Halloween Party

205 13 41

OCTOBER 28, 2023, 7:46 PM

Ranboo laid on their bed, staring at the costume they decided to display on a mannequin.

The black body suit that now looked like a shirt, a white jacket with white ghosts, the random jean miniskirt that would probably show the jean shorts under them, but who cares?

And finally, the fishnets and the black bunny ears that sat on top of the mannequins head.

"Oh.. I'm so gonna regret going to this party.." They muttered to themselves.

Suddenly, they got a call.

'My fav midget ❤️'

"Hey, Aimee! What's up?" Ranboo asked, a smile forming on their face.

"Hey, girly pop! Sooooo, Guqqie asked if you wanted a ride. Do you want one?" Aimsey asks, you could tell she was pacing around her house.

"Uh.. Sure! Why not? Im probably gonna have to sneak out anyway." Ranboo answered as Aimsey hummed in response.

"Oh! And what are you going as? You never told us."

Ranboo kinda became flabbergasted at that.

"Oh- me? Pfft- n-nothing- Yeah- no- I- Uh- Pfft- Bunny.." Ranboo said that last word under their breath as Aimsey burst out laughing.

"YOURE GOING AS A BUNNY?" Aimsey managed to get out.

"Oh.. You don't want to know what I look like.." Ranboo told the brunette, recalling about how stupidly tight the costume looked on them despite it being not that tight.

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" Aimsey asked, a laugh escaping her throat.

"Both." Ranboo answers after a split second of thinking.

"PFFT- Also- what's the last answer for the history homework? I fell asleep during the lesson and I forgot to do the homework so Mr. Halo is letting me make it up."

Ranboo sighs, "The Boston Tea party was an act where people threw tea in the Boston Harbor. They decided to throw tea in the ocean while chanting, 'No taxation without representation!' Because the British decided to put a tax on tea."

"Alright, thanks, babes!" Aimsey says after Ranboo heard a scratching of a pencil.

"You're welcome! Bye~!" Ranboo said.

"Oh, and- be ready by 8:20 because we're gonna stop by your house and take some pictures."

"Wait wha-"

Aimsey proceeded to hang up.

Ranboo groaned.

"Wait.." Ranboo thinks outloud, "Is Charlie and Matthew here..?"

Ranboo decided to look out the window.

The bright red tesla sat outside the garage.

Charlie was here.

"Dammit.." Ranboo muttered under their breath.

But then again.

Would he even care?

When he's off, he's usually asleep or watching trashy TV shows to, 'to feel better about himself because of how bad they are'.

Whatever, he'll tell him anyway.

Going downstairs, they saw Charlie sitting on the couch, just as he suspected, watching trashy TV shows.

"Hey, Charlie..?" Ranboo built up the courage to finally ask him.

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