder language that's when arms wrapped around me and Clarke as we were forced into camp and we were brought face to face with our mom.

"What should we do with them?" A Guard asked my mom she just replied "nothing they are my daughters." They let us go and we hugged her then took showers and got some sleep when I woke up I saw Raven sitting alone and I went up to her.

"Raven!" I hugged her "y/n I thought you were gone." I shook my head "you can't get rid of me that easily." She laughed "wouldn't dream of it." The gates opened and Bellamy and Octavia came in I ran up to him throwing my arms around his neck.

"You're alive!" He wrapped his arms around my waist "so are you!" I smiled and I knew I had to tell him and now "oh Bellamy there's something I need to tell you." He let go of me and I faced him "okay?" He it goes "i love you too." He smiled "really you've never told me that before." I nodded "yes really." He looked at me "well I'm glad." I nodded Bellamy and I weren't going to be official yet I personally wasn't ready for that but it was important that he knew i loved him "oh I almost forgot." He reached in his pocket and pulled out something it was my ring "oh my god I thought I lost it!" I say grabbing it and putting it back on my finger.

"I found it at the drop ship on the floor." I smiled and kissed his lips it was quick but meaningful then Clarke came over "We need to talk about Mount Weather."

As much as I hated to admit it she was right my reunion was over and wait where's Finn? "Hold on a second where's Finn?" Bellamy looked at me "looking for the two of you." Oh no that can't be good I knew Finn and he was going to do something stupid.

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